• 03月24日 星期一




How are Chinese people slim even when they eat rice so much?


Lucia Garcia
, Worked at Hospitals
Answered Dec 29
According to the survey, China's obesity rate is 7% in 2020, and China is one of the countries with the lowest obesity rate in the world.
Rice is the staple food of China. Chinese people eat rice at every meal, 7 days a week.
The calories of cooked rice are not high, 100 grams of cooked rice contains 115 calories. Eating rice will not gain weight.
In contrast, Chinese people consume an average of 2970 calories per day, while Americans consume 3770 calories per day.
Rice has high nutritional value. Rice contains essential carbohydrates, protein, insoluble fiber, fat, vitamin B1, niacin, vitamin C, and minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, potassium, and iron.
Cooked rice is easy to digest and absorb, and can provide the body with essential nutrients and energy every day.
Rice is a kind of "super food", and more than 3 billion people in the world eat rice.
Rice is a staple food in many countries, such as China, Japan, North Korea, South Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar, Philippines, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka and so on.

Larry Robinson
Around 1980 I went on a rice diet to lose 15 pounds. I lost that 15 pounds in about a month. I couldn’t eat rice again for a couple of years because I was sick of eating it. I’ve now gone back to eating rice but I can’t force myself to go back on the rice diet.

Charles Jameson
But isn’t high Glycemic Index an issue for white rice? I often wonder why high GI doesn’t result in higher levels of obesity in China. Perhaps it is simply related to “quantity” consumed?

Ricci Suarez
Because in Asia, we normally eat rice with a lot of different vegetables, soups and side dishes, including seafood and some meat. We do not just eat rice by itself in huge quantities. By pairing rice with a lot of other things, you end up not eating too much rice. Here is an example of a meal:



Im Yang Gyoon
The picture you presented is Korean food
Korean food mainly eats fermented seasonings and fermented side dishes.
Therefore, it becomes a healthy meal
However, most Chinese food is fried in pork fat or contains a lot of animal fat.
This oil causes various diseases by increasing the concentration of bad cholesterol in human obesity and blood.

Ricci Suarez
My grandma is Chinese and she did not cook with a lot of fats. She did cook a lot of vegetable side dishes and was partial to seafood. But China is so big just as Asia is also so huge; so the types and kinds of side dishes is so variable. People also have different preferences. There could be areas and regions that use different kinds of side dishes; whether it is considered healthy or not would depend on case by case basis. However, the point I was making was in response to the comment about rice. That asians do not generally just eat mounds of rice by itself; we usually eat rice with various side dishes, making it more interesting & not monotonous and at same time reduces likelihood of eating too much mounds of rice.

Gibson Gill
What a joke, when Chinese cook, they mix meat and vegetables, not all of them deep-fried. And Korean kimchi pickles will produce nitrites that are not good for the human body during the fermentation process. Eating too much has a great impact on your health.

Goby Govindassamy
I think it's because these countries only started eating large amount of rice in the past 20–30 years, before that the quantities were much smaller. It takes several decades to become insulin resistant with this type of diet (with junk food and sugar it would be even faster, but seems like they still manage to avoid it).

George Yu
You have it backwards. The Chinese ate far higher quantities of carbohydrates when there was limited fat and protein in their diet. City dewelling adults were rationed 15–18kg of wheat/rice every month before rationing stopped in the 90s, and often that wasn’t enough.

Goby Govindassamy
I didn't know about that, it's interesting. I thought it was like some Indians who eat insane amounts of rice, and end up with a fatty liver before they reaching their 40s.








