• 03月22日 星期六







Doesn't the United States want to do this? The United States wants to, but dare not! The United States is accustomed to dealing with relatively weaker opponents, and is accustomed to being the big brother and dominant figure, telling others what to do. But facing China, the United States clearly cannot act like it did in countries such as Iraq and Afghanistan in the past.


Everyone should know that the United States, under the banner of counter-terrorism, has committed evil in various parts of the world, causing Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and other countries to fall into the battlefield one after another, and many regions are still in chaos and turmoil. The United States launched a large-scale air strike on Libya, sending US troops to ravage Afghanistan for 20 years, and recently suddenly launched an air strike on Syria. We have seen the true nature of the United States bullying the weak, using its hegemonic advantage to do whatever it wants and oppressing small and weak countries.



The United States dare not engage in direct war with China in practical actions or military matters. Due to China being a major country far away from the United States, the investment in launching a war will be enormous. Regardless of the outcome of the war, the United States cannot bear the cost of the war, let alone benefit from it.


Going to war with the world's most populous and economically prosperous country will only be detrimental to oneself, and even harm both sides. Therefore, the United States has taken on a new approach, constantly hyping up the "China threat", constantly smearing, provoking, and suppressing China. These are just to maintain its hegemony. With China's "threat", there is an excuse to increase military spending and engage allies in military exercises. These actions will cause a sensation in many parts of the world.


Let me be clear, I don't think the United States has not launched a "war" against China. A zero sum game is a war without gunpowder! The United States is attempting to contain China by restricting its trade, exchanges, cooperation, and personnel contact. In a speech at the US Naval Academy, Navy Secretary Del Toro declared, "Frankly speaking, the ideal goal is not to go to war with China. No one wants to get involved in conflict. But our ultimate responsibility is to prevent them from achieving the goals they are trying to achieve


The United States sees China as an urgent challenge and threat, using various means to limit and suppress its development. Under Trump's leadership, the United States has imposed sanctions on China, leading to escalating trade frictions. Its perception and positioning of China are seriously off track. Treating China as its main competitor and the biggest geopolitical challenge is not beneficial for the United States. Admitting this, American style 'competition' is to contain and suppress on various fronts, and engage in a fierce competition with opponents.

美国将中国视为一个紧迫的挑战和威胁,使用各种手段限制和压制其发展。在特朗普的领导下,美国对中国实施了制裁,贸易摩擦不断升级。 它对中国的认知和定位严重偏离轨道。将中国视为其主要竞争对手和最大的地缘政治挑战对美国来说是没有好处的。承认这一点,美国式的“竞争”就是在各条战线上进行遏制和压制,并与对手进行你死我活的竞争。

As two major countries in the world, the United States and China need to find a mutually beneficial and win-win development path through cooperation. China has always been a country that promotes peace, but it is clear that the United States is not aware of this or unwilling to ignore it. I really hope that one day the United States can understand that hegemony and zero sum games will not bring it back to glory, but will only make it go further and further on the wrong path.




I think there are at least two reasons.


Firstly, the possibility of retaliation. Compared to China's retaliation against the United States, the combined impact of Syria, Libya, and Afghanistan on the United States is negligible. The reason why the United States did not send ground troops to Ukraine is very illustrative. China, like the United States, possesses nuclear weapons.



Secondly, repeat the Cold War strategy against the former Soviet Union. The United States won the Cold War with the former Soviet Union without firing a single shot. Now they are using the so-called containment strategy of allowing US allies or pro US governments to surround China.


South Korea, Japan, and the Philippines are allies of the United States in the East and South China Seas. Australia forms the AUKUS alliance with the UK in the South Indian Ocean. If there are issues with China's relations, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, and Singapore are more likely to lean towards the United States. On the western border of China, there may be Afghanistan and Pakistan, as well as some Central Asian countries that may become pro American due to the color revolution.



Triggering border conflicts between India and China will distract China's attention. We have witnessed the coup in Myanmar and the riots in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, all of which are bordering or within the Chinese Mainland. If the United States can influence or even coerce OPEC countries not to sell energy to China through sanctions or any necessary means, or as they have done with Russian natural gas, this will reduce China's industrial capacity.


The United States is doing its best to surround China with a pro American government, American allies, and possible pro American anti government forces, in an attempt to make China surrender without a war like the Soviet Union. But this strategy requires time, careful planning, and execution. In 2024, the United States will hold a presidential election. However, who will be the next US President will not have much influence on this foreign policy strategy.


Most importantly, this strategy has already been done before and extensive analysis has been conducted. We see that the sanctions imposed on Russia are not as effective. It did indeed reduce Russia's oil and gas revenues, but not as much as expected. It may have achieved some goals, but over time, it can be counterattacked. Some even have the opposite effect.


China is developing its own domestic semiconductor manufacturing technology. They are also preparing to trade outside of the US dollar and Swift systems. They have also anticipated the provocation from the United States. They reduced their holdings of US debt and financial assets. Their recent silent diplomacy to ease the tension between Iran and Saudi Arabia is a remarkable achievement.


But the outcome remains to be seen.




Simple answer: Simple mathematics. There are about 1.4 billion people in China. Considering the age distribution/sex ratio and average health status of Chinese people, they may be able to develop 100 million to 120 million reserves - including only men. If they introduce women of the same age group, the number can increase by at least 80%. This means that China has a potential military force of 100 to 200 million, almost two-thirds of the population of the United States.


Stalin said during World War II that numbers are important, which is true, as China has proven during the Korean War and elsewhere. Now, they have reached the global average in training and possess strong manufacturing capabilities to produce the necessary war materials (small arms, ammunition, etc.). When defending their homeland, they will have a morale advantage - never underestimate this.



In addition, China is one of the largest countries on Earth, with the majority of its population heavily concentrated in coastal areas. Therefore, any land invasion from the West will lead to a rainstorm like counterattack. Invasions from the north or south are impossible because the countries located in these regions, such as Russia, India, and others, do not want to be involved in this issue and may have opposed the invasion from the beginning.


Therefore, the only feasible option is to launch an attack from the coast, and China has been preparing for this for decades. Until 15 years ago, China's defense strategy was focused on coastal defense - small and medium-sized vessels, coastal defense, medium and short range anti-ship/tactical cruise missiles, and so on. Similar to Iran's strategy. The defense is so crowded and numerous that the invading power will be weakened by the swarm.



In addition, in the past 15 years, China has been catching up through various means. Now they have a decent surface navy and a powerful submarine force. Not to mention, they have already started creating their own overseas logistics bases and opening other war zones.


The US military cannot fight against such enemies - they cannot even defeat much smaller and less populous countries such as Vietnam, Iran, and Afghanistan. They initially achieved success, but the mid to late stage matches were very bad for them. In all these cases, they were forcibly drained and had to withdraw.


The combined population and surface area of these three countries I mentioned are less than one tenth of that of the People's Republic of China. So do you think the US military can succeed? This is not a colonial period. At that time, there were obvious differences in military technology and political ideology, and the local people were naive/stupid. You are facing an equally organized, determined, and ruthless modern military force.


That is why the United States or any other major country cannot achieve decisive victory in confronting major powers such as China and India, despite their widely touted advantages.



新加坡网友KokHin Lim的回答

The purpose of military power is to achieve specific political goals. No one participates in war solely for the sake of war, "victory" is not a military concept, but a political concept. So, yes, war is the continuation of politics through other means.


Therefore, only by achieving political goals can military power be successfully utilized. Bombing a country itself cannot achieve political results. The uninformed public may view it as a victory (such as entertainment), but as a goal of the military, it has achieved nothing.


In fact, this may lead to negative political outcomes, which is usually Bush's approach in the Middle East, and therefore the public is dissatisfied with the results of these wars.


If possible, the United States will avoid direct conflicts with Russia and China.


Russia is a well-known military power, but its economic strength is not strong. However, with very few exceptions, their army has rarely failed.


The United States is a well-known military and economic power. Their army is much larger than Russia's. It is the most expensive military, has fought the most wars since World War II, and possesses the most advanced weapons. Despite these facts, its military has not been very successful in achieving its goals in the past few decades.


China is an economic and modern military power with the largest active military. The war between China and the United States may cause considerable damage to both countries. Since China has no political interest in attacking the United States, it can concentrate its efforts to defend China. Therefore, in a war, the United States must launch an attack.


Due to China's primary focus on national defense, in addition to conventional forces, China has also developed asymmetric weapon systems, making it difficult to predict the outcome of participating in such wars... Failure would be a catastrophic geopolitical outcome of US hegemony. However, no one knows whether the United States or China will win, or whether a ceasefire will be the ultimate outcome.



华裔网友Jack Gao的回答

Of course the United States can, it is the world's number one! In the past forty years, China has been trying to catch up with the United States in terms of economic growth, and may even lower the United States to second place in the near future. However, China lags far behind the United States in terms of defense capabilities.


Let's take a look at the military capabilities of both countries:


The United States' defense spending is $610 billion, almost three times that of China's $228 billion in defense spending.


2. The United States has a strong navy with a global network of naval bases, while China only has one overseas naval base.


3. The number of US defense forces may be relatively small, but the US also has more advanced weapon systems, fighter jets, and missiles.


The United States has a huge nuclear capability of 6500 nuclear warheads, while China only has 300 nuclear warheads.


5. The US military has long held multiple positions in foreign operations, while China does not have such experience.


There are many other facts that prove that the United States has the ability to win any military confrontation anywhere.


But since the United States can easily win, why hasn't the Pentagon bombed China like Syria, Libya, and Afghanistan? What are they waiting for?





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