• 03月19日 星期三




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Lee Lexus

Thanks for telling the truth about China ( l am from Singapore , l used to watch BBC & CNN then soon l find out that it's quite different stories from foreigners YouTube who stayed in China )



Great video! I can relate a lot to what you are saying as someone who has been living abroad for many years as well.

I am from Brazil and I lived in Germany, Japan and The Netherlands so far and I am sooo different now after having all this experiences abroad. Our frame of reference becomes much wider when we are exposed to different cultures and nationalities.

I spent a month in China in 2019 and I liked it so much over there, can't wait to go back some day. I also hope to travel to Kyrgyzstan someday as well! Wishing you all the best and success with your channel. Subscribed! :-)

很棒的视频! 作为一个在国外生活多年的人,我也能理解你所说的话。

我来自巴西,到目前为止我住在德国、日本和荷兰,在国外经历了所有这些经历后,我现在非常不同。 当我们接触到不同的文化和国籍时,我们的参考框架会变得更广泛。

2019 年我在中国呆了一个月,我非常喜欢那里,迫不及待地想回去。 我也希望有一天也能去吉尔吉斯斯坦! 祝您的频道一切顺利并取得成功。 订阅了! :-)


I am also Kazakh , from the Altay region of China!I love this country and always support you!


Kimmee Lee

Thank you, Gaukhar! Loved this great presentation of yourself! Am really impressed with your being able to speak so clearly and relaxed in what's probably your 2nd or 3rd language. Well done and no doubt you'll only get better! Also lovely to hear positive and true experiences in China from someone who actually lives there! Please keep it up and wishing you all the best!!

谢谢你,高哈尔! 喜欢这个非常棒的自我介绍! 您能够使用你的第二或第三语言讲述得如此清晰和轻松,这令我非常印象深刻。 做得好,毫无疑问,你只会变得更好! 也很高兴听到住在那里的人在中国的积极和真实的经历! 请继续保持并祝你一切顺利!!


As a Chinese person, I didn't actually realize you weren't Chinese. If you told people in China you were Chinese no one would question it.

作为一个中国人,我实际上没有意识到你不是中国人。 如果你告诉中国人你是中国人,没有人会质疑。

Ong SK

Great of you to talk honestly about life and living in china. China is perfect for peace loving people to study and establish a career, and perhaps find a loving spouse too. congrats.

很高兴你能诚实地谈论在中国的生活。 中国非常适合爱好和平的人学习和建立事业,也许也能找到爱的另一半,恭喜。

Engineering Gone Wild

I totally agree with you on how China completely change me as a person through my interactions with people from all walks of life and and challenges encountered there. Thanks for sharing your insights Gaukhar!

我完全同意中国如何通过与各界人士的互动以及在那里遇到的挑战来彻底改变我这个人。 感谢您分享您的见解 Gaukhar!


You are at the perfect age of maturity which happens at 27-28. And I bet you feel the most confident you have ever been. Being alone in a foreign country quickens the process, if you remained at home you will still be mummy and daddy's little girl. Finding love whilst navigating Chinese culture and language must add to the thrill of life. Many watching your videos would love to experience your life there. ❤

27-28岁,你正处在这个完美,成熟的年龄 。 我敢打赌,您会感到前所未有的自信。 一个人在国外会加快这个过程,如果你留在家里,你仍然是爸爸妈妈的小女孩。 在探索中国文化和语言的同时也能够寻找爱情能够让生活变得加精彩。 许多观看您视频的人都希望在那里体验您的生活。 ❤

David Harrison

Xie Xie. I love China and I have lived in Xiamen Fujian and Tangshan Hebei. My wife was Chinese but sadly the marriage collapsed after bringing her back to Australia which is a country I don't like. My daughter is a Chinese government Officer in Sanming City Fujian and she is the Sanming City District Manager. Sharing your video on my facebook page.

谢谢。 我爱中国,曾在福建厦门和河北唐山生活过。 我的妻子是中国人,但遗憾的是,在将她带回我不喜欢的国家澳大利亚后,婚姻破裂了。 我女儿是福建省三明市的一名中国政府官员,她是三明市的区长。 在我的 facebook 页面上分享您的视频。

M. A.

I lived in China for 2.5 years. I loved it. Great experiences and good people there. Now, that doesn't mean I won't acknowledge China has issues and isn't perfect (no where is)- But if I don't think about the more politically motivated side of things (human rights, general favoritism or prejudice of foreigners, etc.) China is generally positive, safe, and always improving with things like accessibility and cleanliness.

我在中国生活了 2年半,我非常爱中国。 很棒的经历和友好的人们。 现在,这并不意味着我不会承认中国有问题并且不完美(没有哪里是完美的)-但是如果抛开政治动机的偏见(人权、普遍偏袒或偏见),中国总体上是积极的、安全的,并且一直在透明度和清洁度等方面不断改进。


Congrats!!! Thks for your explanation through your no chinise heart and eyes!!! Good you learned that china is not the country that tv and west news tell the world!!! Thks! Enjoy!!! Really good place. Take care and God bless you!!

恭喜!!! 谢谢你用一个外国人的视角分享中国!!! 很好,你知道中国不是电视上和西方新闻媒体上所说的那样!!! 谢谢! 享受!!! 真是个好地方。 保重,上帝保佑你!!

Deep One

Bulutova , a surname that hails from Czechia or The Czech Republic, Central Europe. Looks wise, she is likely to have some genes from her Chinese maternal sides.She looks more Chinese than the Central European. Even tho,further north, many Scandinavian people may have that oriental look in their facial features, esp the eyes, Gaukhar looks more Chinese, mayb more like of a Thai with her more pronounced features than any of em Northern Europeans

Bulutova ,一个来自捷克或捷克共和国,中欧的姓氏。 看起来很聪明,她很可能有一些中国母亲方面的基因。她看起来比中欧人更像中国人。 即使在更北的地方,许多斯堪的纳维亚人的面部特征也可能具有东方特色,尤其是眼睛,Gaukhar 看起来更像中国人,可能更像泰国人,她的特征比任何北欧人都更明显


As a Chinese students, I`m appreciate that you can tell the truth of my country,and I can understand almost what you say without tanslations,for me is a progress.,Though there maybe some wrong with my comment.


Ben TheKeeshond

A real friend will help you when you are back against a wall. Not when you are well-fed and happy. But anybody with common sense cannot expect friends to help or back you up when you are doing something really bad. We usually have 2 natural genuine friends. They are our parents. Parents may not understand their children, however, most of them will help their children unconditionally.

当你背靠墙时,真正的朋友会帮助你。 不是当你吃饱喝足的时候。 但是,任何有常识的人都不能指望朋友在您做的事情非常糟糕时帮助或支持您。 我们通常有2个天生的真诚的朋友。 他们是我们的父母。 父母可能不理解他们的孩子,但他们中的大多数都会无条件地帮助他们的孩子。

Heron Design

Many people say that she looks like a Chinese because her country is related to China. After the Han general Li Ling surrendered to the Xiongnu 2000 years ago, the King of the Huns handed over the captured Han soldiers and people to Li Ling for management. . King Qidanhou married the princess to General Li Ling.

In 648 AD, a Kyrgyz mission from the upper reaches of the Yenisei River in present-day Russia, led by its chief, Miboqu Azhan, arrived in Chang'an, the capital of the Tang Dynasty. Chief Shibo Qu Azhan (Kyrgyz) claimed to be a descendant of Li Ling of the Han Dynasty, and was of the same clan as the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, and he wanted to "confess relatives" to the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty. According to historical records, Li Ling was named the King of the Right School by the King of the Huns and was responsible for the area around Jiankun that was conquered by the Huns at that time. Jiankun was the ancient Chinese name for Kyrgyzstan.

The emperor of the Tang Dynasty and the chief of Kyrgyzstan have always referred to each other as brothers.

Kyrgyzstan has always maintained friendly relations with the Tang Dynasty. In the second year of Zhongzong Jinglong (708 AD), Kyrgyz sent an envoy to Tang. Tang Zhongzong said to the envoy: "Your country has the same ancestry as mine, and it is not comparable to other countries."

These are detailed records in Chinese history books.

很多人说她长得像中国人,是因为她的国家跟中国有关。 2000年前,汉将李陵投降匈奴后,匈奴王将俘虏的汉族兵、民交给李陵管理。 .奇丹侯王将公主嫁给了李陵将军。





Grand Wonder

I take it based on your name you are from Siberia, a part of Russia. Although you may consider yourself Russian you may be more related to the Chinese people than the Russians living in the western part of Russia, such as Moscow. That is because most of Russia is actually a part of Asia that the Russians have conquered a few hundred years ago. Part of me was always confused of where you were from because while you look Chinese you kept on telling people your story about your life in China as if you're actually from another country; however, you never explain where you were from when you mentioned that "Before I moved to China" phrase. It's great that you like living in China and the Russians are having such a terrific relationship with the Chinese people. I wish you all the success and happiness in the world with your life in China!

我根据你的名字认为你来自西伯利亚,俄罗斯的一部分。 尽管您可能认为自己是俄罗斯人,但与生活在俄罗斯西部(例如莫斯科)的俄罗斯人相比,您可能与中国人的关系更密切。 那是因为俄罗斯的大部分地区实际上是几百年前俄罗斯人征服的亚洲的一部分。 我们一部分人总是对你来自哪里感到困惑,因为当你看起来像中国人时,你一直在向人们讲述你在中国生活的故事,就好像你真的来自另一个国家一样; 然而,当你提到“在我搬到中国之前”这句话时,你从来没有解释过你来自哪里。 很高兴你喜欢住在中国,俄罗斯人与中国人民的关系非常好。 祝大家在中国生活幸福快乐!

Ajxkdsswuidhqwiurfhiudjnqiwd wuidhqwiurfhiudjnqiwd

Emmm,事实上,大多数有钱或者高学历的中国人都去了美国和欧洲,不过,现在中国的年轻人,00年代和10年代出生的人,都对外国没什么兴趣,不过有一些摇滚/金属和黑帮文化爱好者 还是很向往美国生活,但是他们没有钱,没有很高的学历,所以只能留在中国,但是那些文化在中国很小众,很不幸,我就是一个金属音乐爱好者,我很难找到相同爱好的中国人。。。(I love American! i love Meatl music!)(译者注:这是一位中国人)


Oh, if you don’t say that you are a foreigner, almost no Chinese think you are a foreigner. Just like a girl in the above video asked which country you are from, it should be strange that a Chinese person speaks fluent English. ! If you say that you are a foreigner and do not say which country you are from, we might think that you are a Mongolian!

哦,你不说你是外国人,几乎没有中国人认为你是外国人。 就像上面视频中的女孩问你来自哪个国家一样,中国人说一口流利的英语应该很奇怪。 ! 如果你说你是外国人,不说你来自哪个国家,我们可能会认为你是蒙古人!




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