• 03月24日 星期一

金融时报双语 歧视、枪击、暴力,留学美国还安全吗?

金融时报双语 歧视、枪击、暴力,留学美国还安全吗?

Sino-US relations are at their worst since I began my love affair with China with the adoption of two Chinese infants 22 years ago, followed by eight years as the FT's Shanghai bureau chief. The news that only around half as many mainlanders are coming to the US to study now as before the pandemic seems a harbinger of worse to come. International students are like unofficial ambassadors between their cultures — halving that group will do nothing to heal the rift between the superpowers.


Some have argued that US president Joe Biden's new export controls on semiconductors amount to declaring economic war against China. These kinds of geopolitical tensions have played a role in souring the Chinese view on studying in the US, according to Chinese educational consultants.

一些人认为,美国总统乔•拜登(Joe Biden)对半导体的新出口管制相当于向中国宣布经济战。中国教育顾问表示,这类地缘政治紧张局势,在一定程度上让中国人对赴美留学的看法转向负面。

But based on interviews with Chinese students who cancelled or deferred plans to study in the US, and the consultants who advise them, there are plenty of other reasons too. These include the exorbitant cost of US university education, as well as America's reputation for shocking gun violence, growing anti-Asian racism and pandemic-related travel problems. The targeting of Chinese academics on US campuses as spies during the Trump administration also did nothing to help.


Years of explosive growth in the number of Chinese students in America had begun to plateau even before the pandemic, but numbers have plummeted since then. F1 student visas issued to Chinese mainlanders fell 45 per cent in the six months to the end of September from the comparable period in 2019, US state department figures show.


Mainlanders are still going overseas to study, but more are choosing the UK, Singapore and Hong Kong, educational consultants say. Chinese students in the UK rose by 50 per cent between 2016-17 and 2020-21. And India displaced China in US student visa rankings over the past six months. F1 visas for Indian students rose to 87,029, well above China's 49,959, and almost three times the figure for India before the pandemic.


Janet, who prepares Chinese students to study overseas, tells me social media portrayals of crime in the US are a big factor. She says: “Families are asking me, ‘is America still safe? Are Chinese students getting discriminated against there?’” Everyone I spoke to mentioned the fatal shooting in broad daylight of a Chinese student near the campus of the prestigious University of Chicago. I can sympathise: my Chinese daughter has just started a masters degree there, only to have three shootings (one deadly) outside her apartment building in the first weeks of term.

帮助中国学生做留学准备的珍妮特(Janet)告诉我,社交媒体上对美国犯罪的描述是一个重要因素。她说:“很多家庭问我,‘美国还安全吗?中国学生在那里受歧视吗?’”与我交谈的每个人都提到了光天化日之下,一名中国学生在著名的芝加哥大学(University of Chicago)校园附近被枪杀的事件。我很同情:我的中国女儿刚刚在那里开始读硕士学位,但在开学的头几周,她的公寓大楼外就发生了三起枪击事件(其中一起致人死亡)。

Janet is now providing self-defence lessons to clients applying to study in the US: “before we just taught students how to write essays, now we're teaching them martial arts”. She says families who might previously have prioritised the US now keep their options open. She also worries that the US tightening of visa restrictions for Chinese students on security grounds will make more families shy away from there. One of her students was denied a visa to study game design in the US this year. “This is the first time I've seen an undergraduate applicant rejected . . . and I don't think it will be the only case,” she tells me.





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