• 09月29日 星期日





01|印度尼西亚雅加达综合体Bintaro Jaya正式开工



01|Indonesian Jakarta complex Bintaro Jaya officially started construction

The project is located in the new central business district and covers anarea of more than 30 hectares. It is one of the earliest TOD complexdevelopment projects in Bindaro, Jakarta, which covering retail entertainment,culture, residences, offices, hotels and vast public spaces. The complex willalso be connected to neighboring universities to create a comprehensiveintelligent innovation zone in the region of new standard urban land using.

02|Gulliver's Valley resort宣布推迟其中 Gulliver'sValley开园计划,新主题公园已经开工

Gulliver’s Valley度假区坐落在250英亩的PithouseWest旧址上,其中包含50多个游乐设施和景点,负责人宣布已经制定了于2020年6月开放的计划,但是由于冠状病毒的爆发,这一计划已经推迟了。与此同时,新主题公园的建设工作将恢复。


02|Gulliver's Valley resort announces postponement of Gulliver's Valley parkopening, new theme park has started

The Gulliver's Valley resort is situated on the 250-acre former PithouseWest site. It features more than 50 rides and attractions.The man in charge hasreleased plans for the new venue to open in June 2020, but this has now beenpostponed due to the coronavirus outbreak. At the same time, the constructionwork is set to resume on the new theme park.


西蒙地产集团(Simon Property Group)5月11日表示,旗下77家美国零售地产已重新开张。首席执行官大卫•西蒙(David Simon)在接受分析师采访时说,该公司计划在下周内开设一半的美国购物中心。

西蒙拒绝透露自COVID-19流感爆发以来,公司收取了多少租金。据富国银行(Wells Fargo)的一份客户说明,竞争对手布鲁克菲尔德(Brookfield)表示,它从零售资产中收取了20%的资金,而马塞里奇(Macerich)则宣布收取26%的资金。

03|Half of Simon's malls to reopen within a week

Simon Property Group on 11th May said that 77 of its U.S. retail propertieshave reopened. Plans are to open half of the company's U.S. shopping centerswithin the next week, CEO David Simon told analysts.

Simon declined to say howmuch rent has been collected since the COVID-19 pandemic forced temporaryclosures. Rival developers Brookfield has said it's collected 20% from retailassets and Macerich announced a 26% collection rate, according to a Wells Fargoclient note.

04|欧贝罗伊集团(Oberoi Group)在伦敦Mayfair开设豪华品牌住宅

标志性的豪华酒店集团欧贝罗伊(Oberoi)已与一家私人房地产投资公司签署了一项协议,该协议称,它将在“伦敦市中心黄金地段最具吸引力和最受欢迎的Mayfair”开设豪华品牌住宅,其中包括 23间服务公寓,零售区和一间小餐厅。


04|Oberoi Group opens luxury brand residence in Mayfair, London

The iconic luxury hotel group Oberoi has signed an agreement with a privatereal estate investment company, which says it will be in the “mostattractive and popular Mayfair in the heart of London ”openingluxury brand residences, including 23 serviced apartments, retail areas and asmall restaurant.

05|美国百货店运营商Stage Stores周日申请破产保护

美国百货店运营商Stage Stores5月10日申请破产保护,成为继尼曼马库斯和J.Crew之后,又一家受疫情冲击而倒下的零售商。


05|US department store operator Stage Stores filed for bankruptcy protectionon Sunday

Stage Stores, the US department store operator, filed for bankruptcyprotection on 10th May and became another retailer that fell afterthe impact of the epidemic following Nieman Marcus and J. Crew.

The companysaid it will seek buyers for some or all of its business and will begin toreduce its business. The company will begin to reopen the doors that wereclosed due to the epidemic outbreak. About 557 stores are scheduled to open onMay 15 for liquidation sales.


YFG ShoppingCentres以2.85亿澳元的价格从Nuveen Real Estate手中收购了布里斯班Mt Ommaney购物中心的全部所有权。Mt Ommaney购物中心拥有建筑面积56,469平方米,并且附带一项开发申请。

根据该开发申请,业主可进行11481平方米的扩建,包括电影院、就餐区和娱乐场所等。该交易代表YFG的又一项重要长期投资。YFG已在昆州累计收购了20家购物中心,其中包括黄金海岸的Australia Fair和布里斯班北部的Rookside Shopping Centre。


06|Retail giant YFG spends 285 million high-profile acquisition of Mt Ommaneyshopping mall

YFG Shopping Centres acquired the entire ownership of Mt Ommaney ShoppingCentre in Brisbane from Nuveen Real Estate for A$ 285 million. The Mt Ommaneyshopping mall has a construction area of 56,469 square meters and isaccompanied with a development application.

According to the developmentapplication, the owner can carry out an expansion of 11,481 square meters,including a movie theater, dining area and entertainment venues. Thetransaction represents another important long-term investment of YFG. YFG hasacquired a total of 20 shopping malls in Queensland, of which includingAustralia Fair on the Gold Coast and Rookside Shopping Centre in northernBrisbane.


01|戴森在中国香港开设Dyson Demo专卖店

英国吸尘器品牌戴森(Dyson)于5月8日宣布在中国香港开设第一家Dyson Demo专卖店。该店位于西九龙最高档的购物中心之一ELEMENTS的一楼,设计成一站式目的地,鼓励游客亲身体验戴森的先进技术,了解其优势如何帮助业主改善家庭和个人健康的状况。


01|Dyson opens Dyson Demo store in Hong Kong, China

British vacuum cleaner brand Dyson announced the opening of its first DysonDemo Store in Hong Kong, China on 8th May. Located at the first floor ofELEMENTS, one of the most premium shopping malls in West Kowloon, the store isdesigned as a one-stop destination to encourage visitors to have true hands-onexperiences with Dyson’s advanced technologies and to understand how itsengineering superiority can help improve the home and personal wellness for itsowners.



该门店面积约200平方米,店内拥有超100个IP作品,3000款周边商品。Animate是日本动漫行业中最大的集团公司,旗下包括“animate、movic、Gamers、Marine ENTERTAINMENT Inc.、Frontier WorksInc.、coade、Libre出版社”等众多广为人知的企业,在动漫制作、周边开发、产品贩售等方面颇受欢迎。


02|The first animation independent store in Shanghai settled in UniversityRoad

On 25 April, the first animation independent store in Shanghai officiallyopened at university road 288. Authorized by the Japanese authorities and operatedby BiliBili' s Chaodian Culture, the store is the first independent streetstore in Shanghai and the largest flagship store in Chinese mainland.

The storecovers an area of about 200 square meters and has 3000 peripheral products withmore than 100 IP works. Animate is the largest company in the Japaneseanimation industry, and its subsidiaries include many well-known enterprisessuch as "Animate, Movic, Gamers, Marine Enterprise Inc., Frontier WorksInc., Coade, Libre Publishing House", which are quite popular in animationproduction, peripheral development, product sales, etc.




03|IKEA to open first small-store concept in Southeast Asia

IKEA will open the doors to its first small-store concept in Southeast Asiain 2021, making it easier than ever for Singaporeans in the west to accessaffordable home furnishings and Swedish meatballs.At around 6,500 square meters,the 3rd IKEA store in Singapore will be spread across three floors inside thepopular Jem shopping centre.

04|香奈儿推出2020新款高级珠宝手表Mademoiselle PrivéBouton

香奈儿最近推出了2020新款高级珠宝手表Mademoiselle PrivéBouton。这款手表的灵感来源于香奈儿标志性的黑色小夹克袖子,它总是编成辫子并用纽扣点缀。为了凸显布满珠宝的表盘,香奈儿采用了粗花呢作为其所选材质。


04|CHANEL unveils Mademoiselle Privé Bouton Perle, new high jewellery watch2020

CHANEL has recently launches its new high-jewellery watch, MademoisellePrivé Bouton.This watch is inspired by the sleeve of the iconic CHANEL littleblack jacket, always braided and punctuated with a button. To highlight thistime-telling jewellery piece, tweed is a clear choice.

05|英国奢侈手袋品牌 Mulberry 实现全球同价,中国市场价格降低近五分之一

随着新冠肺炎对全球旅游业的冲击,奢侈品消费者只能在国内购物。英国最大的奢侈皮具生产商 Mulberry正通过新的定价策略和线上促销活动,留住亚洲消费者。

Mulberry 首席执行官 Thierry Andretta 表示,新定价体系将使部分英国制造的手袋在某些市场的价格降低约五分之一,目的是提高线上销售和海外销售,尤其是要吸引年轻消费者。


05|British luxury handbag brand Mulberry achieves the same global price, andthe price in the Chinese market is reduced by nearly one-fifth

As the New Crown epidemic has hit the global tourism industry, luxuryconsumers can only shop domestically. Mulberry, the UK's largest manufacturerof luxury leather goods, is retaining Asian consumers through new pricingstrategies and online promotions.

Mulberry CEO Thierry Andretta said that thenew pricing system will reduce the price of some British-made handbags in somemarkets by about one-fifth, with the aim of increasing online sales andoverseas sales, especially to attract young consumers.

06|LangerChen计划下半年进军中国 开设全球首家旗舰店



06|LangerChen plans to enter China in the second half of the year to open theworld's first flagship store

Starting in 2018, LangerChen officially entered China, hoping to bringtogether partners and consumers to jointly promote sustainable andenvironmentally friendly consumption and life concepts. In 2019, LangerChenopened an offline pop-up store at K11, the core shopping art center in thefashion capital of Shanghai, and the entire event received excellent feedbackfrom consumers.

Miranda Chen said: "In the past few years, we have done very well inthe world. Since last year, we hope that through our environmentally friendlyfashion brand to change the concepts of some Chinese consumers, we can leteveryone have more environmental protection concepts and take root in everyone ’s consumptionphilosophy. "



07|Coca-Cola and Mengniu joint venture in China

The new joint venture between Coca-Cola Company and China Mengniu DairyCo., Ltd. was closed on April 29 this year. This means that Coca-Cola andMengniu are going to establish a joint venture in China to studylow-temperature milk products.




08|Tsubaya Bookstore prepares to "collect" Chinese thousands ofsingle bookstores

Recently, the founder Muneaki Masuda wanted to prove the vitality of thebookstore compound model, and then Yuya Bookstore announced that with theexisting three stores in Hangzhou, Chengdu, and Shanghai as the fulcrum, he wasready to spur the super dream of "opening 1100 stores in China in themedium term".





09|Countdown to Esprit's closing

Esprit, the fashion brand, announced that it would close all its stores inmainland of China by May 31. Now, the closing plan is coming to an end. Infact, in addition to Esprit, many fast fashion brands have also left China inrecent years.

Last year, Forever 21, the US fast fashion brand, confirmed itsexit from the Chinese market because of changes in Chinese consumer demand andconsideration of the company' s profitability. Also last year, New Look andTopshop, the British fast fashion brands, withdrew from the Chinese market.Some professionals in this field believe that with the rapid growth of Taobaoand Chinese local design brands, the fast fashion with foreign"genes" will face greater challenges in Chinese market.





01|Active M & A in Italian fashion and luxury

In the past year, the Italian consumer goods market has completed 256 M&Atransactions (an increase of 27%). Among them, the fashion and luxury sectorcompleteed M&A the most from 43 in 2018 to 77 in 2019 (an increase of 34),with an increase of 13% in cross-border acquisition cases, followed by food (anincrease of 20), beverage (an increase of 12) and personal care and cosmetics(an increase of 7). Italian private equity funds and venture capital are alsoquite active in the field of local fashion luxury investment.



02|Michelin Starred Restaurants and other high-end catering introduced to thenew duty-tax store opened in Shanghai

In addition to the daily duty-free shops in the airport and the Zhongfuduty-free shops in the downtown area, Shanghai may add another duty-free shopnear Pudong. China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone Lin-Gang Special AreaAdministration revealed that the city's duty-free shops with an area of 30000square meters plans to introduce high-end restaurants such as Michelinrestaurant.



03|Prada exits the South African market

Prada will permanently close its brand's store in the Thornton shopping centerin South Africa, but did not give details. The store is Prada's only store inSouth Africa opened in 2015, covering an area of more than 8000 square feet,mainly selling men's and women's ready to wear, handbags, accessories andshoes. Some analysts say Prada's move is related to the store closure policyimplemented in South Africa during the epidemic and the long-term unstableretail environment.


法国奢侈品牌 Chanel(香奈儿)5月13日表示,考虑到疫情期间原材料成本增加,将在全球范围内手袋和小件皮具的价格上调5-17%。

但根据 purseblog.com 收集到的数据,其经典款式 Mini Square Flap Bag 售价的涨幅高达25%。Chanel 此前也确认,一些商品在欧洲和中国的价格涨幅确实高达25%。但它强调:“公司将坚持全球定价一致,消除不同市场之间的明显价格差异。”


04|Chanel officially confirmed that the price of classic handbags and smallleather goods will be increased by 5-17% globally

Chanel, a French luxury brand, said on May 13 that it would raise theprices of handbags and small leather goods around the world by 5-17% in view ofthe increased cost of raw materials during the epidemic.

But according to the datafrom purseblog.com, its classic Mini Square Flat Bag is up 25% in price. Chanelhad previously confirmed that prices of some goods in Europe and China did riseby as much as 25%. But it stressed: "the company will adhere to globalpricing consistency and eliminate obvious price differences between differentmarkets."



但仍有少数零售商正在继续经营,并开设了新的门店:LVMH集团旗下的奢侈品零售商Loro Piana开设了世界上第一个鞋类概念店,而制表匠Panerai在广东路,香港最昂贵的地段之一,开设了一家手表与配件门店。


05|The retail industry in Hong Kong, China, fell 42% for the 14th consecutivemonth, with a few retailers opening new stores

As of now, Hong Kong's retail sales have fallen for the 14th consecutivemonth, dropping 42% year-on-year in March, and total sales dropped to 23billion Hong Kong dollars. Prior to this, due to the outbreak of the epidemic,there was a historic plunge in early February, with sales falling by 44%.

Theimpact of the epidemic was much greater than the combined negative impact ofall protests in the second half of last year. However, there are still a fewretailers that continue to operate and open new stores: LVMH Group ’s luxuryretailer Loro Piana opens the world ’s first shoe conceptstore, while watchmaker Panerai on Guangdong Road, Hong Kong ’s One of theexpensive locations, opened a watch and accessories store.



06|Bain expects that the global luxury goods market will not return to 2019levels until 2023

The epidemic has stalled the luxury goods market, which has been growingrapidly over the past 10 years. Global sales of high-end handbags, clothing andcosmetics fell by 25% in the first three months of this year, and will continueto show a downward trend from April to June. Bain expects a decline of 20% to 35%of luxury turnover for the entire year of 2020, which is larger than thepreviously expected 15% to 35%. Bain said that it may not be until 2023 at thelatest before the revenue of the luxury market returns to 2019 levels.

07|Kantar Millward Brown公布2020年度BrandZ全球零售品牌75强榜单,Amazon蝉联第一

全球知名传讯服务集团 WPP 近日联手公司旗下市场咨询机构 Kantar Millward Brown于4月30日公布了2020年度BrandZ全球零售品牌75强榜单。Amazon蝉联全球最具价值零售品牌。奢侈品牌中,排名最高的 Louis Vuitton (路易威登) 品牌价值以 517.77亿美元位列总榜第五。阿里巴巴、京东、拼多多和苏宁易购等四个中国零售品牌也上榜。


07|Kantar Millward Brown Announces the 2020 BrandZ Global Retail Brand Top 75List, Amazon Ranks No. 1

The world-renowned communications service group WPP recently teamed up withKantar Millward Brown, the company's market consulting agency, to announce the2020 BrandZ Top 75 Global Retail Brands list on April 30. Amazon continues tobe the world's most valuable retail brand. Among luxury brands, the highestranked Louis Vuitton brand value ranked fifth in the total list with 51.77billion US dollars. Four Chinese retail brands Alibaba, JD.com, Pinduoduo andSuning.com also included in the list.




08|Morrisons, the four largest supermarket chains in the US, saw salesincrease by more than 5% in the first quarter

The latest report by Morrisons stated that by the 14th week of May 10,2020, the group’s sales of similar products had increased by 5.7%. It alsostated that transactions in the first few weeks of the first quarter have been"highly volatile", inventory has increased, followed by the initialimpact of the blockade period and weak Easter transactions, and there has beena marked improvement in recent weeks.



09|Amazon seeks to acquire Wanda AMC Cinema

According to the British "Daily Mail", Amazon has negotiated withAMC Cinema about a potential acquisition, but it is not clear whether it isstill in progress or whether the two parties will reach an agreement.





10|Isetan was affected by the epidemic, and appeared quarterly loss for thefirst time in eight years

A few days ago, Japanese department store operator Isetan said that due tothe epidemic, quarterly loss appeared for the first time in eight years.

Isetan stated that the operating scale for the first quarter ofJanuary-March 2020 (the fourth quarter of fiscal 2019) was between 1 billionand 50 billion Japanese Yen, and the operating profit for the same period lastyear was 3.7 billion Japanese Yen. In January, local market stores initiallydecreased by 7%, and extended by 16% in two months. With the aggravation of theepidemic in Japan, consumers are required to be quarantined at home, and thereplacement interval of 3 months is 40%.



“我们的门店不会马上全部开放,”首席执行官Erik Nordstrom和总裁Peter Nordstrom说。“我们将采取分阶段的方法。您的健康以及我们员工的健康是我们的首要任务。而我们所做的每个决定都以此为基础。我们希望重开商店的方法是经过深思熟虑的,我们将会创建一个对所有人安全的商店环境。”

11|Nordstrom is ready to reopen the store, but will strengthen a series ofrestrictions

Nordstrom is planning to reopen the store, but will strengthen a series ofrestrictions, including opening fewer fitting rooms, not providing cosmeticgrooming services, and placing plexiglass partitions at the checkout counter tolimit the number of customers entering the store.

"Our stores will not open all at once," CEO Erik Nordstrom andPresident Peter Nordstrom said. "We will adopt a phased approach. Yourhealth and the health of our employees are our top priorities. And everydecision we make is based on this. We hope that the way to reopen the store isthoughtful, we will Will create a store environment that is safe for everyone."

12|债权人呼吁:破产保护中的美国奢侈百货 Neiman Marcus 应与竞争对手Saks 合并

5月12日,美国奢侈品百货集团 Neiman Marcus 的债权人之一,对冲基金 Mudrick Capital Management LP (以下简称Mudrick)在一封公开信中,要求 Neiman Marcus 的独立董事考虑与竞争对手,美国奢侈品百货 Saks 合并的提案。

Mudrick的律师在给董事们的信中写道:“相较于公司目前的重组计划,Neiman Marcus 与 Saks 百货的合并能为债权人带来更好的回报。如果与Saks 合并,Neiman Marcus 将可以关闭至少22家与Saks 冲突的网络门店,加上其他协同效应和成本降低带来的收益,总计可以创造28亿到47亿美元的价值,并增强Neiman Marucs 的盈利能力。”

12|Creditors' appeal: Neiman Marcus, the US luxury department store inbankruptcy protection, should merge with rival Saks

On May 12, one of the creditors of the US luxury department store groupNeiman Marcus, the hedge fund Mudrick Capital Management LP (hereinafterMudrick), in an open letter, asked the independent directors of Neiman Marcusto consider competing with competitors, the US luxury department store SaksMerged proposal.

Mudrick ’s lawyer wrote in a letter to the directors: “Compared with thecompany ’s current restructuring plan, the merger of Neiman Marcus and SaksDepartment Store can bring better returns to creditors. If it merges with Saks,Neiman Marcus will be able to close At least 22 stores that conflict with Saks ’s network ofstores, together with other synergies and cost-reduction benefits, can create atotal of $ 2.8 billion to $ 4.7 billion in value and enhance Neiman Marucs ’profitability."


01|美妆巨头 Coty 拆分旗下专业美妆产品的交易终于落槌,与私募基金 KKR达成战略合作

5月11日,美国美妆集团 Coty Inc(科蒂)宣布从美国私募投资巨头 KKR 处获得新的投资,并达成战略合作伙伴关系。通过向 KKR 出售可转换优先股,Coty 公司首先获得一笔 7.5亿美元的投资。

同时,Coty 公司还将旗下专业美妆及零售美发业务(包括专业美发品牌 Wella、伊卡璐Clairol、ghd、专业美甲品牌OPI等)拆分为独立运营的公司,整体估值约为 43亿美元。拆分完成后,预计 Coty 将从中获得大约30亿美元的现金回报。Coty 表示,本次交易将有助于公司实现资产负债表的大幅去杠杆化,并为实现长期增长和投资核心品牌组合奠定基础。当前,Coty 在巴西的大众美妆业务仍属于该公司。


01|Coty, a beauty giant, split its professional beauty products business,reached a strategic cooperation with private equity fund KKR

On 11 May, Coty Inc. announced that it had obtained new investment fromKKR, a US private investment giant, and reached a strategic partnership. Byselling convertible preferred shares to KKR, Coty will receive an investment of$750 million. At the same time, Coty also divides its professional cosmeticsand retail hairdressing businesses (including professional hairdressing brandssuch as Wella, Icarus Clairol, ghd, professional manicure brand OPI, etc.) intoindependent companies with an overall valuation of about $4.3 billion.

Uponcompletion of the split, Coty is expected to receive a cash return of about $3billion. Coty said the deal will help the company achieve substantialdeleveraging of its balance sheet and lay the foundation for long-term growthand investment in its core brand portfolio. At present, Coty's popular beautybusiness in Brazil still belongs to the company.

02|英国男装零售商 TM Lewin 被私募基金 SCP收购

私募基金 SCP 通过旗下的投资机构 Torque Brands,从贝恩资本(Bain Captial)手中收购了英国男装零售商 TM Lewin,交易的具体财务细节并未公布。有报道称其主要竞争对手之一,另一英国男装品牌 Charles Tyrwhitt 曾经提出了收购报价。

SCP 表示,将接手TM Lewin的整个门店网络,并将保持和主要供应商的合作关系。SCP 目前管理着超过8亿美元的资金,主要针对信息科技,生命科学,服务业和安保行业等领域进行投资。


02|British menswear retailer TM Lewin acquired by private fund SCP

SCP, a private equity fund, acquired TM Lewin, a British men's clothingretailer, from Bain Captial through its investment arm, Torque Brands. Thefinancial details of the deal have not been released. The company began apublic search for a sale a month ago, with reports that one of its maincompetitors, Charles Tyrwhitt, another British menswear brand, had offered abid.

SCP said it would take over the entire store network of TM Lewin andmaintain a partnership with key suppliers. SCP currently manages more than 800million US dollars, mainly for investment in information technology, lifescience, service industry and security industry.

03|南墨尔本的Wayside Inn酒店待售,预计价格超过380万澳元

位于南墨尔本的Wayside Inn酒店开始了25年来的首次出售,出售额预计将卖到380万美元或更高。酒店始建于1915年,内部于2018年进行了翻新,其中587平方米的场地已经按月租赁给私人运营商。


03|Wayside Inn hotel in South Melbourne is for sale and expected to value morethan A $ 3.8 million

Wayside Inn hotel in South Melbourne has begun its first sale in 25 years,and the amount is expected to reach $ 3.8 million or more. The hotel was builtin 1915, and the interior was renovated in 2018. Its 587-square-meter site hasbeen leased to private operators on a monthly basis.

04|高街集团正式购买Strawberry Place剩余开发所有股份,继续1.2亿英镑的重建工作

高街集团(High Street Group)正式收购了草莓开发广场(StrawberryPlace)剩余所有股份,成为其唯一开发商,并宣布继续价值1.2亿英镑的重建工作。



04|High Street Group officially purchases all remaining shares of StrawberryPlace Development and continues reconstruction of £ 120 million

High Street Group formally purchased all remaining shares in StrawberryPlace development and became its sole developer, and announced that it willcontinue the 120 million pound reconstruction.

The project occupies 2.3 acres and is adjacent to St James Park Stadium. Aconstruction partner will soon be appointed to participate and is currentlybeing discussed with potential tenants.


01|香奈儿前首席CEO Maureen Chiquet加盟Golden Goose担任总裁

前香奈儿全球首席执行官莫林·基奎特将被任命为Golden Goose的董事长,这标志着该品牌有意进一步拓展其美国市场。

此次任命预计将在6月10日完成对意大利品牌Permira的出售后完成。Chiquet接替Patrizio di Marco,后者仍是该品牌的联合投资人。


01|Maureen Chiquet, former chief executive of Chanel, joins Golden Goose aspresident

Former Chanel Global CEO Moline Kikwete will be appointed chairman ofGolden Goose, which marks the brand's intention to further expand its USmarket.

The appointment is expected to be completed after the sale of Italian brandPermira completed on June 10. Chiquet succeeds Patrizio di Marco, who is stillthe co-investor of the brand after change.








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