• 03月28日 星期五



原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:wolface 转载请注明出处

Why do many Indians want to leave India to settle abroad? Why is ownership of the country almost non-existent among today''''s youth?


Vijay Jagan, works at Cognizant

When I was working in India, I always used to wonder why people returning from onsite always brag about foreign countries. Few people will behave like they were born and brought up in the developed countries. Be it my relatives or my office colleagues, I used to see them complaining lot of things about India when they return from abroad.



1. Climate - Netherlands is a country with moderately warm summers and cool winters, and typically high humidity. During summer, sun rises at 5:00 AM and sets at 10:00 PM. During winter, sun rises at 9:00 AM and sets at 4:30 PM. It took some time for me to get adjusted to the climate and daylight changes. This was a complete different experience for me, since I was used to the climatic conditions in India where the daylight change is almost constant throughout the year.


2. Greeting everyone with smile - I am not sure if this is followed in other countries as well. In Netherlands, when we make eye contact with strangers they will smile and greet even if we don’t know them.


3. Appointments and Punctuality - Appointment is mandatory for any formalities like opening bank account to visiting doctor. Hospitality and the way they treat customers are unimaginable. When I opened my new bank account in ABN AMRO, a dedicated officer spent around one hour to explain me the end to end process followed in their bank. Government employees are very friendly in nature. It’s much easier and hassle free process to get work done like registering new address and getting BSN in the local municipality (aka Gemeente).


4. Public Transport, Roads and Traffic rules - Rules are followed strictly and traffic monitoring is completely automated. Vehicles will stop until the pedestrians cross the road even if there is no signal. Roads are replaced frequently to ensure the quality and safety for transport. From children to elders, everyone use bicycle to travel to school and office. There is a separate track for bicycles in the road. One interesting fact is that the number of bicycles in NL is more than the entire population of dutch. Public transport in NL uses chip card for payment. No need to pay cash, just swipe in and swipe out. People are well behaved and they stand in a queue to get into bus/train.



8. Preserving Nature - Government gives more importance to save natural resource. We can find canals in every place. There are more than 10,000 operational windmills in the country. NL government is planning to permit only electric cars by the end of 2030 to reduce pollution.


9. Religion - More than 50% of the total population in NL are non-religious. Christianity is the largest religion among believers and most of the churches are being converted into museums in the recent years.


Some other Interesting facts about The Netherlands –


Dutch People are the tallest in the world.

Netherlands is the most densely populated nation in the Europe.

The Netherlands is the largest beer exporter in the world.

About 30% of all dutch babies are born at home.

The famous tulip garden Keukenhof is the largest flower garden in the world.






October 2018 - After experiencing Netherlands culture for almost 6 months, I thought to take a short break and visit India. Though I lived in India for 25 years, those 6 months stay in the Netherlands made me to realize the huge difference.


I left Bangalore airport and took bus to reach home and while I was travelling –


1. I saw the bus conductor angrily yelling at the passengers to carry change while travelling in the bus.



10. I realized vehicles will not stop like in NL when we need to cross the roads.


I was thinking how foreigners will feel when they visit India..


I was thinking what can be done to change this situation..


Most of the problems that I noticed was due to lack of self-discipline and the people who were doing this are middle aged men. I don’t know why I suddenly felt this difference when I was living in the same society and used to this kind of environment for more than 25 years.


To all those who read this answer - What will you decide when you were given a choice?


Will you live in a better society with good standard of living?


or will you try to change the society that we live in?


Sanket Dialani, Indian, Co-founder at GeekyPrep.com

Caveat : Do not read further if you are easily offended by a discussion on reservations, especially caste based.



Anyway, I got a call from 5 new IIMs, MDI and NITIE. Not one single old IIMs. I attended interviews and converted 2 new IIMs, MDI and NITIE. Fortunately, I also got a decent software job in campus placements(with my little knowledge of programming) and hence had to drop the idea of management education from India, because I cannot change either of these 3 parameters “General”, “Male” and “Engineer”. The only way to get calls from old IIMs for me was to get 99.6 percentile, which I realised was very hard to get while working full time in a IT job.


Though initially not-so-interested in software development, I developed interest in coding and software. Worked for Amazon later on for some years in India and then, as luck had it, got an opportunity in Singapore where I was getting almost 3 times in Rupee terms what I was getting in India(after tax). Have been here for almost 3 years now.


Had I got an admission in an old IIM at that time, my career path would have been way different from what it is right now and most likely I would have been in India, since MBA jobs outside India are not easy to get for people who studied in India as compared to software jobs, simply because of the demand and supply.


P.S. - No regrets for leaving India(except the food there) but no plans to give up Indian citizenship either and live here as long as the immigration system in Singapore allows me to. I got a better life and pay here and hence I moved here. At the end, it is “every man for himself”. But, I do plan to retire in India. I just hope that people change their mentality and stop being selfish by voting politicians for providing caste based reservations to their community. They should also realise that the reservations mostly benefits people from urban areas and not rural areas, for whom they were actually meant for, in their social upliftment. Poor lower caste people still continue to face discrimination based on caste in rural areas, even after 60 years of reservation system.


Reservations on economic basis at the root levels of education(and not directly in jobs and promotions) should be encouraged irrespective of caste, though I don’t see that happening anytime soon in India owing to selfishness in people for themselves and their community, and it is much easier for politicians to divide people on the basis of caste rather than economic basis.



I think India has all the resources(especially young brains and manpower) to be a developed country in 20–25 years. The only thing missing is a honest and good governance. I personally have a lot of belief in AAP and I also do my part of responsibility by occasionally donating through their online channels because of the way how this party works, by crowdfunding and NOT crony capitalism, where political parties get funds from industrialists and then later favour them in huge deals and tenders from the pockets of taxpayers. I follow the activities of AAP in news and can actually see them working towards a much better country by upliftment of the real poor people(irrespective of caste) instead of only the rich reserved ones, by the means of education. I believe if they get to be in absolute power in a near future, they can actually make things right and change the reservation system to be on financial basis.



原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:wolface 转载请注明出处

Anya Khata, IIT/IIM Grad, trying to bring back internet anonymity

I believe that any Indian who can afford a flight ticket abroad, should at least consider living abroad for a while :)


Any society which is not in a state of anarchy, is based on a basic social contract. The ruling-body grants its people a set of non-absolute "rights" - of course, since it would theoretically require infinite resources to grant people absolute rights.



It is needless to even mention that our social system in India is a pretty close replica of law of the jungle. Well, we have even made movies around these themes



(1) Rapists and harassers who will try to rape you, your wives, girlfriends, daughters, sisters, even grandmums (they don''''t look this harmless in real life):


(3) Get mugged in broad daylights in public places:


(4) Corrupt Babus and Politicians



(5) Drive through this:


(6) Pay crazy import duties (and excise and all the other taxes) and be the stupidest population in the world - one which pays the highest prices for the shittiest cars in the world, just to protect a few local companies from international competition. These protected car manufacturers, after 50+ years of crazy lobbying and ripping off indian customers, basically produced this piece of shit:



And all this, so that you can spend 50 hours a week+, in a shitty office like this where you work 30% more than your white counterpart, and earn 5 times less. Oh, your white counterpart drives a comfortable car in traffic-free roads, to and fro work. He/She can afford to live in nice green suburbs, 20kms from work, and still make it to office in 35 minutes. BTW, they also have public transport!


Did I forget to mention that the food we eat in India, is also ridden with pesticides, and all sorts of hormones - milk, veggies, chicken - EVERYTHING! O


I love India as much as a lot of you guys do. A very large chunk of our post-liberalization generation (ones who are 24-34 today), chose to stay back because it seemed like things were improving - we had a decade of fast GDP growth, good jobs, increased connectivity to the world etc.


However the last few years have proven that a country cannot grow if only one section of society is growing. A large part of our population is (i) financially poor and (ii) intolerant. I really wish things change. However, they are not likely to - no matter who wins the elections. Modi, or AAP cannot change a country of 1.3b people overnight. Liberal Indians are a minority. Your votes are never going to change anything. If you really want to change something - vote with your wallet. Go and pay taxes in a country where the government will give you something back in return.








