• 03月22日 星期六






非洲网友Anthony M Anderson的回答

The answer to this question is the United States of America.America has been a warmonger since 1776. America has committed human rights abuses in conflict zone countries. The country has been portrayed as a savoir of human rights and democracy but in reality it's been a curse since it became a global superpower.The country has founded rebels to destabilize africa and asia so that both can't prosper and overtake the United States easily. Americans think that they can be a superpower forever but in reality america's superpower status is virtually on decline. The country has no right to interfere in other countries.So the answer to this question is the USA

这个问题的答案是美国。自 1776 年以来,美国一直是战争贩子。美国在冲突地区国家侵犯人权。这个国家被描绘成人权和民主的代表,但实际上,自从它成为全球超级大国以来,它一直是一个祸害。美国扶持了叛乱分子来破坏非洲和亚洲的稳定,使它们无法繁荣并轻易超越美国。美国人认为他们可以永远成为超级大国,但实际上美国的超级大国地位几乎在下降。该国无权干涉他国。所以这个问题的答案是美国。


网友Nikolai Orlov的回答


Surely you remember how China invaded Iraq in 2003 for essentially no reason at all, and completely devastated that country, bring about the conditions for the rise of ISIS in a country with no prior history of radical jihadism. And how China turned Libya into a failed state. How China has dropped more than 30,000 bombs in 2017 on seven countries. How can there be any doubt at all?

Oh, wait a minute, that wasn’t China.

你肯定还记得中国在 2003 年基本上毫无理由地入侵伊拉克,并彻底摧毁了那个国家,为 ISIS 在一个没有激进圣战主义历史的国家崛起创造了条件。以及中国如何将利比亚变成一个落败的国家。中国如何在 2017 年向七个国家投下超过 30,000 枚炸弹。对此怎么可能有任何疑问呢?



网友Antony Masefield的回答

The US has a military machine that far outweighs the requirement for ‘self protection’ and continues to expand it. The US has over 800 military bases operating out of more than 70 countries (11 in Japan alone - close to China).

By contrast China has 1/3rd of the US military budget and only one ‘external’ base (Djibouti).

You don’t spend trillions on your military, and have them widely disbursed without the intention to use them - as we have seen around the planet.

Patently obvious who is the world aggressor and the biggest danger to world peace.

美国拥有远远超过“自我保护”需求的军事设备,并再继续扩增。美国在 70 多个国家/地区拥有 800 多个军事基地(仅日本就有 11 个——靠近中国)。

相比之下,中国拥有美国军事预算的 1/3,而且只有一个“外部”基地(吉布提)。

你不会在你的军队上花费数万亿美元,并且在没有使用它们的意图下继续为其出钱 - 正如我们在地球上看到的那样。



新加坡网友Yong Jian-Yi的回答

Speaking from the perspective from South East Asia, USA has since WW2 been involved in conflict. They have overthrown governments for their own personal interest (Iran, Indonesia, Chile etc) Installed dictatorships and bombed nations that they have not formally declared war upon (Laos, Cambodia, Syria, Libya etc) for their own profit. All this contributing to lost of millions of lives. I think it is very clear that USA is a greater threat to World Peace.



美国网友Ibrahim Kamara的回答

It would absolutely be the United States of America.The United States has almost continuously been at war since the end of World War II. The United States or a puppet ally has been the aggressor in almost all of these conflicts. From Korea to Syria.The United States spend more on military than the other world powers combined. We spend so much that more than $21 trillion dollars of our defense budget to date is unaccounted for and no one is asking any questions.

绝对是美利坚合众国。自二战结束以来,美国几乎一直处于战争状态。在几乎所有这些冲突中,美国或傀儡盟友都是侵略者。从朝鲜到叙利亚。美国在军事上的开支比其他世界大国的总和还要多。我们花费如此之多,以至于迄今为止,我们的国防预算中有超过 21 万亿美元下落不明,而且没有人提出任何问题。美国支持甚至执行许多国际军备控制条约,例如禁止使用地雷、集束炸弹和先发制人核攻击的条约,但并未签署或承诺其中的许多条约,包括我刚才提到的那些条约

Let’s take a look at China.China is extremely territorial due to border conflicts with most countries it directly borders. There is actually an active border dispute within the PRC itself between Inner Mongolia and Heilongjiang provinces, but it’s neighbor issues only affect the countries around it and there is some legitimacy to its claims.China is possibly the most directly self-interested country in the world, not getting militarily or economically involved in any conflict that will dirty its hands without getting a massive return on investment. They will not even fight terrorists that don’t affect them.China “bribes” Second and Third World with building free or subsidized railroads, roads, stadiums, hospitals, and other critical infrastructure. Some see this as imperialism.

I think most would agree that the unilateral aggression of the United States greatly exceeds that of any country today, apart from Israel which is a close second.




英国网友Kevin Randolf的回答

All any country has to do is become financially successful and out compete the USA.China did this and the USA is aggressively confronting the Chinese military at every opportunity, this increasing the possibility of war.So you see, China or anyone really doesn't threaten world peace, America does.








