• 03月14日 星期五




019 SICC-JCU (新加坡国际商会-詹姆斯库克大学) 循环经济+可持续发展竞赛呼吁所有高等院校和初级学院的学生,通过一条自己设计的短视频,来提高大众对可持续习惯的认识并鼓励大家采取行动。短视频应符合以下类别之一:

1 正确使用回收箱





每个类别的获奖视频设计者,将赢得 $1000 的现金奖励。本次竞赛由新加坡国际商会和詹姆斯库克大学共同举办,亚洲国际贸易和商业中心协力,旨在支持新加坡实现零浪费。

詹姆斯库克大学常务副校长兼新加坡校区校长Professor Chris Rudd OBE将作为评委会成员,分享他对循环经济方法的观点。Professor Rudd讲道:“我很高兴能成为2019年循环经济+可持续发展竞赛评委会的一员。为热带地区创造更美好的未来是詹姆斯库克大学的坚定承诺,作为这一承诺的一部分,我们要在如何保护环境方面,培养大众的行为并发挥领导作用。我期待看到学生们提出的想法。”

其他杰出评委包括来自Accenture的Mr Christopher Warren,DOW Chemicals的Mr Paul Fong,以及新加坡国立大学的Professor Seeram Ramakrishna等专业人士。


竞赛组织者之一的Associate Professor Adrian Kuah讲道,“引入循环非常重要,因为仅新加坡每年就会产生数百万吨的废弃物。因此,我们与作为一种资源的废弃物之间的关系,和我们与所处环境的关系发生了巨大变化,这一点至关重要。”

新加坡国际商会执行长Mr Victor Mills补充道:“这次竞赛很重要,因为它让我们居住在新加坡的年轻人能够更好地了解循环经济。反过来,这也激励公司以更循环的方式开展业务,激励公众培养可持续的生活方式。”

扫下图二维码或点击文末“阅读原文”了解更多竞赛信息并注册参加,也可发邮件向Associate Professor Adrian Kuah咨询[email protected]。

We have just one Earth, one Singapore.

But if we continue to take and waste the resources we gather from the planet, we will reach the limits of what our planet can provide. The environment simply does not have the capacity to sustain such excessive consumption habits.

To take on this challenge, we need a comprehensive approach to sustainability, behind this is the idea of the circular economy — where waste is minimised and resources are re-used efficiently — in order to achieve the ultimate goal of maximising environmental savings and creating net-zero impact on the environment.

The SICC-JCU Circular Economy + Sustainability Competition calls on all students studying in institutes of higher learning and junior colleges to develop a clear video message that raises awareness on our sustainable habits and encourages action. Video entries should observe one of the following categories:

1. Correct use of recycle bins

2. Food waste reduction

3. Management of e-waste

The winning video in each category will stand to win a cash prize of $1000. This competition, supporting Singapore’s year towards zero waste, is organised by the Singapore International Chamber of Commerce (SICC) and James Cook University (JCU), in conjunction with the Centre of International Trade and Business in Asia (CITBA).

Our very own Professor Chris Rudd OBE, Deputy Vice Chancellor and Head of Campus, Singapore for James Cook University, will share his interest in the circular economy approach as a member of the judging panel. Professor Rudd commented, “I am excited to be a part of the judges’ panel in the Circular Economy + Sustainability Competition 2019. As part of JCU’s strong commitment in creating a brighter future for the Tropics, it is important that we cultivate behaviours and provide thought leadership on how we can protect the environment. I look forward to seeing what ideas students come up with.”

Other eminent judges include captains of industry such as Mr Christopher Warren of Accenture, Mr Paul Fong of DOW Chemicals, and experts such as Professor Seeram Ramakrishna of the National University of Singapore.

James Cook University in Singapore understands that a sustainable environment is central to our lives and work, and carries out a number of sustainable practices, including eliminating and reducing our reliance on single-use plastics in campus, and planting more trees.

“Introducing circularity is important because Singapore alone generates millions of tonnes of waste a year. As such, it is critical that we see a sea of change in our relationship with waste as a resource and the environment we live in,” said Associate Professor Adrian Kuah, one of the organisers of the SICC-JCU Circular Economy + Sustainability Competition.

Mr Victor Mills, CEO of the Singapore International Chamber of Commerce, shares this sentiment, adding, “This competition is important because it allows our young adults in Singapore to develop a better understanding of the circular economy. In turn, this offers great incentives for companies to approach their business in a more circular fashion and people to cultivate a more sustainable lifestyle.”

Find out more about the SICC-JCU Circular Economy + Sustainability Competition here. SICC-JCU competition enquiries: Associate Professor Adrian Kuah [email protected]。







