近期,一位网友向新加坡眼反映,带爱犬去宠物医院洗牙,没想到出来却发现狗狗被拔了15颗牙! 以下是网友投诉: 我家5岁的狗去洗牙,结果被拔了15颗牙,拔完才通知我们,拔牙之前并没有跟我们商量。 (注:下图血腥,请爱狗人士冷静)






对此,院方建议狗主人找第三方兽医服务部门进行独立审查。 以下是宠物医院声明原文: Dear Editor of Singapore Eye: Thank you for giving us the opportunity to give our statement for this case. As pet guardians and vets, we must first trust that we all have our animals’ well-being at heart. As vets, our constant endeavour is to ensure the welfare of animals committed to our care. The goal of our treatment for every patient is to relieve pain and maintain good health. Prior to this dog’s dental appointment with us, we were informed that he already had several tooth extractions done at another clinic and since that dental, more teeth had dropped out without intervention, which indicates that his dental health was poor since a young age. Dental diseases can cause pain and other secondary health issues in your dog. Even though the surface of the teeth may look well, the roots of the teeth can be decayed and the teeth may be loose, which warrants extractions. The procedures and criteria for extraction (e.g. rotten roots and teeth, loose teeth and/or exposed roots) were explained in detail to the owners at the pre-dental consult and it was emphasised to the owners that the number of teeth that are required to be extracted would only be known when the dog is examined under general anaesthesia. There was no objection from the owners and we proceeded with the dental. The procedures and criteria for extraction were again explained over the phone after the procedure and at the time of discharge.
All procedures are done for our pets’ welfare at heart. In this case, this dog should not continue to live with loose and decaying teeth.
We once again emphasise that the goal of our care and treatment for every patient is to relieve pain and maintain good health. We advise all pet owners to maintain good dental home care for their dogs to prevent dental diseases.
We have already replied the owners on social media. Instead of sharing one-sided accounts on social media, we have advised them to seek an independent review the services.
