• 03月21日 星期五








来自天津的李先生:不理包子,和十八街麻花,耳朵眼炸糕并称为天津三绝!这个是有道理的,俗话说卫嘴子,这说明老天津卫对事物还很挑剔的!但是流传到今天,变得像鸡肋,天津本地人不认可,只是外地游客来尝鲜,不能不说是一种悲哀!我吃狗不理的包子,真的感觉不到有多么好吃,甚至不如满街都是的各种包子铺。有个笑话,说是有个老爷子去吃狗不理包子,发现里面有葱,就叫服务员换,结果发现换上来的还有,最后老板退钱完事!无从考究故事真假,也许配方与时俱进了,也未可知,不过包子,肯定不再是以前的包子了!来自英国伦敦的游客MrsBuchanan:Good menu in a beautiful setting. Sunday brunch was great value. The restaurant manager was very welcoming and professional (even when we spilt red wine all over the table!) - highly recommended.(编辑翻译)很好的菜单在一个美丽的环境。 周日的早午餐也非常超值。 餐厅经理非常热情和专业(甚至当我们一瓶红酒洒在桌子上所有! ) - 强烈推荐。来自马来西亚八打灵再也的游客Ellie:GouBuLi (also sometimes known as the brand Go Believe - name adopted during the 2008 Olympics) is definitely the most well-know restaurant in Tianjin. It was established in 1858 so it's one of China's longest established restaurant brands. I am probably bias since(编辑翻译)狗不理(有时也称为品牌去相信 - 2008奥运会期间采用的名称)绝对是最好的 - 知道在天津餐厅。 它建于1858所以中国品牌建立的时间最长的一个餐厅。 也许是我的偏见因为我吃这些长大的,但这些都是不错的选择如果你还是一个在城市里。 我还会再去一次。 这家酒店有好几个层次和你可以预订一个私人餐厅来一小笔费用。 我想可能会有一个语言障碍如果你不会说英语但是不要让它阻止你不来。来自新加坡的游客Joy:My friend from Tianjin recommended me to try one of Tianjin's famous dish and had her cousin brought us to Goubuli restaurant. The atmosphere is great. Like you are dining in an imperial food court complete with accessories and musicians playing using traditional instruments. Great food. Highly recommended when you are in Tianjin!(编辑翻译)我的朋友向我推荐了从天津天津著名的餐厅,表姐带我们去了狗不理。 这里的气氛很好。 就像你是在一个帝国Food Court Accessories ,还有乐师演奏传统乐器。 很棒的食物。 强烈推荐,我爱天津!来自加拿大渥太华的游客TabathaSoltay:The food is great, but the dumplings are divine. We had a private room, which we were told was normal and felt quite decadent. Meant that we could be loud and not worry about second hand smoke from other diners. The staff were attentive and we were well fed.Hard to order if you don't speak Chinese.(编辑翻译)食物很棒,饺子是极好的。 我们有一个私人房间,告诉我们说这是正常的,这意味着我们可以不用担心会很吵和来自其他食客的二手烟。 细心的工作人员让我们吃得饱饱的。 如果你不会说中文会挺麻烦的。来自泰国曼谷的游客tinal:They told us they don't accept visa/MasterCard which kinda limited our choices for food. In the end we settled for the assorted goubuli. I'm glad we didn't waste much time and money there.Nothing to rave abt. The restaurant is interesting as it looks pretty "ancient" but tats abt it. The dumplings were mediocre tbh. I wouldn't recommend u to come for the food. Experience maybe.(编辑翻译)他们告诉我们,他们不接受Visa /万事达卡,这限制了我们对食物的选择。最后我们解决了各式各样的问题,我很高兴我们没有浪费太多的时间和金钱。包子很平庸。我不会推荐你来这里品尝食物。来自英国牛津的游客TAoxford:I really liked this restaurant. It has beautiful inside decorations, it is overall very clean, including the bathrooms. The service is high standard just like the food is. The baozi are excellent! Make sure you try all different fillings. My favourite were pork and mushrooms. Cannot comment on the price because I was invited by friends.(编辑翻译)我真的很喜欢这家餐馆。它有漂亮的内部装饰,整体非常干净,包括浴室。服务是高标准的食品。包子是优秀的!确保你尝试所有不同的填充物。我最喜欢的是猪肉和蘑菇。因为我受到朋友的邀请,所以不能评论价格。来自韩国首尔的游客邴焕仁:Wow I never knew there were so many dumpling. This place is a must to try the authentic taste of Tianjin.(编辑翻译)哇,我从来没有见过这么多的包子。这个地方一定或许是原汁原味。来自泰国苏梅岛的游客Lilian:even the locals don't like these dumplings. Tianjin food has not spread far beyond.. tianjin. it's rough!(编辑翻译)连当地人都不喜欢这些包子。天津的狗不理包子还没有传播到泰国。





“发行价之王”首日破发海底捞连创新高 百胜打新者一手日亏1100港元背后是“生不逢时”还是故事不够?





