• 12月23日 星期一

海外大学介绍 - 剑桥大学 Cambridge university




海外大学介绍 - 剑桥大学 Cambridge university

Universityof Cambridge 剑桥大学


Founded in 1209, the University ofCambridge is the fourth-oldest university in the world.



Hinc lucem et pocula sacra (From this place, we gain enlightenment and preciousknowledge).

校训:Hinc Lucem et Pocula Sacra(从这里,我们获得了启迪和宝贵的知识)


Undergraduates: 12,850

Postgraduates: 11,600

Total students: 24,450 (2020 figures)



11,528 members of staff employed inacademic, academic-related, contract research, technical, clerical andsecretarial roles.



As of September 2018, Cambridge had morethan 298,000 living alumni, with significant numbers in the UK, Australia,Canada, France, Germany, the People's Republic of China, Hong Kong, Singaporeand the USA.



The University is made up of 31 constituentColleges.



19,359 people applied for around 3,500undergraduate places in 2019. Over 68% of our UK applicants came from stateschools.



Among our alumni we have 110 NobelPrize Laureates, 47 Heads of State, 190 Olympic Medalists



Over 90% of former students are inemployment or undertaking further studies six months following graduation


Aglobal University

Cambridge is a globally diverse institutionand our students come from over 147 different countries. Our researcherscollaborate with colleagues worldwide, and the University has establishedpartnerships in Asia, Africa, the Americas and Europe.



The University of Cambridge sits at theheart of one of the world’s largest technology clusters, one which has created1,500 high-tech companies, 14 of them valued at over £800 million (US$1billion) and two at over £8 billion (US$10 billion).

Cambridge promotes the interface betweenacademia and business, and has a global reputation for innovation.


海外大学介绍 - 剑桥大学 Cambridge university



海外大学介绍 - 剑桥大学 Cambridge university



With more than 20,000 students from allwalks of life and all corners of the world, over 11,000 staff, 31 Colleges and150 Departments, Faculties, Schools and other institutions, no two days areever the same at the University of Cambridge.

The University is a confederation ofSchools, Faculties, Departments and Colleges. The 31 Colleges are governed bytheir own statutes and regulations, but are integral to the make-up of theUniversity.

As well as being a member of the Universityand of an academic Faculty/Department, our students also belong to a Collegecommunity, an arrangement that offers pastoral and academic supportfor each individual.


海外大学介绍 - 剑桥大学 Cambridge university


The University is a confederation ofSchools, Faculties, Departments and Colleges. The Colleges are governed bytheir own statutes and regulations, but are integral to the make-up of theUniversity of Cambridge.


Students live, eat and socialise in one ofthe University’s 31 autonomous Colleges. Undergraduates receive Collegesupervisions – small group teaching sessions – regarded as one of the bestteaching models in the world. Each College has its own internal procedures.They select their own students, subject to University regulations, and mostadmit both undergraduate and postgraduate students. College representatives siton the University Council and Finance Committee.


There are six Schools, which each form anadministrative grouping of Faculties and other institutions. They are: Arts andHumanities, Biological Sciences, Clinical Medicine, Humanities and SocialSciences, Physical Sciences, and Technology. There is a Council of each School– including representatives of its Faculties and Departments. The Schools arerepresented on the General Board.

Facultiesand Departments

University Faculties organise teaching andresearch into individual subjects or groups of subjects. Their work is normallyorganised into sub-divisions called Departments. Centres of studies arecontrolled by committees of management, bringing together representatives fromseveral disciplines.


海外大学介绍 - 剑桥大学 Cambridge university

The logo consists of the coat of arms andthe University of Cambridge logotype. These two elements must always bereproduced together and form a core element of the visual identity of theUniversity

The University’s Coat of Arms, and byassociation our logo, represents more than 800 years of excellence. It is aninternational symbol of the University’s reputation for high quality andstandards, and this makes it a very valuable asset, which requires protection.



The mission of the University of Cambridgeis to contribute to society through the pursuit of education, learning andresearch at the highest international levels of excellence.



The University's core values are asfollows:

freedom of thought and expression

freedom from discrimination



the encouragement of a questioning spirit

an extensive range of academic subjects inall major subject groups

quality and depth of provision across allsubjects

the close inter-relationship betweenteaching, scholarship, and research

strong support for individual researchersas well as research groups

residence in Cambridge as central to mostcourses

education which enhances the ability ofstudents to learn throughout life







The University's relationship with society

the widest possible student access to theUniversity

the contribution which the University canmake to society through the pursuit, dissemination, and application ofknowledge

the place of the University within thebroader academic and local community

opportunities for innovative partnershipswith business, charitable foundations, and healthcare

concern for sustainability and therelationship with the environment


TheCollegiate University

the relationship between the University andthe Colleges as fundamental to the nature of Cambridge

the interdisciplinary nature of theColleges as a major stimulus to teaching and learning

the enhanced quality of experience forstudents and staff through College membership


海外大学介绍 - 剑桥大学 Cambridge university




When we first come across Cambridge inwritten records, it was already a considerable town. The bridge across theRiver Cam or Granta, from which the town took its name, had existed since atleast 875. The town was an important trading centre before the Domesday surveywas compiled in 1086, by which time a castle stood on the rising ground to thenorth of the bridge, and there were already substantial commercial andresidential properties as well as several churches in the main settlement whichlay south of the bridge.

Within the town, or very close to it, therewere a number of other religious institutions. There had been canons in theChurch of St Giles below the castle before 1112, when they moved to a new siteacross the River Cam at Barnwell, and the Convent of St Radegund had existedsince 1135 on the site which eventually became Jesus College. There were alsotwo hospitals, one reserved for lepers at Stourbridge, and a second, foundedfor paupers and dedicated to St John, which after 1200 occupied the site whereSt John's College now stands. Seventeen miles north of the town was the greatBenedictine house of Ely which, after 1109, was the seat of a Bishopric.

The Medieval University

The students who flocked to Cambridge soonarranged their scheme of study after the pattern which had become common inItaly and France, and which they would have known in Oxford. They studied firstwhat would now be termed a 'foundation course' in arts - grammar, logic andrhetoric - followed later by arithmetic, music, geometry and astronomy, leadingto the degrees of bachelor and master. There were no professors; the teachingwas conducted by masters who had themselves passed through the course and whohad been approved or licensed by the whole body of their colleagues (theuniversitas or university). The teaching took the form of reading andexplaining texts; the examinations were oral disputations in which thecandidates advanced a series of questions or theses which they disputed orargued with opponents a little senior to themselves, and finally with themasters who had taught them. Some of the masters, but by no means all, went onto advanced studies in divinity, canon and civil law, and, more rarely,medicine, which were taught and examined in the same way by those who hadalready passed through the course and become doctors. The doctors groupedthemselves into specific faculties.

The physical setting

In its earliest days, the University had nopremises of its own: it relied on parish churches, especially Great St Mary'sand St Benedict's (or 'Bene't's') and on the premises of the religious orders,as sites for its public ceremonies. Lectures, disputations and lodgings werefound in private houses which frequently changed hands or went out of use. Soona few groups of Regent Masters, lawyers and theologians, began to build or hirelarger premises for teaching and lodging. A few of the hostels survived untilthe sixteenth century when they were often acquired as part of the premises ofColleges. Unlike the Colleges, hostels had few endowments and were alwaysprivately owned.

Sixteenth century

The effect of the early academic andreligious changes of the century can be seen in the physical appearance of thetown: a great new College, Trinity, was founded by Henry VIII from the twosmall houses of King's Hall and Michaelhouse; Dr Caius enlarged Gonville Hallto make it almost a new foundation, called Gonville and Caius College, whichoccupied a large site close to the Old Schools; Emmanuel absorbed the Dominicansite, Sidney Sussex that of the Franciscans, and Magdalene absorbed the formerBenedictine house of studies known as Buckingham College. These new foundationswere concerned with the education of men for the priesthood in the nationalchurch, but they, and Trinity especially, attracted for the first time largenumbers of lay students.

The Georgian/Hanoverian University

Printing had been undertaken in Cambridgein the 1520s and a Royal charter in 1534 gave to the University the power toname (or license) three printers (stationers) who were to print and publishworks which it approved. Another fifty years were to pass before this privilegewas regularly exercised and it eventually developed into the University Press.From 1584, regular publication began under the University's privilege andcontinued more or less steadily but did not achieve real force until RichardBentley's reorganisation in the last decade of the seventeenth century providednew premises and types. These improvements allowed the University Press in duecourse to exploit more fully the monopoly of Bible printing which it sharedwith Oxford and the 'King's Printers', and to produce a steady stream of worksessential to the development of its studies. The Cambridge University Presscontinues to this day as one of the oldest and largest academic publishers inthe world.

Nineteenth and twentieth centuries

Despite these developments, there was inthe first half of the nineteenth century a continued call for change and reformin the University, which in part reflected the political movements of thecountry as a whole. The election as Chancellor of Prince Albert the PrinceConsort in 1847 is an indication of the strength of the movement for reform,and in 1850 a Royal Commission was appointed to inquire into the two ancientuniversities of Oxford and Cambridge. The Commission's report resulted in thepromulgation of new Statutes for Cambridge in the Cambridge University Act of1856. These Statutes have been much revised since their first appearance, butthe form of government which they embodied has remained as a framework. Theultimate authority in the University was at first the Senate, the whole body ofgraduates, together with the Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor, and doctors.

The University after 1945

This period has seen an accelerated rate ofdevelopment in almost every direction. The reputation of Cambridge scientistshad already been established in the late nineteenth century by Clerk Maxwelland the Darwins among others and was maintained afterwards by J. J. Thomson,Lord Rayleigh and Lord Rutherford. Work done by their pupils and associatesduring the Second World War greatly increased this reputation and large numbersof students anxious to use the laboratories flocked to the University and tothe growing number of government-sponsored institutions established in the town(which was chartered as a city in 1951). University departments and researchinstitutes were established as new areas of study developed, and with them newteaching courses.

海外大学介绍 - 剑桥大学 Cambridge university


We offer 30 undergraduate courses atCambridge, covering more than 65 subject areas.


Anglo-Saxon, Norse, and Celtic 盎格鲁撒克逊,挪威以及凯尔特(文化研究)

Archaeology 考古

Architecture 建筑

Asian and Middle Eastern Studies 亚洲与中东研究

Chemical Engineering 化学工程

Classics 古典文化

Computer Science 计算机科学

Economics 经济

Education 教育

Engineering 工程

English 英语

Foundation Year in Arts, Humanities andSocial Sciences (pre-degree course)


Geography 地理

History 历史

History and Modern Languages 历史与现代语言

History and Politics 历史与政治

History of Art 艺术史

Human, Social, and Political Sciences 人文、社会与政治科学

Land Economy 土地经济学

Law 法律

Linguistics 语言学

Management Studies (Part II course) 管理研究

Manufacturing Engineering (Part II course) 制造工程

Mathematics 数学

Medicine 医学

Medicine (Graduate Course) 医学(本硕课程)

Modern and Medieval Languages 现代与中世纪语言

Music 音乐

Natural Sciences 自然科学

Philosophy 哲学

Psychological and Behavioural Sciences 心理与行为科学

Theology, Religion, and Philosophy ofReligion 神学、宗教与宗教哲学

Veterinary Medicine 兽医

海外大学介绍 - 剑桥大学 Cambridge university

Courses at Cambridge

At Cambridge, we offer a range of courses,across the arts, humanities, and sciences. One of the most distinctivecharacteristics of our courses (also called Triposes*) is that theygenerally cover the subject area very broadly in the initial years and then awide range of specialist options in the later years.

If you know what you want to focus on youcan start to specialise early on or, if you’re undecided, you can delayspecialising until you’ve had the chance to fully explore the breadth of yoursubject and developed your interests. Either way, by graduation you’ll have thesame depth of understanding and specialist knowledge as other graduates in thefield.

Generally, the number of subjects to choosefrom increases each year. In addition, some papers (topics) are offered innumerous courses. For example, some Classics and language papers are availablein the English course. Beyond any compulsory papers you can usually select yourtopics from a variety of options.




Course structure

Our courses are divided into 'Parts', witheach Part lasting one or two years. In each Part, you take a number of 'papers'(subjects, topics) – some of these are compulsory papers that all students musttake; and some are optional, meaning you choose a certain number from a rangeof optional papers available that year. See course outlines and refer to thefaculty/department websites for details.

You must pass exams in two Parts tograduate with an Honours degree, and all of our degrees lead to the award of aBA (Hons). Engineering and some science subjects also have a further optionalPart that leads to an MEng or MSci degree. Each course fact file indicates thedegree(s) awarded.

However, students who are studyinga second undergraduate degree and already have a BA with Honoursfrom the University of Cambridge will not be a candidate for Honours inany Honours examination.

All of our undergraduate degrees arefull-time courses. All students must ordinarily be available to study inCambridge for the full duration of their course (with the exception of a yearabroad, where part of the course).




Shared papers

Many of our courses encompass severalsubjects – more than 65 subjects are offered within our 30 undergraduatecourses – and, generally speaking, the number of options to choose fromincreases each year.

In addition, some options/topics (usuallycalled papers at Cambridge) are available in several degree courses where thesubjects overlap – these are known as 'shared' papers, but may also be referredto as 'borrowed' papers – for example (see the course outlinesfordetails):

some Classics and language papers areavailable in the English course

some Human, Social, and Political Sciencespapers are available to Education students

Psychological and Behavioural Sciences‘shares’ the Evolution and Behaviour paper from the Natural Sciences course

This means that, beyond any compulsorypapers, you can usually tailor your course to your own specifications and yourchoices may not be limited to those within your immediate subject field.




Our courses offer a good compromise betweenthe continuous assessment favoured by some universities and the emphasis placedon final exams by others.

There are summative assessments for all thepapers you've taken at the end of each Part, which together determine yourresult for that Part. Each Part of the course is self-contained and you get aseparate result for each Part – we don't operate a credit system so there's noaveraging out of your Part results for your final degree result (class).

Therefore, your degree certificate won'tstate an overall class (first, 2.1 etc). However, you'll be issued an academictranscript to accompany your certificate that contains the titles of and marksyou achieved for each paper taken, as well as the class obtained for each Part.

In order to achieve an Honours degree youmust pass examinations at both Part I and Part II.

Written exams are the main form ofsummative assessment used – typically, you sit between four and eight writtenexams for each Part.

In many science subjects, a specifiedamount of practical work is assessed.

Most courses include a research project ordissertation – these may be in addition to or as a substitute for a writtenexam.

Results of assessments are typicallyreleased between four and eight weeks after exams/submission.

With the exception of professionalqualifying examinations in Medicine and Veterinary Medicine, there usuallyaren't oportunities to resit any exams at Cambridge.

See the course outlines andindividual department/faculty websites for details about assessment methods.




海外大学介绍 - 剑桥大学 Cambridge university

Changing course

Due to scope and flexibility of ourcourses, most students stay on the same degree course. However, it's possibleto change course after one or two years.

Most changes are within the sciences orwithin the arts, but students can switch between broad areas as well. Noteverything is possible but there’s a surprising degree of flexibility and, assuch, a wide range of subject combinations are available. The more popular/commoncourse changes are listed under the relevant course information.

To be able to change course, you need theagreement of your College that any change is in your educational interests, andyou must have the necessary background in the subject to which you wish tochange – in some cases you may be required to undertake some catch-up work ortake up the new course from the start/an earlier year. If you think you maywish to change course, we encourage you to contact a Collrege admissionsoffice for advice. You should also consider if/how changing course mayaffect any financial support arrangements


How you're taught

Our University faculties and departmentsarrange lectures, seminars and practicals that students from all Collegesattend together. At Cambridge, you’ll also attend supervisions, a system ofpersonal tuition that is one of our greatest strengths. Your College alsoarranges supervisions for you.

Each academic year consists ofthree eight-week terms and you must ordinarily be available to study inCambridge for the duration of your course (with the exception of a year abroad,where part of your course). As the terms are short, the pace and volume of workis likely to be greater than you’re currently used to and there’s much greater emphasis on independent andself-directed study here compared to school or college.

During term time,you’re expected to spend an average of 42-46 hours a week on your academicstudies (including teaching/contact time and independent study), and you alsoneed to undertake some work, such as further reading or research, revision orassignments, during the vacations.

Every studentadjusts to this new workload in their own way and time, and there are plenty ofpeople who can offer advice and support while you get settled in and throughout your degree.



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Teaching methods


Lectures act as a starting point for yourown research and typically last around 50 minutes. Depending on the subjectanywhere up to several hundred students may attend. Many lecturers areleading academics working at the forefront of their field, so lectures area fantastic opportunity to find out about the latest research.

Seminars and classes

These are usually for medium-sized groups(eg 10-30 students), last between one and two hours, and provide theopportunity to discuss particular topics in more detail. They’re led byacademics but you’re expected to contribute actively.


Sometimes called ‘labs’ or laboratoryclasses. Practical work on some courses may be assessed.


Small-group sessions most often for betweenone and three students, supervisions provide the opportunity to explore yoursubject more deeply, discuss your own work and ideas, and receive regularfeedback. As they aren’t assessed, supervisions provide the ideal environmentfor you to test your ideas and interests, while encouraging you to develop yourthinking.

Typically, you have one or two hour-longsupervisions each week (this varies from course to course) and you dopreparation for each one – usually reading, writing an essay or working on someproblems. Supervisors are specialists in particular subjects (they may be oneof the country’s or the world’s leading authorities) and throughout yourcourse, your supervisors will change depending on what you are studying at thetime.

Fieldtrips, study visits, language courses, study abroad

Several courses include opportunities to goon field trips, study visits or language courses, or to study abroad throughexchange programmes. Naturally, where you go, how long for and what you dovaries depending on your course. The faculties, departments and Colleges oftenhave funds available to help you go on trips in Britain and abroad.

Independent research

A chance to carry out your own research,test out theories and put forward your own ideas. Your work might even getpublished while you’re still an undergraduate.

Work experience

Some courses include a period of workexperience, giving you a chance to explore potential career paths and possiblyleading to the opportunity of a job after you graduate.

Refer to the individual courseoutlines pages and faculty/department websites for more detailsabout teaching.

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Why Cambridge

Cambridge is one of the best universities in the world. Home toover 23,000 students from more than 140 countries, we offer undergraduatedegree courses in the arts and humanities, social sciences, sciences andengineering.


Excellent Teaching

Top 3 in the 2020 Academic Ranking of World Universities.

Number 1 in the Complete University Guide 2021.

Top 3 in the Guardian University Guide 2021.

World class research

Top 10 for research quality (Complete University Guide2021).

110 affiliates of the University have been awarded the NobelPrize since 1904.

A place to call home

3 years Cambridge guarantees most students College-ownedaccommodation for at least three years.

Support to help you settle in and more than 500 clubs andsocieties to get involved with.

Great prospects

89% of our students who responded to the Graduate OutcomesSurvey were in work or further study within 15 months of graduating (find outmore on p34).

Top 10 Cambridge is one of the top ten universities most oftentargeted by Britain’s leading graduate employers (TheGraduate Market in 2020).

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No. 1 in the Complete and Guardian UniversityGuides 2020.

Top 5 Cambridge is one of the top fiveuniversities most often targeted by Britain’s leading postgraduate employers(The Graduate Market in 2020).

Top 10 for academic and employer reputation (QSWorld University Rankings 2020).

140+ countries represented among undergraduatesand postgraduates.

Consistently ranked among the topuniversities in both national and international league tables, the Universityof Cambridge offers a world leading postgraduate education. With a globaloutlook and reach, our mission is to contribute to society through the pursuitof education, learning and research at the highest international levels ofexcellence.

With over 300 postgraduate courses on offerat Cambridge spanning 21 types of qualification, including taught and researchopportunities across an incredibly broad range of academic disciplines, you canchoose a course combining your subject and research interests.

The facilities and support available at theUniversity are wide ranging. There are more than 100 libraries across thecollegiate university, nine specialist museums, as well as extensivewelfare services – all of which will help you to make the most of your time atCambridge.

It’s important that all students atCambridge are able to take full advantage of the clubs and societies on offerat the University, and our postgraduate students get involved in all aspects ofstudent life beyond their academic studies. We have hundreds of student groups,clubs and societies relating to community and charity, drama, media, music,politics and so much more. The sports scene at Cambridge is extensive too. Morethan 80 sports are offered here, including team games, water sports, martialarts, racket sports and extreme sports.

These academic and extra-curricularopportunities help to ensure that Cambridge graduates are highly employable –many of our postgraduate students go on to further study, as well as careersacross many industries and sectors, including academia.




海外大学介绍 - 剑桥大学 Cambridge university

海外大学介绍 - 剑桥大学 Cambridge university

海外大学介绍 - 剑桥大学 Cambridge university

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