• 03月24日 星期一


第29届奥林匹克运动会于2008年8月8日至24日在中国首都北京举行。此次奥运设置了三大理念:绿色奥运、科技奥运 、人文奥运。举行了28个大项,38个分项的比赛,产生302枚金牌(其中中国获得51枚)。2008年,有6万多名运动员、教练员和官员参加北京奥运会。除大部分比赛在北京举行外,帆船比赛在青岛举行,马术比赛在香港举行,部分足球预赛在天津、上海、沈阳和秦皇岛举行。2005年7月8日,在新加坡举行的国际奥林匹克委员会第117次全会上,决定由香港协办2008年奥运马术项目,是奥运历史上第二次由不同地区的奥委会承办。



英文名称:Brilliant achievements








北京奥运会闭幕的8月24日当天中国和英国将联合发行(奥运会从北京到伦敦)纪念邮票一套 4 枚所表理的内容为国家体育场.故宮角楼.伦教眼和伦教塔.两国的邮票图案相同。




奥 林 匹克火火炬是 经 奥运委 会 批准 的 . 用 于奥 林 匹 克 圣 火 燃烧 的 . 可 手持的火炬,奥林匹克火炬是奥林匹克圣 火 的 栽 体 , 从1936年 的 第11届 奥运会开始,每届奥运会都衍生一支体现主办国家文化特色并符合高科技要求的火炬并成为奥林匹克运动的重要遗产。


















英文翻译:The games of the xxix olympiad (xxix olympiad) were held in the Chinese capital Beijing on August 8, 2008. The Olympic Games set three concepts: green Olympics, high-tech Olympics and people's Olympics. A total of 302 gold MEDALS (51 of them for China) were won in 38 disciplines and 28 sports were held. In 2008, more than 60,000 athletes, coaches and officials participated in the Beijing Olympic Games. In addition to most of the competitions held in Beijing, sailing events were held in Qingdao, equestrian events were held in Hong Kong, and some preliminary football matches were held in Tianjin, Shanghai, Shenyang and Qinhuangdao. On July 8, 2005, the 117th Plenary session of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) held in Singapore decided that Hong Kong would co-host the 2008 Olympic Equestrian events, marking the second time in The History of the Olympic Games that different regional Olympic Committees have undertaken the equestrian events.

The collection is introduced

Chinese name: brilliant achievement

Brilliant achievements

Category: Miscellaneous

Specification: one set

Appearance: Beautiful

Brilliant achievements: Collection issued by China for the games of the xxix olympiad all stamps, COINS, commemorative bank notes. It is a rare Olympic inset jades three MEDALS, the Olympic emblem and mascot, opening ceremony, commemorative COINS, a total of three sets, issued a set of 2006, 2007, issue of the two groups, 2008 issue of the three groups of commemorative bank notes, three sets of China to issue yuan notes of the Olympic Games, China's Hong Kong Hong Kong Olympic chao, macau, China, issued by the Australian dollar commemorative bank notes, and carefully designed by master Chinese stamp company stamp in the design, Beijing China YouPiaoChang printed the 29th Olympic Games gold medal in the champions league list 10 edition personalized souvenir sheet 60 pieces, The sale of all four collections is your witness to 2008 and your permanent Olympic collection.

From Beijing to London

China and the United Kingdom will jointly issue a set of four commemorative stamps featuring the National Stadium, the Turret of the Imperial Palace, the Eye of The Emperor and the Tower of the Emperor on August 24, the day of the closing ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games.

Fuwa "is five anthropomorphic dolls. Their prototypes and headpieces contain the connection with the sea, forest, fire, earth and sky. They apply the expression of traditional Chinese art and show the profound and splendid Chinese culture. Each of the dolls of the Beijing Olympic mascots represents a good wish: Beibei stands for prosperity; Jingjing for joy; Huanhuan for passion; Yingying for health; Nini for good luck. With Beijing's hospitality, the children bring their blessings to every corner of the world and invite people from all over the world to gather in Beijing to celebrate the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing. The five fuwas are called "beibei", "jingjing", "huanhuan", "yingying" and "nini". One of the characters in each of their names is sequentially used to sound like "Beijing welcomes you".

Mr Lin peak fire torch is approved by the Olympic committee will be used in the peak forest holy fire burning, but holding the torch, the Olympic torch is the carrier of the Olympic holy fire, from the 11th Olympic Games began in 1936, derived a reflect every Olympic Games host country culture characteristics and meet the requirements of the high-tech torch and become an important legacy of the Olympic movement.

Olympic flame

The flame that burns in the main stadium during the Olympic Games is the Olympic flame, symbolizing light, unity, friendship, peace and justice.

Olympic commemorative banknotes in Hong Kong

On the front is the architectural design of the site of the birthplace of the ancient Olympic Movement, the emblem of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games and the bank of China Building in Hong Kong. On the back is the Bird's Nest, the main stadium of the Beijing Olympic Games.

The Bird's Nest: The National Stadium (Bird's Nest) is located in the south of the Beijing Olympic Green, the main stadium for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. The project covers a total area of 21 hectares and has about 91,000 seats for spectators. The Olympic Games and Paralympics opening and closing ceremonies, athletics and football finals have been held. After the Olympic Games, it became a large professional place for Beijing citizens to participate in sports activities and enjoy sports entertainment, and became a landmark sports building and Olympic legacy.

Fuwa is the mascot of the 29th Olympic Games in Beijing in 2008. Its names are "beibei", "jingjing", "huanhuan", "yingying" and "nini", which means "welcome to Beijing".

The Beijing 2008 Olympic MEDALS are 70 mm in diameter and 6 mm thick. On the front is the Greek goddess of victory and the Greek Panathinaiko arena. On the back is the jade piece with dragon pattern. On the center is the emblem of the Beijing Olympic Games, meaning a combination of Chinese and Western elements

To mark the exciting moment of the grand opening of the Games of the XXIX Olympiad at the National Stadium in Beijing, the China Philatelic Bureau announced that the Games of the XXIX Olympiad opened and the Games of the XXIX Olympiad closed. The commemorative stamps, with the romantic blue as the main color and the festive red color of the opening ceremony forming a perfect integration, fully embodies the combination of sports and humanity.

The commemorative banknote of the Olympic Bird's Nest has increased by 600 times. In 2019, a piece of the Bird's Nest was auctioned for more than 10,000 yuan at Poly Auction in Beijing. However, the collection cost was only 10 yuan at that time, which showed its huge collection potential.




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