• 03月26日 星期三



Why is it so important to attend nursery or kindergarten? How do you choose your child’s first school? What should you be looking for?


In the next few weeks I will try to share my experience as a Kindergarten principal in China and as a Mom of three adult children every Monday. I hope this will help you in understanding why a kindergarten education is important and help your quest for the perfect First School in your Child’s Life.


As a mother of three children who has lived in ten different countries on four continents finding the best school for our children was the first thing on our to do moving list.


Choosing our children’s Kindergarten from the age of 2 is particularly important.I realise now how this first choice sets up the stage for the rest of children’s education. As parents, we want them to be confident, socialize, learn a different language, become independent and develop a love of learning. It is also tough to trust other adults in our children’s life and some parents are very apprehensive. It is tough. We love our children and sending them in a new environment away from the home can be difficult for both the parents and the child.


I have been working for 4 years in China and I have met many parents who were on the quest for the best kindergarten for their child. Most parents came to visit when their children had reached the age of three others were four or five years old and had never been to school. Parents and grandparents knew they should send their child to school but were so anguished about it they decided to protect their child as much as possible from the world outside home. After all, the family loves the child and being surrounded by family and ayis centering on the child’s every needs is best, no?


It is wonderful to care so deeply about your child and protect her/him, unfortunately it is now enough. The longer you wait, the more difficult it is for your child to adapt and build his social skills in particular.


Why should you send your child to kindergarten?


The right kindergarten will develop many aspects of your child’s personality and this learning will set the tone for his/her learning attitude for the next 20 years of education children have to look forward to.


Developing self-esteem:is one of the important goals of kindergarten. This is the process of helping your child feel good about who she/he is and develop confidence in their ability to tackle the challenges of learning.


Sharing/cooperation:the ability to work, learn, and get along with others. Life in kindergarten provides your child with the opportunity to learn patience, as well as the ability to take turns, share, and listen to others — all these skills that she/he will use through his school years and in life.


Being curious: Children are naturally curious, but somedo not know how to focus or use their curiosity. Kindergarten is a time for sparkling and directing your child’s curiosity and natural love of learning with the help of professional educators - the class teachers


Learning a new language:Our ability to learn languages is best before age 6.Being with a foreign teacher who will speak a new language to your child will develop his comfort dealing with people looking different than him and his family, learn about a new culture and a new language. Some of the little students I had in my schools were learning up to 4 languages as English and Chinese were not spoken at home.


Independence is the most difficult one to teach here in Chinaas parents, grandparents and ayis seems to think young children are helpless and should be assisted in every aspect of their life. As a principal in a Montessori school, the emphasis on building a child’s independence is key in the education philosophy. This can sometimes bring a lot of readjustments in some families. Loving our children is letting them do things on their own. As early as 18 months a child can start dressing, eating, walking and mastering every day skills. Our children are not puppets. Adults need patience and take the time to show and model how to eat, pour water in a glass, drink, put on their shoes, dress but also do a puzzle with no help trying to figure it out. In a Montessori kindergarten we give children time to think and do things on their own. This is how we build our children’s self-esteem and confidence and the goal of the best kindergartens.

☛ 独立性在中国是最难教授的,因为在中国作为父母、祖父母以及阿姨们似乎认为小孩子都是无助的,他们应该在各个方面都得到帮助。作为一所蒙氏学校的校长,我们强调培养孩子的独立性是整个教育的哲学根基。这有时可能会在一些家庭中进行大量调整。爱孩子是要放手让孩子独立做自己的事情。在孩子18个月大的时候,孩子可以开始穿衣,吃饭,走路以及掌握日常基本技能。我们的孩子不是木偶。成年人需要耐心并且花时间向孩子展示如何吃饭,往玻璃杯中倒水,喝水,穿鞋子,穿衣服,同时把这个作为一个没有帮助情况下需要来解决的难题来对待。在蒙特梭利幼儿园我们会给孩子时间思考和独立去做。这就是我们如何帮助孩子建立自尊以及自信同时实现最好幼儿园教育的目标!

See you next week!



Dr. Maria Montessorisaid it best: “We wait upon our children; and to serve them in this way is not less fatal than to do something that would tend to suffocate their own useful, spontaneous activities.

We believe that children are like puppets. We wash them and feed them as if they were dolls. We never stop to think that a child who does not act does not know how to act, but he should act, and nature has given him all the means for learning how to act. Our primary duty toward him is to assist him to perform useful acts. A mother who feeds her child without taking the least effort to teach him how to hold a spoon or to find his mouth, or who, when she is herself eating, does not at least invite him to watch how it is done, is not a good mother. She offends her son’s human dignity by treating him as a puppet, whereas he is by nature a man that has been entrusted to her care.

Everyone knows that it requires much more time and patience to teach a child how to eat, wash, and clothe himself than it does to feed, bathe and clothes him by oneself. The one who does the former is an educator; the latter performs the lower office of a servant. "




About the Author

Christine Jensen

A mother of three adults

She has worked in education for over 30 years. And she has experience of being a principal for many international schools.

She has traveled to more than 30 countries and has worked and lived in more than ten countries and regions, including Singapore, Vietnam, Morocco, France, Canada and China.

She is proficient in English, French and Spanish.


Christine Jensen,














