• 01月17日 星期五



“Untitled”~ Tan Oe Pang Art Exhibition Opening Ceremony


Sunday | 30 July 2023 | 4.30pm

ION Art Gallery @ ION Orchard level 4

2 Orchard Turn Singapore 238801

Guest-of-Honour 主宾

Ms Sim Ann 沈颖女士

Senior Minister of State for National Development

and Foreign Affairs


Programme 节目流程

RSVP @ tinyurl.com/untitled-2023 by 15 July

展览简介 About Exhibition展 期 Exhibition : 30/7-4/8/2023地点 Venue : ION Art Gallery, Ochard ION Level 4


Granny Carry Durian

陈有炳 (1947-) 出生于新加坡,自幼受中华文化熏陶。13 岁拜吴昌硕第三代传人范昌乾为师学习正统中国画。少年锋芒毕露,备受时人称赞。 他也学习西方绘画大师的思想,创作范畴从水墨到篆刻和书法,从油画到雕塑,更将画意寓于诗情,在古典和现代诗词的领域也有所建树。1985年参加巴西圣保罗国际双展。1987年应中国国家画院之邀请,在北京中国国家画院办画展并讲学。1987年应邀参加智利国际双年展。1992年 在新加坡歌德学院办个展。1995年他获得台北颁发的国际诗书画杰出成就奖;诗书画学术院士,国际艺术宗师典范奖。

豹 The Leopard


2017年办个展于第七届”艺术登陆新加坡”(Art Stage Singapore),2018年则进入香港亚洲水墨艺博2018艺术家个展展区,并获得各方艺界好评及多个媒体报道。艺术家的作品于2005年开始于苏富比拍卖行及佳士德拍卖行竞标,并于2015年佳士德上海春季拍卖《亚洲与西方二十世纪及当代艺术》破个人记录。

此次展览由企业家郭明忠先生的天一艺术投资公司筹办,将呈现百多件水墨,油画精品。作品呈现画家对中国画笔墨技巧的拿捏、西方油画技术的渗透、从创作具象到抽象题材的开拓,独特的艺术风格、艺术体系自成一家。这是一场探索绘画艺术和认识艺术家心路历程,不容错过的艺术盛宴。由于艺术家的创作题材海阔天空-花鸟动物、城市山水,信手 拈来,创作手法天马行空-大写意、细笔白描,简笔重彩, 随心所欲,展品超越年份、题材限制,故此次展览名为“无题。


Tan Oe Pang (b.1947, Singapore) is a gifted multi- disciplinary artist residing in Singapore. Growing up in a predominantly Chinese culture, Tan was exposed to other races in the multi-racial Singaporean society. In fact, his exposure is seen in his works where he has stylised Singaporean local culture into traditional Chinese ink paintings.

鸟与大干系列The Bird and The Stem Series

Tan’s artistry began with traditional Chinese ink paintings harnessed under the tutelage of the third generation master of the Hai discipline, Fan Chang Tien. His painting styles are unique and bold where he pushes the boundaries in Chinese paintings. Subsequently, Tan’s artistry developed where his adventurous and versatile nature opened up his horizons in exploring with various mediums such as Chinese paintings, oil paintings, calligraphy, sculpture, poetry and seal engraving.

大公鸡 Giant Rooster

It is clear that Tan is one of the harbingers in blending Eastern and Western art techniques. With his skilful abilities, he has clinched numerous awards. Tan has also exhibited widely overseas, with works that are being collected by museums such as Los Angeles County Museum of Art and National Gallery Singapore. Tan’s works have been showcased in Sotheby’s and Christie’s auction house since 2005. In 2015, he broke his personal record in Christie’s Shanghai Spring Auction “Asian and Western Twentieth Century and Contemporary Art”.

荷下金鱼A Goldfish under the Lotus There will be around hundreds of excellent ink paintings and oil paintings in the exhibition. Tan painted a wide variety of themes like birds and flowers, animals, and cityscapes in his artistic career. Tan has successfully combined the fine brush technique with expressive xieyi in his art. We can see his harmonious blend of different subjects over different periods in the exhibition. Therefore, we named this exhibition “Untitled”.

原始鸟 A Primitive Bird

水果系列之五 Fruit series V

一门 Calligraphy

自强不息 Calligraphy

超写实系列Surrealism Series

蜗牛大干The Snail and The Stem


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