• 12月23日 星期一






文 | 谢丽容


































Where Is The Technology Industry Heading After20 Years of Ups and Downs?

As information technology gaining more momentum, the ever-emerging newtechnologies, especially disruptive ones, are propelling the digitalization ofeconomic and social transformation.

By XIE Lirong

The year 2000 marks a critical year in the nearly 20-year history ofthe development of the global technology industry.

In 2000, under the joint endeavor of more than 20 years of policysupport, technology diffusion as well as combined effect ofmacro industrial and financial policies, the U.S. communicationtechnology industry reached an unprecedented mid-boom. Hightech industries gradually replaced traditional manufacturing as themain driving force behind U.S. economic development.

The year 2000 is also a special one in the history of China's Internetfor it witnessed the foundation of Tencent, Alibaba and Baidu. Inthis very same year, China's three major portal websites—SOHU,SINA and NetEase were listed in the U.S. These companies formed the base of China's Internet which lasts for nearly 20 years.Unlike China, South Korea and Japan, another two technologypowerhouses in the Asia-Pacific region, have been accumulating progresses in integrated circuits in technology since 2000. SouthKorea boasts top-tier international consumer electronics brandssuch as Samsung and LG. Among them, Samsung is world'snumber one supplier of mobile devices, nearly a monopoly in thescreen, memory chip and cache chip markets (it occupies 70% ofthe global DRAM (dynamic random-access memory) market and50% NAND flash memory market).

In comparison, there is no epoch-making Japanese enterprise that possesses products across full industry chain.However, Japanenjoys great competence in the field of semiconductor as itscompanies hold the key position in the upstream part of integratedcircuits and have the strongest say in the basic high precisionmaterials. For example, among companies that produce basic materials such as polyimide for flexible organic light-emittingdiode displays, resist for the coating of memory chips, Japanese ones account for half or more than half of world’s total.Over the last decades or so, the Chinese government’s emphasis on the development of the integrated circuit industry coupled with Chinese Taiwan's years of accumulation in the industry enablethe Asia-Pacific region to gain an increasingly prominent positionin the global semiconductor industry.

The new round of U.S. technology development that began after 2000 has shifted the focus from the previous desktop Internet tothe mobile Internet represented by e-commerce, mobile social networks, and then to the intelligent Internet era featuring artificial intelligence(AI), cloud, big data, block chain and the Internet of Things, which leads to the fact that new business models keepemerging with more extensive influence, triggering profound changes in all aspects of the economy and society.

Mobile Internet in Asia-Pacific Region is in the Ascendant

The technology development in the Asia-Pacific region basicallystarted after 2000. Compared with the U.S. technology industry which grows comprehensively in the whole business, Asia-Pacificcountries focus more on the subsections due to their differentnational conditions and limited capacity.

After a short period of desktop Internet, China rapidly enteredthe mobile Internet era, marked by full commercialization of 3G network at the end of 2008. The three telecom operation tycoonsand telecom equipment manufacturers such as Huawei and ZTEhave left world with great impression with their remarkable innovations and leapfrog development in mobile telecommunicationnetworks. Against this background, China quickly became thecountry with the largest number of Internet users and the widest network coverage worldwide.

Throughout mid-boom of the mobile Internet (from 3Gcommercialization at the end of 2008 to 4G commercialization in2015), the development of the software industry and the innovationof business models were far more active than that of the technology. A large amount of Chinese and foreign venture capital was pouredinto this industry, favoring startups whose business models weremore developed than others.

The mobile Internet cannot develop without the popularity of smart phones. Within a short period of merely 20 years, China hasbecome the world's largest seller and manufacturer of smart phoneswith as many as 70% of the world's smart phones and components assembled and produced in China.

South Korea and Japan are relatively outstanding in their technology development. With the popularity and developmentof mobile communication network infrastructure serve as aprerequisite for industrial and commercial development, both Japanand Korea have laid out 3G-5G networks in a radical manner. South Korea shares great similarity with China in the industrialand technological development. Enabled by an open technologyinnovation environment, active innovation capabilities and variouspolitical and commercial factors, it has further strengthened itsimportant position in the global technology industry chain.

Japan's mobile Internet innovation eventually goes down theroad of closed innovation, i.e., innovation only takes place in the community of Japanese manufacturers and domestic circulardevelopment. Over the years, Japan's global technology influencehas waned, but its unique advantage in semiconductor integratedcircuits remains irreplaceable at current stage.

India skipped the 2G desktop Internet era and went directly to 3Gand 4G mobile Internet. Over the years, it has been recognizedas the world's most promising regional market due to its great potential brought by the large population. As a result, a largeamount of capital and companies have swarmed to India. Thanksto that, the country has now witnessed the rapid and iterativedevelopment in mobile Internet innovation with the penetration andhelp of global capital.

Among other countries in the Asia-Pacific region, Middle Easterncountries have been constantly seeking transformation in economicdiversification. During the Pandemic prevention and control, many countries in the region increase policy support to continuous lyexpand Internet infrastructure as an effort to create a soundbusiness environment for the digital economy industry and boost the digital transformation. As digital economy-related industriesand enterprises in the Middle East growing rapidly, digital economy transformation will be an inseparable part of economic diversification for Middle Eastern countries.

A number of local Internet companies have emerged in recentyears in East Asian countries as a result of their huge user markets,and they are on the right track of development. Nevertheless, each country faces the same problems: relative lack of talents,incomplete capital market, short of corresponding industrial support, and limited capability to innovate business models.

The Epoch of Warring States of Digital Technology

Nowadays, a new round of digital technology transformationand industrial revolution, represented by AI, cloud, big data,block chain and Internet of Things, is emerging. As the focus of global economic and technology shifting eastward, countries payunprecedented stress on empowering country with technology, marking the epoch of "Warring States Epoch" in technological competition among major countries.

The U.S. and China have become leading countries in the digital transformation, and the latter has become a major player and driverof the new round of technological revolution and industrial change. In 2017, China’s digital economy accounted for 6% (in a narrowsense) to 30% (in a broad sense) of GDP in its total, while thenumber was 6.9% (in a narrow sense) to 21.6% (in a broad sense)in the U.S., and 21.6% (in a broad sense) and 4.5% (in a narrowsense) to 15.5% (in a broad sense) worldwide. China and the U.S.combined occupied more than 75% of the global cloud computingmarket.

Another trend merits noting is that capabilities and pace of China'stechnological innovation have been generally improved in the waveof digital revolution represented by AI and cloud. Take AI as anexample, research and innovation awareness of Chinese industrycircle in the field far exceed that of the mobile Internet era. Thecatalytic and linkage effects of policies and collaboration amongenterprises, universities and research institutes are beginning toplay their roles. China's integrated circuit industry is already on itsway to a new round of iteration owing to national policies and theestablishment of capital finance market (Science and TechnologyInnovation Board) from the government and technology R&Dchain and industrial development, talent training from the industry itself.

Since 2014, Japan has been actively launching its national AIstrategy and industrialization roadmap, aiming to combine its greatstrength in machinery manufacturing and robotics to promote Society 5.0. Through relying on its own advantages, Japan strives to propel AI industry development with innovative social demands by promoting coupling effects among AI, Internet of Things, bigdata and applying the strategy highlighting hardware development driving software development guided by three major intelligent products — robotics, automotive and medical industry.

South Korea's national strategy of digital technology is similarto that of Japan's. In terms of mobile communication networks, it has made information technology development represented by broadband a national strategy as early as Kim Dae-Jung administration. As the first country launched commercial 5Gworldwide South Korea issued 5G licenses in December 2018 and launched 5G technology in April, 2019. By the end of June 2019, more than 1.6 million people had switched to 5G, accounting for 77% of total 5G subscribers worldwide. Therefore, South Koreahas seized the first-mover opportunity. South Korea puts emphasis on the technological transformation of robotics and automotive industries as Japan.

The South Korean government has presented Future Vehicle Industry Development Strategy with direction for the future automotive industry in areas including driverless cars, electric and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. Among them, striving for commercialization of driverless cars by2027 is the highlight in the strategy.

More and more countries join the wave of digital technology revolution driven by the influence of core nations. However, the Asia-Pacific countries, in addition to China, Japan and South Koreaand the ten ASEAN countries (except Singapore), are relatively latein planning integrated layout of information technology despite itsdeveloped manufacturing capabilities. Besides, China’s Belt andRoad Initiative has also fueled the comprehensive development ofdigital technology in Asia-Pacific countries.

Take ASEAN as an example, ASEAN approved the ASEAN Digital Integration Framework (hereinafter referred to as the Framework)in 2018, and it further developed the ASEAN Digital IntegrationFramework Action Plan 2019-2025 (abbreviated as DIFAP, hereinafter referred to as the Action Plan 2025 ) in 2019. The Framework identifies six medium-term prioritized areas, aiming ataddressing key barriers and advancing digital connectivity in theregion. The six areas include seamless trade, innovation in digitaltrade, digital payment, talent, and promoting entrepreneurship. The Action Plan specifies dozens of more specific initiatives. Centeringaround frontier digital issues, both the policy guidelines, theestablishment of a unified institutional arrangement and platformwithin the region, as well as pragmatic projects such as capacitybuilding, technical assistance and workshops are included.

Due to the gap in development and digital divide among ASEAN,some member countries, especially the CLMV ones (Cambodia,Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam), have difficulties in accessingresources and technical support, and they also particularly need tolearn from the advanced experiences of other countries. Therefore,ASEAN relies on its external partners, stakeholders and privatesectors for these resources and project collaboration. By far,many initiatives and actions have received financial, technical andintellectual support from external development partner countriessuch as China, the US, Japan, Australia and Europe, as well as theprivate sector.

Located in the Middle East, the UAE, who accumulated the wealththrough oil industry, has been transforming into a diversified economic model since 2015. During the process, its governmenthas always been supporting technology, innovation with continuousbusiness policies in favor of the sector. The UAE governmentunveiled a plan in early 2021 to accelerate the post-pandemiceconomic recovery, which included the acceleration of the transitionto a fully digital economy, concentrating on AI, 5G networks,the Internet of Things and smart city building. In the meantime,it also encourages investment in areas such as blockchain, the"green economy", renewable energy, electric vehicles, 3D printing,robotics, biotechnology and genetic engineering.

The UAE hopes to make itself a global leader in AI by 2031.Since the current trend of the global economic value chain isclear, the rise of emerging economies is only a matter of time. It is in this context, the "Belt and Road" initiative is put forward. Considering that countries along the "Belt and Road" initiativeare mainly developing and emerging countries, who are home tomore than 60% of the world's population and account for one third of the world's total economic volume, they possess great potentialto be tapped. The first destination of Chinese overseas investmentin technology was Internet industry, covering almost all areas inSoutheast Asia, which serves as catalyst for the liveness of the local technology industry and the development of local companies andindustries themselves.

China has been cooperating with ASEAN in the digital economysince 2019. The signing of the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity 2025 (MPAC 2025) and the ASEAN-China Leaders' Statement on Smart City Cooperation Initiative signifies that Chinaand ASEAN will work innovatively on areas covering a widerange of fields such as AI, big data, cybersecurity and smart city,contributing new momentum to achieving full connectivity in theASEAN region.

Countries in the Middle East are also reaping significant resultsfrom their current digital cooperation with China. For instance,Huawei has signed technical agreements with more than 10 MiddleEast telecom operators in Kuwait, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain andother countries to build 5G networks; the Saudi Authority for Dataand Artificial Intelligence(SDAIA) has recently signed cooperationagreements with relevant Chinese enterprises and institutions,covering smart city construction, AI technology developmentof Arabic language, etc. Egypt’s Ministry of Education hascooperated with Fujian Net Dragon Websoft to launch onlineeducation products, covering more than 22 million students and 1million teachers in Egypt, providing distance learning during the suspension of classes due to the Pandemic and long-term servicesfor post-pandemic teaching; online exhibitions such as the China UAE Economic and Trade Digital Expo and the China-Middle Eastand North Africa (Morocco) International Digital Trade Fair wereheld in succession. Digital economy cooperation between Chinaand the Middle East gets deepened by the means of Internet, and innovative exhibition service models enabled by cloud and foreign trade negotiation.

One of the features of the digital economy is its non-competitiveness,which means that digital platforms and information technology arenon-competitive in nature and can be shared among countries. The larger the scale is, the lower the marginal cost will be. As globalpandemic prevention and control tends to be a long-term trendand people in all countries has gradually realize that the unique convenience of digital economy, digital transformation has becomeone of the recognized must-haves to initiate economic recovery.



SK 集团董事长兼 CEO

值此博鳌亚洲论坛2021年年会召开之际, SK集团向论坛致以诚挚的祝贺!


On the occasion of the Boao Forum for Asia(BFA) Annual Conference 2021, SK Group wouldlike to extend our sincere congratulations to theForum.

The world was challenged by COVID-19 in thepast year and as a result, global economy andinternational order are going through profoundchanges. We look forward to having in-depthdiscussions on these topical issues at Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2021 and hopefully, through open discussion and exchange ofopinions, more consensus will be reached andmore momentum added for world developmentand global governance in a post-COVID era.







The pandemic has accelerated the arrival of thedigital era, and artificial intelligence technologyhas become an immediate need to solve majorsocial problems in the post-pandemic era.

We believe that only through peaceful dialogueand joint participation in global governance canwe achieve prosperity in Asia and global economic integration.

Because we believe, we see. We are lookingforward to joining hands with delegates from allover the world at BFA 2021 to build a better worldwith the power of technology.


立足亚洲 面向世界 传递论坛最新动态 促进亚洲深度合作全球重要对话的传达者 亚洲共同发展的瞭望者




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