• 03月14日 星期五



imToken 商务总监 Philipp Seifert

在第7期Neutrino追问®AMA交流中,我们邀请到了imToken商务总监 Philipp ,就《数字钱包的边界在哪里》主题展开有趣的探讨。在交流中,他透露imToken目前正在集成可以通过蓝牙安全使用的硬件钱包,另外后面会开放Dapp浏览器,让任何链的Dapp都能在imToken里面访问。


话题主持@Neutrino Q1:There are various crypto wallets in the market, for example, cold wallet/ hot wallet, full node wallet/ light node wallet, centralized wallet/ decentralized wallet, etc. What’re the differences between them and also the benefits and drawbacks? How to choose a crypto wallet? what should the wallet users pay attention to?’

Philipp Seifert :People perceive wallets as applications that store their tokens. But where are tokens stored?

Ultimately tokens are stored on the blockchain, such as the Bitcoin blockchain or Ethereum. What the ‘wallet’ really provides is access to those tokens.

One example: If I lose my wallet and password, somebody else has access to those tokens. If I only lose my wallet, and still have my backup with password, I still own access to my tokens.

Now, to the actual question: What are the differences in those ways to access my tokens?Short answer: The way your Private Key is stored. With or without the Private Key you gain and lose access to your tokens.

The two major differences between wallets are:

1) Wallets that store the Private Key for you (such as exchange apps), and

2) wallets that access your Private Keys stored on your own device (such as imToken).

Think about the Private Key as the key to your tokens. If you lose the key, you won’t be able to access your tokens anymore. If you give this key to somebody else (like an crypto exchange) is up to you, but I would rather trust my own devices.

The second difference is in the way the wallet sends and receives information to the blockchain:

A so-called ‘full-node’ stores all the information available on a blockchain, whereas a light-node saves data by reducing that amount of information being stored. As of now, most wallets are either connecting to a full-node, not on the user’s device but on a remote server.

话题主持@Neutrino Q2: The medium KOL indicated that all the crypto wallets and exchanges have security issues, for example, the stories about DEXs hacked. Moreover, the recent published 《Crypto Wallets APP Security Status White Paper》 noted there are numerous security issues as well, especially the Private Key Storage. What’s your opinion about it? Is it also a hurdle for imToken? If it’s not, what’s your prevention mechanism?

Philipp Seifert :In case your Private Key is stored on your own device, you can take security in your own hand: I suggest setting strong passwords and always updating your system. Even better using a cold wallet or hardware wallet for you biggest amounts of tokens.

It’s harder to control security if the Private Key is stored on an exchange or with another third party. The only thing you can then do is setting a strong password.

Technically speaking, the most prominent way to store a Private Key on mobile phones is in a secure environment. imToken also accesses your Private Key in that way.

Cold wallets and hardware wallets involve more effort but are generally regarded as more secure. Let me explain:

Cold wallets are wallets that are not connected to the internet and therefore ‘cold’. Not being connected to the internet means that a hacker also won’t be able to connect and steal a Private Key from the offline device.

A cold wallet is very easy to set up: You can simply install imToken 2.0 on your old Android or iPhone and make sure that it is never connected to the internet.

Hardware wallets store the Private Keys on a hardware chip which are designed to make access almost impossible. At imToken we are currently working on integrating hardware wallets that you can use securely via Bluetooth.

话题主持@Neutrino Q3: It is known that crypto wallet will be a crucial portal for connecting to Blockchain. Meanwhile, imToken announced open source on Oct 24th, the China Programmer Day. So what’s the intention and strategic significance for this decision? Create barriers to competitors? ( Chrome dominates market share after the open source announcement)

Philipp Seifert :With going open source we can build trust and confidence in our solution.

Every person in the world can now go on Github and do two things:Verify the code that runs imToken themselves.And collaborate on our project.

That seems very obvious, but as you said, Open Source is how the really powerful projects are profiting from the community: Linux, Ubuntu, Firefox and of course Bitcoin.

话题主持@Neutrino Q4: imToken 2.0 updated lots of features and functions, for example, support multi - chain assets ( ETH, BTC, EOS ), built - in DEX, Browser DApp, etc. How do you make the balance between security and usability? Generally speaking, the more complex the product features, the greater probability of bugs.

Philipp Seifert :Going open source is a big part of building trust in our security. Everybody can see the code and verify that your tokens are safe with it.

Similar to any prominent financial app (like Alipay), we run a strict Quality and Security process.

You don’t even need to believe me: Just find a bug in our code and we give you up to 12ETH for reporting! On top of that, we have what I think is top talent in security and partners such as Slow Mist (慢雾).

话题主持@Neutrino Q5: We noticed that imToken has integrated lots of 3rd party DApp, what’re the requirements for DApps to integrate to imToken? We noticed “imToken Term of Sercices” states that “Users shall, at their sole discretion, decide whether there would be any risks to accept the services provided by or to conduct transactions on the third-party-developed DApps.”Is it can be understood as imToken will not be responsible for the account stolen or realvation with using 3rd-party-developed DApps . It is hard for users to accept the terms since you provide the 3rd-party services on imToken.

Philipp Seifert :Good question. The terms of services simply reflect reality: We are able to control the integrated DApps as much as Google Chrome is able to tell Baidu.com what to do.

Still, we are personally in contact with almost every single DApp in our DApp browser. Mostly I am. And if you find any problem, we are usually quick with fixing it together with our partners.

If you want to become one of them, you can contact us via our website and we help you to meet the requirements: Security, Functionality, Design.

Recently we also opened our DApp browser, which let’s you access any DApp on EOS and Ethereum out of your wallet. And in a few days we will have another big update coming to our DApp browser, you will see!

话题主持@Neutrino Q6: Could you introduce the features of Compound and IEX, the new products released on imToken recently? What’re the determinants of their interest rates and exchange rates respectively? How to arbitrage with these tools?

Philipp Seifert :IEX is our decentralized exchange tool. You can use it to trade tokens without having to send them to an exchange. Simply one click in your wallet, and the tokens arrive in your wallet. The tool is based on Kyber Network, and decentralized exchange with transparent pricing on the Ethereum blockchain.

Do you have tokens? Well, you can get interest on those using Compound.Compound is a recently released financial DApp which lets you lend and borrow tokens in a money market. That means you can put your tokens on Compound and earn interest.

You can not only lend but also borrow tokens: If you want a specific token (e.g. DAI), you can give ETH into the market and receive DAI, paying an annual market interest rate.

Both of those interest rates change constantly. The rates depend on liquidity available in the market:If many people supply e.g. DAI tokens and few people borrow DAI, the lending interest rate of DAI becomes low.

In reverse, if less people lend and more people borrow, the interest on your supplied tokens increases. This way the interest rates change constantly.

Now that we showed how the interest rates on Compound change constantly, you can borrow DAI on the MakerDAO CDP Portal to a fixed rate of 2.5% annually, and supply them into Compound earning the current market rate.

话题主持@Neutrino Q7: Crypto wallet is rigid demand for token investors, so it reaches large amount of customers and tokens. However, many crypto wallet companies are still exploring their business models (Online Ads (Banners), transaction fee, DApp integration, Financial Products (Yu’ebao), etc.) What’s your opnion to this? What's the plan related to this for imToken?

Philipp Seifert :Mostly fee sharing with existing financial applications, in an transparent way. I personally don’t think that advertisement would be sustainable, and people that use our application don’t like to be the product themselves but more empowered to experience what blockchain is able to give them: Financial opportunity and freedom.

话题主持@Neutrino Q8: Since imToken2.0 launched, it is more than a crypto wallet. We are looking forward to more features and functions releasing in the future. What’s the roadmap for imToken? Can you tell us some information about the upcoming new features and functions? Also, what’s the brand image imToken wants to deliver to customers?

Philipp Seifert :There is going to be great news in the coming months. One is focusing on security: Namely integrating with hardware wallet producers that focus on mobile application. Second, strengthen our decentralized exchange and financial applications.

My personal favorite is probably the upcoming update of our DApp browser, including open access to any DApps, categories and more DApps. I promise you will see it very very soon ;)

I think, with DApps such as Compound and our updated imToken 2.0, we showed that we follow the market very closely and bring our user all the new innovations from the blockchain space.

Neutrino社群成员 Sherry 提问: when can we download imTokenfrom App Store in China?

Philipp Seifert :Short answer, you will always find the verified source on our website https://token.im/

Neutrino社群成员 Jiang LJ 提问: imtoken2.0 is characterized by a set of mnemonics to manage assets on multiple chains, which provides users with convenience, but there is also the possibility that multiple asset accounts may belost or stolen. What do you think of this?”

Philipp Seifert :I think I partly answered this question before. I myselfthink, there is different ways of key management (how is the private key stored). There is a scalefrom having all control as a user (in imToken) to having no control over my tokens (e.g. exchanges). We provide the full control. But of course that comeswith responsibility.Other than that weare of course exploring more ways such as hardware wallets.

Neutrino社群成员 东海冲浪手(币乎菜菜) 提问: Can you expalin MakerDAO CDP to us, which has been intergreated to imToken recently? Can user deposit collaterals (eg. ETH) to imToken to borrow Dai from CDP? Is Dai like US dollar?”

Philipp Seifert :DAI is a cryptocurrency coupled to the US Dollar value.You can buy it on exchanges. There are several of them in imToken.The way DAI iscreated is via a set of smart contracts called ‘CDP’. In short, you are right: You deposit an amount in ETH and get backan amount in DAI.

Neutrino社群成员 刘鹿鸣 提问: Hi Philipp, I’m using imToken a lot, and I wonder ifyou guys will release any financial products just like Yu’ebao (under Alipay)?”

Philipp Seifert :We are working on integrating the latest Ethereum and EOSapplications. If there are new, promising onesthat fit our requirements, we integrate them.If you know some let me know. In short, we are alwayslooking for something like that.

Neutrino社群成员 AnneJiang @Maker 提问:imToken2.0 version, when the token is transferred, there will be an address book, which is to help the user to establish a common transfer account address, so that you can directly select one of the transfer addresses you need from the address book to transfer the transaction. I have a bold The idea, if I want to forward the same amount of tokens to dozens of different addresses, can I choose multiple transfer addresses at once, and only need to trade once, can I send dozens of transactions?

Philipp Seifert :Right now, you can’t. But it seems like a nice idea that didn’t came up (with me). I will forward to our handsome product lead Ashu :) And how knows, maybe it will be a feature soon !

Neutrino社群成员 Joey 提问:@Philipp S @imToken https://github.com/IMToken20/TokenCore When is the release date?

Philipp Seifert :@joey https://github.com/consenlabs/token-core-ios;https://github.com/consenlabs/token-core-android

----以下为本期追问 AMA翻译内容----

话题主持@Neutrino 问题1:据了解,我们经常听到有不同类型的数字钱包名词,诸如冷钱包/热钱包、全节点钱包/轻节点钱包、中心化钱包/去中心化钱包等等,它们之间有什么差别或优缺点?作为普通用户,应该如何选择数字钱包?以及在使用过程中应注意什么?

Philipp Seifert :人们认为钱包是存储通证的应用。但是这些通证到底存储在哪呢?最终,通证是存储在区块链上,例如比特币或者是以太坊。钱包真正提供的是能访问这些通证。








所谓的“全节点” 钱包存储着区块链上可获得的所有信息,而轻节点钱包减少所存储的信息量,保存自身相关数据。到目前为止,大多数钱包要么连接在一个完整的节点上,要么连接在远程服务器的用户的设备上。

话题主持@Neutrino 问题2:市面上很多数字钱包都打着安全可靠保护隐私的旗号,但在Medium上有KOL说所有的钱包和交易所都存在安全性问题,例如有很多交易所被黑的故事,另外在最近发布的《加密数字钱包APP信息安全现状白皮书》中,也提到加密数字钱包APP仍然存在大量安全问题,特别是私钥保护方面,实现安全性存在严重不足。对此你有什么看法呢?imToken是否也存在这方面的问题?以及你们有什么防范机制?

Philipp Seifert :如果您的私钥存储在您自己的设备上,那么您可以自己掌握安全性:我建议设置安全系数高的密码,并经常更新系统。甚至最好使用冷钱包或硬件钱包,如果您拥有大量的通证。






话题主持@Neutrino 问题3:业界有一个普遍的共识,数字钱包将是区块链时代重要的流量入口。而今年10月24日程序员节那天,imToken宣布了开源。这是基于快速建立拓展市场建立竞争护城河,还是其他什么考虑?(像Chromium开源后,Chrome 得到了飞速发展,市场占有率稳居第一)以及开源对你们意味着什么?

Philipp Seifert :随着宣布代码开源,imToken能在自己解决方案中建立信任和信心。


这似乎很明显,正如你所说,开放源码是让真正强大的项目从社区里获利以及有价值的信息的一种方式:Linux, Ubuntu, Firefox,当然还有 Bitcoin.

话题主持@Neutrino 问题4:相比于1.0,imToken2.0增加了需要功能与服务,除管理多条链上的资产外(ETH、BTC、EOS)外,还有去中心化交易、Dapp浏览器等。你们如何在安全性与易用性间做平衡?毕竟产品功能越重越复杂,相对而言出现bug的概率也会增加。

Philipp Seifert :开放源码是在安全性上建立信任的重要部分。每个人都能看见代码,并验证你的通证是安全的。



话题主持@Neutrino 问题5:目前,imToken2.0对接了很多第三方的Dapp,Dapp开发者接入你们钱包平台需达到哪些硬性条件?另外我们在使用里面Dapp时,常会看到这样的服务条款“由某某DAPP直接并单独向您承担责任”,这是不是说在使用dapp中出现了账号被盗或泄露,就与你们没关了?对用户而言这似乎很难理解,毕竟是你们提供了接入服务。

Philipp Seifert :这是个好问题!服务条款只是反映了一个我们的现实情况:就像“Google Chrome告诉Baidu.com该怎么做一样”,我们只能够以这种程度去控制接入的那些DApp。



有一些激动人心的新闻:最近我们也开放了DApp浏览器,可以让你直接在你的钱包里体验到任一以太坊或EOS DApp。并且,最近DApp浏览器还会有另一个比较大的更新,让我们一起期待吧!

话题主持@Neutrino 问题6:关于imToken新上线的Compound产品,你能具体介绍一下这个产品特性吗?还有闪兑也介绍下,它们各自的利率和汇率是由什么决定的呢?用户该如何在上面保值或套利的?(投资有风险,炒币需谨慎)

Philipp Seifert :闪兑 (IEX)是我们的去中心化交易所,你可以直接用它来交易加密货币免去了把它放去另外的交易所的麻烦。只要简单地在你钱包里轻轻点击一下,加密货币就到你钱包里去了。这个工具是基于Kyber Network的,以公开透明的价格在以太坊区块链上进行去中心化交易。





所以,在我们展示过Compound的利率是怎样一直变化的之后,你们就可以尝试在MakerDao CDP Poartal上面以2.5%的固定利率借入DAI,然后再将他们放到Compound上面去赚取目前市场利率。

话题主持@Neutrino 问题7:我们知道数字钱包是持币用户刚需产品,不仅用户量大,同时也沉淀了很多代币资产,但对钱包类产品的商业模式(流量广告、交易费、Dapp接入、余币理财等)似乎还在探索中,对此你是怎么看的,还有imToken会有怎么的规划?

Philipp Seifert :目前大部分的费用是以透明的方式与现有的金融程序共享的。我个人并不认为广告会是一个可持续的方式,并且那些用我们应用程序的人他们也不喜欢自己成为产品,而是更有能力去体验区块链能够带给他们的东西:金融机遇以及自由。

话题主持@Neutrino 问题8:从imToken2.0开始,我们似乎已经不能简单的将imToken归类为一个简单的数字钱包了。未来你们会有什么新功能与服务上线?用户在上面还可以做什么?以及你们期望给用户传递怎样的品牌形象?

Philipp Seifert :接下来的几个月将会有些激动人心的好消息。一个主要是安全性方面的:我们将会接入硬件钱包生产商并专注于手机程序上。第二个就是,会持续加强我们的去中心化交易所和金融程序。


我认为,就像我们提供的这些DApp比如Compound和我们更新后的imToken 2.0所展现的,我们一直在密切关注并且贴近市场,给我们的用户带去区块链中所有最新最酷的创新产品和功能。

Neutrino社群成员 Sherry 提问:imToken 什么时候能在中国App store里下载?

Philipp Seifert:简短的说,你总能在官网https://token.im/ 上找到经过验证的下载链接。

Neutrino社群成员 Jiang LJ 提问:imtoken2.0一个很大的特点是一套助记词管理多条链上的资产,这提供了用户的便利,但也有着可能多个资产账户丢失或被盗的可能,对此你是怎么看的?

Philipp Seifert:我认为在之前的固定问答环节已经部分回答了这个问题。我认为根据私钥存储方式的不同,有不同的管理方式。这个范围从可以全权管理自己的私钥(如:imToken)到没有权利掌控你的token(如:交易所)。imToken提供完全的控制权。当然随之而来的就是责任。除此之外,我们当然还在探索更多的方法,比如硬件钱包。

Neutrino社群成员 东海冲浪手(币乎菜菜) 提问:关于imToken新集成的CDP产品,你能具体介绍一下这个产品特性吗?用户可以在上面抵押借 Dai ?

Philipp Seifert:DAI是和美元有着同样价值的数字货币。你能够在交易所买到。在imToken有很多DAI。DAI是通过叫CDP的智能合约创建的。简而言之,你说得对:你抵押一定数量的ETH能够取回对应数量的DAI。

Neutrino社群成员 刘鹿鸣 提问:你好,飞利浦,imToken是我常用的数字钱包,针对里面存放的代币资产,你们是否会推出类似余额宝这样的增值服务?

Philipp Seifert:我们正在整合以太坊和EOS上的最新应用。如果有新的、有前景的应用符合imToken的需求,我们就会整合上来。如果你知道这样的应用请让我知道。简而言之,我们一直在寻找这样的产品。

Neutrino社群成员 AnneJiang @Maker 提问:imToken2.0版本,代币进行转账的时候,会有一个地址本,是帮助用户建立常用的转账账户地址,方便直接从地址本里面选择你需要的某一个转账地址进行转账交易,我有一个大胆的想法,如果我想给几十个不同地址转发一样的数量代币,是否可以一次性选择多个转账地址,只需要交易一次,就可以发出几十个交易?”

Philipp Seifert :目前,不能做到。但这似乎是一个我没有想到的好主意。我将转达我们帅气的产品经理Ashu。说不定,这个很快就能实现!

Neutrino社群成员 Joey 提问:@Philipp S @imToken https://github.com/IMToken20/TokenCore 这个什么时候会推出?

Philipp Seifert :请参考 https://github.com/consenlabs/token-core-ios;https://github.com/consenlabs/token-core-android






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