• 03月23日 星期日



2020年4月7日,在ANAN GROUP (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD v. VTB BANK (PUBLIC JOINT STOCK COMPANY) 案中,上诉人(债务人新加坡安安集团)和被上诉人(债权人VTB银行)因《全球存托凭证买卖与回购协议》产生的债务引发了纠纷。债务存在有效的仲裁协议前提下,VTB银行作为债权人向法院提起对债务人安安集团申请清算,安安集团从审查证明标准、不可抗力、存在仲裁条款等方面抗辩,但一审法官认为当事方的仲裁协议不影响证明标准,因此并未采信安安集团的答辩。安安集团遂依据新证据提起上诉,最终上诉法院认为:“本案,没有证据证明表明存在与AnAn偿付能力有关的法定要件。事实上,除了VTB银行的清算申请外,我们没有收到任何其他针对安安集团的清算申请或索赔。此外,也没有证据表明安安集团的资产负债表上有与VTB银行偿债无关的破产迹象。正如安安集团依据表面证据提出其对VTB银行的索赔债务有争议,而该债务受仲裁协议管辖,这足以使我们完全驳回清算申请”。(In the present case, no evidence has been tendered before us to show that there are legitimate concerns relating to the solvency of AnAn. Indeed, apart from VTB’s winding-up application, we have not been referred to any other winding-up application or claim that is pending against AnAn. Further, there is also no evidence to suggest that AnAn is balance sheet insolvent, independent of VTB‘s claim. As AnAn has demonstrated on a prima facie basis that it has a dispute in relationto VTB’s claimed debt which is governed by an arbitration agreement, this suffices for us to dismiss the winding-up application in its entirety. )



2017年11月7日,依GMRA约定,安安集团以每股13美元向VTB银行出售该凭证。2018年4月6日,由于美国对EN +集团的主要股东实施了制裁,EN +集团所发售的全球存托凭证价格跌至5.6美元。当日VTB银行向安安集团发出通知,告知其回购比约为74.57%,要求安安集团在2018年4月10日之前补足约8500万美元的现金保证金。后因安安集团未能及时支付上述费用,2018年4月12日,VTB银行通知安安集团协议提前解除,并指定2018年4月16日为解除日,




GMRA约定的仲裁条款为:凡因本协议引起或与本协议有关的任何争议,包括协议标的、成立、协商、效力、解除或执行性等问题(包括任何非合同的争议或请求)(以下简称:“争议”),均应提交仲裁,依据以下条款最终解决:(i)仲裁应根据新加坡国际仲裁中心仲裁规则(“SIAC规则”)进行,该规则被视为已纳入本条款……(Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Agreement, including any question regarding its subject matter, existence, negotiation,validity, termination or enforceability (including any non-contractual disputeor claim) (a “Dispute”), shall be referred to arbitration and finally settled on the following terms:(i)the arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the Arbitration Rules of the Singapore International Arbitration Centre (“SIAC Rules”) which Rules are deemed incorporated into this Clause; […])

一审法官认为当事方的仲裁协议不影响证明标准,因此决定对安安集团进行清算。安安集团遂申请上诉,并在上诉中提交了德勤出具的专家报告,该报告证明本案标的物全球存托凭证价单价在8.01-8.68美元之间。安安集团提出关于诉争债务的争议受仲裁条款约束,法院在判断是否受仲裁条款约束问题时是采取表面证据原则(prima facie standard)还是可裁判争议原则(triable issuestandard)便成为了主要问题。据此,二审法院认为案件的争议焦点是司法审查标准确定问题。


上诉法院认为本案应适用表面证据原则。上诉法院认为,通常债权人申请对债务人进行清算,债务人如欲主张中止清算程序,需证明诉争的清算事由是否应由法院进行裁判。此项审查标准应采取表面证据原则,即1存在有效的仲裁协议;2债务人没有滥用司法程序,争议属于仲裁协议的约定的可仲裁范围。(In our judgment, when a court is faced with either a disputed debtor a cross-claim that is subject to an arbitration agreement, the prima facie standard should apply, such that the winding-up proceedings will be stayed or dismissed as long as (a) there is a valid arbitration agreement between the parties; and (b) the dispute falls within the scope of the arbitration agreement, provided that the dispute is not being raised by the debtor in abuse of the court’s process.)

上诉法院认为降低的审查标准可以促进法律的连贯性,实现当事方自治的原则,有助于节约成本,实现法律确定性。(we are of the view that the reduced standard of review promotes coherence in the law, gives effect to the principle of party autonomy and helps to achieve cost savings and certainty in the law.)

1. 审查标准统一

上诉法院认为不应因为程序的差异而对同一争议事项的主管与管辖问题采用不同的审查标准,这样是不合理的。(There is therefore no justifiable basis for applying a different standard of review to cross-claims on the one hand, and disputed debts on the other.)

2. 法律的连贯性

如采取不同标准则会导致债权人通过不同的途径主张权利审查的标准就有所不同,这样会出现司法程序的不连贯性。上诉法院认为,适用较低的表面证据原则有利于促进有关中止申请审查标准的法律连贯性。因此不鼓励有仲裁协议的当事方以提出清算申请为手段,向债务人施加压力,要求其按时还款。(Adopting the lower standard of review would, in our view, promote coherence in the law concerning stay applications, so that parties to an arbitration agreement are not encouraged to present a winding-up application as a tactic to pressure an alleged debtor to make payment on a debt that is disputed or which may be extinguished by a legitimate cross-claim.)

3. 当事方意思自治

上诉法院认为,如采用可裁判争议原则势必会突破当事方对仲裁的选择,从而对案件涉及的证据进行实质审查。法院以公司的抗辩不具争议性为由对公司进行清算,从而取代了仲裁庭,这是违背当事方的协议的,剥夺了他们在选择仲裁代替其他争议解决方式方面的优势。( By winding-up the company on the basis that its defences are unmeritorious, the court in effect takes the place of the arbitral tribunal, against the parties’ agreement, thereby eroding any of the advantages which they had sought to obtain in electing arbitration in place of other modes of dispute resolution.)上诉法院支持了上诉人律师的观点认为,一方当事方并不是因为其在案件中处于弱势而不申请仲裁。事实上,该当事可能还会希望利用诉讼没有的程序上优势。无论债务是通过法院诉讼还是申请清算,法院都不得插手当事双方的谈判。(We therefore agree with Mr Lee that these considerations are equally apposite in the context of arbitration. A party does not lose his genuine desire for recourse to arbitration just because his case may appear weak.Indeed, the party may wish to leverage on procedural advantages which he may otherwise not have if the matter is determined by the courts.The courts should not undercut the bargain of the parties by examining the merits of the company’s defence(s) irrespective of whether the debt is pursued by way of acourt action or a winding-up application)

4. 法律的确定性及成本的节约




上诉法院认为,没有证据证明表明存在与AnAn偿付能力有关的法定要件。事实上,除了VTB银行的清算申请外,我们没有收到任何其他针对安安集团的清算申请或索赔。此外,也没有证据表明安安集团的资产负债表上有与VTB银行偿债无关的破产迹象。正如安安集团依据表面证据提出其对VTB银行的索赔债务有争议,而该债务受仲裁协议管辖,这足以使我们完全驳回清算申请。(In the present case, no evidence has been tendered before us to show that there are legitimate concerns relating to the solvency of AnAn. Indeed, apart from VTB’s winding-up application, we have not been referred to any other winding-up application or claim that is pending against AnAn. Further, there is also no evidence to suggest that AnAn is balance sheet insolvent, independent of VTB‘s claim. As AnAn has demonstrated on a prima facie basis that it has a dispute in relationto VTB’s claimed debt which is governed by an arbitration agreement, this suffices for us to dismiss the winding-up application in its entirety. )


当债权人基于公司法规定申请对债务人进行清算时,债务人以双方存在与该请求事项有关的仲裁条款为由向提出抗辩,请求驳回该申请,此为清算类仲裁申请的常见问题。如当事方有实质且诚信的争议,通常,新加坡法院会依据双方既有的仲裁条款驳回当事人的清算申请。本案和[2020] SGHC 71案十分相似,讨论的都是债权人与债务人订立协议中存在仲裁条款,债权人跳过仲裁条款,直接提起清算的问题。不同的是本案争议焦点是司法审查标准。法官在确定主管问题上采取了表面证据原则,将案件审查标准统一,尊重了当事人的意思自治,也防止程序被滥用造成的损失与不确定性。










