• 03月25日 星期二


Why is Southeast Asia poorer than East Asia? Is there a reason?




原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 转载请注明出处

Yue Yie, former Advisory Board Member (2017-2019)

Since ancient times SEA civilisations were based on trade and not manufacturing;

During western colonisation, the Dutch and the Brits played a divide and rule policy by bringing in immigrants to play active roles in the economy leaving the natives to their devices and internal politics. In the end the migrants are a step ahead in almost every aspect thanks to their close relationships with the colonial masters. Migrants still hold the keys to trade gateways allowing them to monopolise imports and exports of goods and services especially in Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia causing huge income disparity between the migrants and the natives;

Artificial national boundaries and monopoly tactics created by colonisation slowly destroyed maritime trade networks and ancient city state ports cestablished by the natives within just a century;

The weather allows SEA people to live with less money than those in East Asia. SEA natives don’t have to plan ahead for winter or to buy thick clothes to withstand the cold. In fact it is better to wear less clothes living in such heat leaving almost no room for progress in fashion and apparel.





Nabila Shukri

aside singapore, malaysia is the only country in south east asia that close to be developed..malaysia have “very high” HDI where as most country in south east asia have medium HDI except thailand..I think the reason that south east asia poor is :

corruption. corruption is very rampant in south east asia..singapore is the only country that have zero corruption hence be a developed country. Only the rich people can have an access to all the money whereas poor people suffer..

Attitude. Attitude in south east asia is more relax and laid back..we are not as hardworking as korean or japanese that is why south east asia lagged behind east asia

Education. Education is also one of the reason that south east asia is poor..I think education is really important to developed a country and be rich but south east asia education is not that good and most people in south east asia except singapore, malaysia and philippine cannot speak english..

Natural disaster. South east asia is situated in the ring of fire and there is a lot natural disaster such as earthquake,volcano and others..country like indonesia and philippines have the worst natural disaster but singapore and malaysia is safe from it..







Donghwan Kim, College Student. Korean Canadian.


SEAsians are less hardworking and intelligent.

SEAsia was destroyed much more than EAsia


There is not a single developed country(except small ones) in the latitude of SEAsia. Being in hot latitude makes development difficult in many ways. Hot weather makes many hours simply unworkable. Tropical climate leads to very turbulent natural disasters. Tropical diseases cause huge losses as well. 1This leads to the endless bad cycle, causing bad healthcare, poor education, low ethic level, and corruption, which further worsen the economy.

People like to point those factors as the reason why SEAsia is poor, but after all if they were easily fixed, all countries would be rich.










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