• 03月14日 星期五

激发双创活力 实现可持续发展|国际创业周2022(IEW2022) 在线举办

激发双创活力 实现可持续发展|国际创业周2022(IEW2022) 在线举办

小海按:近日,国际创业周2022 (IEW2022) 在线举办,吸引了全球各生态体系与各机构专家、教授、企业高管与创业者积极参与。

国际创业周2022在线举办International Entrepreneurship Week 2022 took place virtually

激发双创活力 实现可持续发展|国际创业周2022(IEW2022) 在线举办

1019日、20日,在上海市人力资源和社会保障局指导下,国际创业周2022 (IEW2022) 在线举办。本届活动以面对世界变局、构建自身体系、实现可持续发展为主题由上海零号湾创业投资有限公司、上海启明战略性新兴产业技术促进中心、上海闵行留学人员创业园、零号湾新侨驿站、上海交通大学密西根学院创业中心联合主办,并获上海市学生事务中心双创服务部上海市科技创业中心国际合作部、上海地产闵虹集团、U21大学联盟、新加坡管理大学、法国里昂商学院、塞尔维亚一带一路研究院、诺维萨德商业孵化器、上海交通大学国际合作与交流处上海交通大学学生创新中心、上海交通大学中英国际低碳学院上海交大-巴黎高科卓越工程师学院、电气与电子工程师协会——技术与工程管理协会(IEEE TEMS与国际创新创业生态体系(IEIE)的大力支持。各生态体系与各机构专家、教授、企业高管与创业者积极参与,全球近100名观众在线观摩。
On Oct. 19th and 20th , under the guidance of Shanghai Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, International Entrepreneurship Week 2022 (Hereafter IEW2022) was held online, under the theme of Facing the ever-changing world, Building up a self-ecosystem, Realizing sustainable development. IEW2022 is co-organized by Shanghai neoBay Venture Capital Co., Ltd, Shanghai neoSystem Strategic Emerging Industry Promotion Center, Shanghai Minhang Overseas Talent Entrepreneurship Park and Center for Entrepreneurship (CFE) at the University of Michigan and Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute (UM-SJTU JI), supported by Innovation and Entrepreneurship Service Department of Shanghai Center for Student Affairs, International Collaboration Dept of Shanghai Technology Innovation Center (STIC), Shanghai Land Minhong Group, Universitas 21, Singapore Management University, Emlyon Business school, the Belt and Road Institute (Serbia), Business Incubator Novi Sad (Serbia), International Affairs Division of SJTU, Student Innovation Center of SJTU, China-UK Low Carbon College of SJTUSJTU Paris Elite Institute of Technology, IEEE – Technology and Engineering Management Society and International Ecosystem for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (IEIE). With the participation of experts, professors and entrepreneurs from different ecosystems, IEW2022 has attracted nearly 100 audiences across the globe.
激发双创活力 实现可持续发展|国际创业周2022(IEW2022) 在线举办
IEW2022 was started with the welcome speech delivered by Prof. ZHANG Zhigang, Secretary General of IEIE and CEO of neoBay, who mentioned that the goal of International Entrepreneurship Week is to stimulate the positive impact of innovation and entrepreneurship on the sustainable development of industry, economy and the whole society by gathering academics, entrepreneurs and various ecosystems around the world. He hoped that young entrepreneurs and students could bring about their contribution to the welfare of the human society in their own way.
激发双创活力 实现可持续发展|国际创业周2022(IEW2022) 在线举办
Ms. Yang Di, Deputy Director of International Cooperation and Exchanges Department (Overseas Returnee Management Department) of Shanghai Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, expressed that Shanghai was committed to improving human resources and social security mechanism, systematizing the system of hosting overseas talents through policy integration, including talent attraction, cultivation, evaluation, motivation and social security. By supporting entrepreneurship parks for Chinese returnees, Shanghai has mobilized a large number of resources to support their settlement and personal development, guiding them to contribute to the industrial upgrading of our city.
激发双创活力 实现可持续发展|国际创业周2022(IEW2022) 在线举办
Ms. YAO Donghua, Head of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Service Department of Shanghai Center for Student Affairs, indicated that many departments, including Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Municipal Commission of Education, Municipal Finance Bureau, Municipal Commission of Economy and Informatization, and Municipal Science and Technology Commission, etc., had proposed policies favoring entrepreneurship initialized by youngsters, such as guaranteed loans and interest subsidy. Besides this, there are more than 800 entrepreneurship mentors in Shanghai who provide voluntary service for young entrepreneurs. Furthermore, the number of incubators is growing at an unprecedented rate. Incubators are designated to solve the problems like fund insufficiency, high cost of space leasing and employment as well as lack of resources on the early stage of businesses, increasing the possibility of business survival and facilitating commercialization of technologies. As the important platforms for innovation and entrepreneurship, nearly 80 entrepreneurship guidance stationsprovideInnovation and Entrepreneurshipeducation and services in colleges and universities.
激发双创活力 实现可持续发展|国际创业周2022(IEW2022) 在线举办
新加坡管理大学Rafael Voltaire ALZATE先生表示青年创业者可通过国际双创大赛向同行学习宝贵创业经验拓展视野,并强调协作精神比获奖更重要。通过视频与讲座的形式,他李光耀杯全球创新创业大赛项目领域、募对象与活动流程各与会人员进行深入解读Mr. Rafael Voltaire ALZATE, Manager of Institute of Innovation & Entrepreneurship of Singapore Management University expressed that young entrepreneurs could take advantage of international competition like Lee Kuan Yew Global Business Plan Competition to learn from other entrepreneurs and broaden their vision. He highlighted that the spirit of collaboration with other entrepreneurs was even more important than winning the prize. Through the branding video and presentation, he talked about the areas of focus, target startups as well as the organization of this coming global event.
激发双创活力 实现可持续发展|国际创业周2022(IEW2022) 在线举办
In the lecture on the basic logic for entrepreneurship, Dr. ZHANG Zhigang illustrated the significance of collaboration and synchronization among scientific breakthrough, industrial upgrading and social development by making an overview of human history -from the Cognitive Revolution, the Agricultural Revolution, the Scientific Revolution until the Machine Intelligence Revolution, together with the pyramid model to support the sustainable development of human society. He also highlighted the basic ideas of collaboration and sustainability through the introduction to Shanghai Minhang Overseas Talent Entrepreneurship Park and the global innovation and entrepreneurship cluster developed actively by neoBay, inviting Chinese returnees and international entrepreneurs to settle down in Minhang District of Shanghai and neoBay Global Innovation and Entrepreneurship Community.
激发双创活力 实现可持续发展|国际创业周2022(IEW2022) 在线举办
在第一场圆桌论坛中,来自澳大利亚、印度、中国的专家、教授就碳中和技术发展趋势与潜在创业机会进行深入探讨。Debashis Raha教授指出气候变化对于经济、社会冲击及其潜在创业机会。他强调可通过高效管理模式对现有水资源进行有效配置。Sudeendra Koushik博士提出纯技术本身不足以形成创新成果,必须实现科研、创新与商业之间的递进关系。他解读了从“解决当前问题导向”递进至“捕捉在未来发展趋势中潜在商业价值”的基本思路。董雪博士表示“碳中和需要多领域共同发力,需要行业实行重大改革,其中包括电力、冶金、石化、水泥交通建筑等
During the first panel discussion, the experts and professors from Australia, India and China discussed in depth the trend of carbon neutral technologies and potential entrepreneurial opportunities. Prof. Debashis Raha pointed out the economic and social impacts of climate change, emphasizing the effective allocation of water resource through efficient management models. Dr. Sudeendra Koushik proposed that technology alone was not enough to support successful innovation, and on this basis, he proposed a logical progression from research, innovation to business, from solving current problems to capturing potential business value according to the trend of development. Dr. DONGXue indicated that carbon neutrality called for a collaborative effort from multiple sectors and a major reform in several industries, such as state grid, metallurgy, petrochemicals, cement, transportation, construction etc.
激发双创活力 实现可持续发展|国际创业周2022(IEW2022) 在线举办
激发双创活力 实现可持续发展|国际创业周2022(IEW2022) 在线举办
The second and third panel discussions gathered professors, lecturers, incubator directors and international ecosystem managers from UK, France, Serbia and China to address the questions such as how to get adapted to a new environment and a new market and how to build up a self-sustaining ecosystem while facing the uncertainties. The panelists proposed that acquiring multiple knowledge and skills, applying theory into practice, getting exposed actively to different cultures and other perspectives, grasping business rules in different environments, finding the right "people" to support innovation and entrepreneurship, and synchronizing all elements in a system to achieve a goal are the basic conditions for entrepreneurs to get adaptive to new environments, meet new challenges and realize sustainable development.
激发双创活力 实现可持续发展|国际创业周2022(IEW2022) 在线举办
International Entrepreneurship Week is an annual event initiated by the Center for Entrepreneurship (CFE) at the University of Michigan and Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute (UM-SJTU JI) in 2018. Five sessions have been organized in the past to discuss the contribution brought by innovation to the whole world. In the spirit of collaboration, services to young entrepreneurs and the society, this annual global event has attracted scholars, young entrepreneurs and students from all over the world to address hot issues in terms of innovation and entrepreneurship, offering some fresh ideas and in-depth perspectives for business growth and benefiting personal development of entrepreneurs.

激发双创活力 实现可持续发展|国际创业周2022(IEW2022) 在线举办







