• 03月26日 星期三

「时代楷模 百年丰碑」当代最具影响力人物——谢忠伟 孙晓云

「时代楷模 百年丰碑」当代最具影响力人物——谢忠伟 孙晓云

「时代楷模 百年丰碑」当代最具影响力人物——谢忠伟 孙晓云




2006年6月18日评为中华人民共和国有突出贡献专家 证书号:008609910908

2008年10月1日 在全国爱国人士国庆座谈会“艺术品义卖助残”活动中捐赠艺术品,在助残扶弱弘扬人道主义,促进社会慈善福利事业发展方面做出的突出贡献,特颁证书作为留念。

2009年6月 中国、日本、菲律宾第八届书法大赛获“三等奖”。

2009年8月 “海峡两岸杯”书法作品邀请赛特授予“海峡艺术交流大使”荣誉称号,入选大型画册“中国书法家传世作品选集”。

2009年11月 特授予“影响中国十大杰出书法家”荣誉称号。

2009年12月 全国中老年书画名家庆澳门回归十周年“莲花杯”获一等奖

2010年6月 在中国书法家赴新、马、泰国书画艺术交流展活动中被评为“金奖”,同是授予“中外友好艺术交流使者”荣誉称号。

2010年8月 中国书画家艺术珍品万里行书画巡展被评为“金奖”,同时授予“国际书画艺术大师”荣誉称号。

2010年8月 获“上海世博会书画名家大赛”金奖,特授予“中国世博会书画名家”。

2010年9月 第四届“民族情”全国书画大赛,第二届“翰墨颂中华”获金奖。

2010年9月 为“纪念十大元帅授勋55周年全国书画大赛”创作书画作品获金奖,特授予“翰墨颂元帅的艺术家”荣誉称号。

2010年10月8日 在全国书画赛中被评为“国家职称审定一级书画师”。

2010年10月15日 在全国书画赛中被国家职称认定委员会评定为“国家特级书画师”。

2010年12月 全国书画家职称认定委员会审定。特授予“2010德艺双馨优秀书画家形象大使”荣誉称号。

2011年7月 庆祝中国建党九十周年诗书画展获“优秀奖”。

2012年2月 获2011“华表奖”中国中老年书画大赛被评定“金奖”特授予“中国中老年书画艺术百杰人物”。

2012年11月 获第二届中国书画世界优秀作品大联展,评为金奖,特授予“2012书画百杰人物”。










Art Introduction:

Xie Zhongwei was born in September 1947 in Dahe Town, southern Sichuan Province. Joined the army in 1963, member of the Communist Party of China, world celebrity, tenured professor, tenured international expert, academician, academician of Hong Kong International Royal Academy of Social Sciences.

Xie Zhongwei employment: Chinese painter-calligrapher association, honorary President of kyushu in maple international painting and calligraphy institute academician, Chinese painting and calligraphy seal cutting artists association, vice chairman, Beijing kang academician of the academy, Qingdao chaton honorary President of the academy of inscriptions, senior member of Chinese society for the study of Chinese and foreign celebrity culture, ShengShiXuan guest professor of painting and calligraphy art research institute, Beijing chung Yang academy senior artist, Beijing art Academician of Gem Calligraphy and Painting Academy, academician of Chinese Calligraphy Research Institute, honorary president of Chinese Cultural celebrities Research Institute.

June 18, 2006 as the People's Republic of China with outstanding contribution expert certificate no. :008609910908

October 1, 2008 in the national Patriotic people National Day symposium "art charity sale to help the disabled" in the activities of art donation, in helping the disabled and the weak carry forward humanitarian, promote the development of social charity and welfare made outstanding contributions, special certificate as a souvenir.

In June 2009, won the third prize in the eighth Calligraphy Competition of China, Japan and The Philippines.

In August 2009, "Cross-strait Cup" calligraphy works invited saite to award the honorary title of "Cross-strait Art Exchange Ambassador", and was selected into the large-scale picture album "Selected Works handed down by Chinese calligraphers".

In November 2009, he was awarded the honorary title of "Ten Outstanding Calligraphers influencing China".

In December 2009, the "Lotus Cup" won the first prize in celebration of the 10th anniversary of Macao's return by national middle-aged and elderly painting and calligraphy masters

In June 2010, he was awarded the "Gold Award" in the art exchange exhibition of Chinese calligraphers in Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand, and was also awarded the honorary title of "Ambassador of Sino-Foreign friendly art Exchange".

In August 2010, wanlixing Calligraphy and painting tour exhibition of Chinese calligrapher and painter art treasures was rated as "Gold Medal", and awarded the honorary title of "International Painting and calligraphy Art Master".

In August 2010, he won the gold medal of "Shanghai World Expo Painting and Calligraphy Masters Competition" and was specially awarded as "China World Expo Painting and Calligraphy Masters".

In September 2010, the fourth session of "National sentiment" National Painting and Calligraphy Competition, the second session of "Calligraphy ode to China" won the gold medal.

In September 2010, he won the gold award for his painting and calligraphy works in the 55th anniversary of the National Painting and Calligraphy Competition in commemoration of the honours of the Ten Marshals, and was awarded the honorary title of "Artist of Marshal Hanmo Song".

October 8, 2010, in the national painting and Calligraphy competition was rated as "national title certified first-class calligrapher".

October 15, 2010, in the national painting and calligraphy competition, he was evaluated as "National special-grade painting and calligraphy master" by the National Title Recognition Committee.

In December 2010, it was approved by the National Professional Title Recognition Committee of Calligrapher and Painter. Awarded the honorary title of "2010 Virtue and Art Double Xin Excellent Painting and Calligraphy Ambassador".

July 2011 to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the Founding of the Chinese Party poetry and book exhibition won the "award of Excellence".

In February 2012, 2011 "Huabiao Award" Chinese calligraphy and painting competition for the elderly was evaluated as the "gold Medal" specially awarded "Chinese calligraphy and painting art of the elderly hundred heroes".

In November 2012, it was awarded the gold medal in the second Chinese Painting and calligraphy World Outstanding works Exhibition, and was specially awarded the "2012 Painting and calligraphy Hundred Heroes".

2013 Rongselected "Large Pojin Art Calendar of Chinese painting and calligraphy masters".

In August 2015, he was awarded as "Chinese Art Saint" and "Grand Master".

May 2016 named "Chinese Legend"

In May 2017, he was awarded the "Top ten Art Model".

October 2018 "People's Favorite Artist"

February 2019 named "Great Wall Artist of China"

In October 2019, he was named "National Ceremony Art Master".

January 2020 "China in the Golden Age, seven Artists in the Art world"

Awarded comrade Xie Zhongwei "contemporary master of painting and calligraphy" and published "Chinese contemporary master of painting and calligraphy - Xie Zhongwei volume", the book by the central leadership for the preface, calligraphy masters Shen Peng, Liu Dawei, Zhang Hai and other 11 we published the album together, a total of 120 painters and calligrapher. In 2014, the Art Appraisal Committee of the Ministry of Culture of the People's Republic of China retouched his calligraphy works by 60,000 yuan/sq. ft. The United Nations Committee for The Evaluation of the Arts for his calligraphy works 70,000 / sf.


「时代楷模 百年丰碑」当代最具影响力人物——谢忠伟 孙晓云

「时代楷模 百年丰碑」当代最具影响力人物——谢忠伟 孙晓云

「时代楷模 百年丰碑」当代最具影响力人物——谢忠伟 孙晓云

「时代楷模 百年丰碑」当代最具影响力人物——谢忠伟 孙晓云

「时代楷模 百年丰碑」当代最具影响力人物——谢忠伟 孙晓云

「时代楷模 百年丰碑」当代最具影响力人物——谢忠伟 孙晓云

「时代楷模 百年丰碑」当代最具影响力人物——谢忠伟 孙晓云

「时代楷模 百年丰碑」当代最具影响力人物——谢忠伟 孙晓云

「时代楷模 百年丰碑」当代最具影响力人物——谢忠伟 孙晓云

现在是一个混乱盲目不择食的年代,艺术处于混乱中。造作,是时代风气。而人类的伟大艺术能够沉淀写入历史的人,一是开创时尚的人,一是独立于时尚之外的人。齐白石的高在于他的情。他朴素得像个老农,他画了一辈子农耕文明。这恰恰是他可贵的地方。他有机会升官富贵,但他并没有这样去做。平民文化就是齐白石艺术的灵魂和魅力所在,他是中国市井平民文化的代表。他对万物、生活、自然的热爱,他的情,成就了他艺术上的独特高峰。“年高身健不肯做神仙”。现如今有一位和齐白石极为类似的书法家,“ 圣俞诗七千,历历尽精绝,初无追琢勤,气质禀清洁”的高贵气度进入了民众和收藏家的视野,他笔势雄奇,姿态横生,出于无心,而能手心两忘的创作以及笔墨随心得变化而显现出的心境突显,给观者以视觉的震撼和精神回归灵魂家园的静思!他,就是艺坛泰斗,艺术巨匠——谢忠伟老师!


Now is a chaotic blind food age, art is in chaos. Artificial, is the trend of The Times. And the great art of mankind can be deposited into the history of people, one is the pioneer of fashion, the other is independent of fashion. Qi Baishi's greatness lies in his love. He is as simple as an old farmer. He has painted the farming civilization all his life. That's what makes him so valuable. He had the chance to rise in rank and honour, but he didn't do it. The folk culture is the soul and charm of Qi Baishi's art, and he is the representative of Chinese folk culture. His love for all things, life and nature, his affection, achieved his unique peak in art. "Too old to be immortal". Today there is a calligrapher very similar to Qi Baishi," SAN yu poetry seven thousand, seems as clue, no early after cut frequently, often clean "noble bearing into the public view and collectors, his handwriting Japan, posture, out of a careless, and good heart do have to change and the creation of two forget and ink show highlights of mind, to the viewer to visual shock and spirit return soul homeland of meditation! He is the master of art, master of art - Teacher Xie Zhongwei!

Mr. Xie Zhongwei is a famous contemporary Calligrapher in China. He enjoys a high reputation at home and abroad. With his unrestrained artistic form and strong sense of The Times, he has established himself in the arts. His works with the pen to concise, exquisite portrayal of the real back to the pen bold and unrestrained. No matter the layout control of brush movement or the integration of thinking consciousness, it shows his skilled artistic skills, the harmonious unity of tradition and personality, highlighting his accurate grasp and in-depth understanding of the aesthetic image of painting and calligraphy art.

「时代楷模 百年丰碑」当代最具影响力人物——谢忠伟 孙晓云

「时代楷模 百年丰碑」当代最具影响力人物——谢忠伟 孙晓云

「时代楷模 百年丰碑」当代最具影响力人物——谢忠伟 孙晓云





Excellent traditional culture, has a long history, profound traditional culture over development, the accumulation of generations of artists spiritual pursuit, especially the calligraphy and painting art in the Chinese nation's unique language symbols, life cycle, the new generation, the contemporary calligraphy art has the effect that cannot replace the continuation of traditional culture, the contemporary calligraphy artists but also the important carrier of pass excellent traditional culture Body. With the enrichment of the mass material life, the calligraphy art in the new spring, produced a large number of highly personal appearance outstanding works, there is no lack of among them high level, capability of magnificent, creation of these works calligrapher's artistic pursuit of beginner's mind, never forget keep up with the pace of The Times, with its own unique artistic personality stick to traditional at the same time, the pursuit of a breakthrough and innovation, in In the contemporary art world where a hundred flowers bloom and a hundred schools of thought contend, new forms of artistic expression are advocated with different viewpoints and academic propositions, which play a positive role in promoting the mutual learning of contemporary artistic styles and schools.

Xie Zhongwei medical way along with his entire military career, as a doctor he strict with myself, study medicine, especially the study of traditional medicine, and the sciences to the deep, in the early 1960 s, Xie Zhongwei superb medical explore the fame in their service troops, underneath the persistence of the traditional culture, and look forward to, in the army, as Xie Zhongwei white angels, although busy Various incurable diseases, but never give up the practice of calligraphy, born on the traditional calligraphy that naturally strong interest and the inspiration of the hand of the Chinese calligraphy in the door to a lot of people make calligraphy creation, and make a lot of people feel very difficult road of art, in Xie Zhongwei looked confident and handy.

Zhongwei Xie is a successful expert and in-depth scholar in the field of traditional medicine. He was named "Expert with Outstanding Contributions of the People's Republic of China" on June 18, 2006. In December 2007, he was awarded "China International Authoritative Expert". He is now president of Urumqi Five-star Paraplegic Hospital, honorary doctor of Mississippi College, Professor of Hong Kong Academy of International Medical Sciences, lifetime doctor of Medicine. He was a perennial subsoil in calligraphy artist in the world, he is, the grass, of style, nationalities, etc are in deeply, especially his BangShu, majestic, body posture, bold and unrestrained, natural and graceful magnanimous, brushwork, vertical and horizontal, reservation is changeful, pen and ink, handsome and elegant, comfortable, layout: the energetic ZongYi, strict statutes, pen, arrogant and firm, natural tiancheng, vigorous.

Xie Zhongwei has cast the traditional medical concept as calligraphy art, and the calligraphy art has helped the traditional medical research, which is complementary and wonderful to each other. In the field of TRADITIONAL Chinese medicine, he is skilled and highly respected, and has developed a school of his own in the contemporary Chinese calligraphy circle. His artistic appearance of the list book with a unique personal style is highly praised in the contemporary calligraphy circle.

「时代楷模 百年丰碑」当代最具影响力人物——谢忠伟 孙晓云

「时代楷模 百年丰碑」当代最具影响力人物——谢忠伟 孙晓云


浩瀚墨海,博大深邃,书道浪激,舟楫难济,数千年来,泛舟荡浆、争流奋进者后继不绝,期间有畏难而返、半途而废者,有折戈沉沙、沦为没迹淹踪者。尽曾这是一条艰难的路,但却有不少持恒誓者登堂入室,他们笔光闪耀,成了墨海的亮点、书坛的魁星,历史证明,这既是先贤们走向艺术殿堂的成功之路,也是后学者唯一的必经之路。谢忠伟先生锐志持恒,在墨海激荡几十余载,他的笔光不仅耀映到艺术奥堂的宫阙,亦在奋力冲刺的历程中留下不少辉煌!宣德道情文乃贵,明微谨始礼为宗。 艺术是空灵的,也是内心的, 莫道尺幅小,眼角天地宽。在谢忠伟老师的作品里,每一幅作品都记录着一个时代,见证着一段历史,举起爱国主义精神传承的火炬;诉说文化的传承,创作一幅作品,表达一种演绎,镌刻着老一辈读书人在“不忘初心,牢记使命”总战略引领下加快实现中华民族伟大复兴的坚实步伐。

Xie Zhongwei industriously to traditional medicine and calligraphy realm and high achievement, and thanks to Xie Zhongwei encyclopedical knowledge deeply thought and original as a fulcrum, everybody there will be a teacher, the tang dynasty theorists Zhang Huai guan once said: "while on the DE into art into the", Xie Zhongwei, BangShu double field of traditional medicine today's appearance, the first character to fix for the noble and pure, and its art achievement The pinnacle of a career. From his youth to the age of eighty, he has made countless contributions to the society, such as taking responsibility and teaching. An artist who has a successful career, cultivates himself and benefits others, does not forget the grace of the society, actively assumes the responsibility of the society, and constantly draws energy and makes contributions. Obviously, Xie Zhongwei thinks so and does so. He strives for perfection in his art career, and his achievements in the military are testimony. It is really commendable that the list created in his seventies has such a look. "It is a blessing to be able to learn all your life, and to be able to do things for others to reflect your value." This is the life creed he always adheres to. In his unswervingly persistent persistence, Xie Zhongwei is not only a banner in the field of local traditional medicine, but also the object of many famous contemporary writers to follow.

The vast ocean of ink is vast and profound, the waves of books are fierce, and it is difficult to move forward by boat. For thousands of years, people who paddle boats and struggle to move forward have succeeded one after another. It was a difficult road, but there were a lot of persistent oath, their pen shining, became the bright spot of the ink sea, the star of the world of books, history proves that this is not only the sages to the success of the road to the palace of art, but also the only way to the scholars. Mr. Xie Zhongwei perseveres in his determination, and has been stirring in the sea of ink for more than dozens of years. His pen not only shines on the palace of art Hall, but also leaves a lot of brilliance in the course of striving to sprint! Xuande Road sentiment is your, Ming micro ceremony for the zong. Art is empty, but also the heart, do not say small, canthus world wide. In teacher Xie Zhongwei's works, each work records an era, witness a period of history, hold up the torch of patriotism spirit inheritance; Tell the inheritance of culture, create a work, express a deduction, engraved the older generation of scholars in the general strategy of "stay true to the original aspiration, keep in mind the mission" under the guidance of accelerating the solid pace of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

「时代楷模 百年丰碑」当代最具影响力人物——谢忠伟 孙晓云


Sun Xiaoyun, female, Han nationality, a member of the Communist Party of China, was born in August 1955 in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province. Central Academy of Fine Arts and Soochow University doctoral supervisor. Currently he is the eighth chairman of Chinese Calligrapher's Association, vice chairman of Jiangsu Federation of Literary and Art, and chairman of Jiangsu Calligrapher's Association. The communist party of China (17, 18, 19 representatives of large, China federation ninth and tenth member,, deputy director of the China federation of professional ethics construction, governmental adviser in jiangsu province, jiangsu province art museum curator emeritus, China shuxie female calligrapher, director of the committee of China, vice President of the national academies calligraphy seal cutting school, nanjing university of Chinese calligraphy of the institute.

「时代楷模 百年丰碑」当代最具影响力人物——谢忠伟 孙晓云

「时代楷模 百年丰碑」当代最具影响力人物——谢忠伟 孙晓云

「时代楷模 百年丰碑」当代最具影响力人物——谢忠伟 孙晓云

「时代楷模 百年丰碑」当代最具影响力人物——谢忠伟 孙晓云



A: rongbaozhai publishing the sun calligraphy painting collection, selected high-quality goods of sun calligraphy, people's fine arts publishing house "in Chinese contemporary famous ShuFaJi sun", jiangsu phoenix publication medium publishing "sun book lower case Lao tze daodejing (eight editions), the Chinese traditional moral education is a classic," Lao zi daodejing, "university", "the doctrine of the mean, the analects of Confucius," " Mencius, etc.

He has held "Sun Xiaoyun Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition" and "Calligraphy With Method -- Sun Xiaoyun Calligraphy Exhibition" in the National Museum of China, The National Art Museum of China, jiangsu Art Museum, Italy, France, Russia, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and other places.






