• 12月23日 星期一

THE BRIDGE廊桥连续三年荣获黑珍珠餐厅指南一钻殊荣

THE BRIDGE廊桥连续三年荣获黑珍珠餐厅指南一钻殊荣



On 26 March 2021, Meituan-Dianping unveiled the 2021 edition of the Black Pearl Restaurant Guide at a ceremony in Yangzhou. This year, 296restaurants made it into the guide, including 13 three diamond restaurants (“must visit once in a lifetime”), 65two diamond restaurants (“perfect for special occasions”), and 218 one diamond restaurants (“great for family/friends gatherings”).

THE BRIDGE廊桥连续三年荣获黑珍珠餐厅指南一钻殊荣

THE BRIDGE廊桥一直致力于川菜国际化,将川菜传播出去,THE BRIDGE廊桥携手世界名厨江振诚先生,连续三年摘得黑珍珠餐厅指南一钻殊荣。


A New Deconstruction of Sichuan Cuisine.

THE BRIDGE has been honoured with a one diamond award by the Black Pearl Restaurant Guide for three years, in recognition of its commitment to the internationalisation of Sichuan cuisine.

THE BRIDGE廊桥连续三年荣获黑珍珠餐厅指南一钻殊荣

黑珍珠榜单一直致力于发掘本土美食精华,THE BRIDGE廊桥如今作为成都的地标性餐厅,在川菜国际化的道路上不断摸索与前进,重新解构新一代川菜。

The Meituan-Dianping Black Pearl list is dedicated to uncovering the essence of local cuisine at restaurants such as The Bridge, which has become one of Chengdu’s culinary landmarks. The Bridge is constantly exploring and innovating Sichuan food, with the aim of launching a new era for this celebrated cuisine and taking it international.

2021年,THE BRIDGE廊桥匠心打造黑珍珠精选套餐,诚邀广大食客前往大众点评预订体验。未来,THE BRIDGE廊桥将会再接再厉,带来更具水准的高品质飨宴,探索川菜的更多可能性。

In 2021, The Bridge will continue to create Black Pearl set menus and tasting experiences for its guests. In the future, The Bridge will continue to maintain the highest standards and explore new possibilities for Sichuan cuisine.

THE BRIDGE廊桥连续三年荣获黑珍珠餐厅指南一钻殊荣

<<THE BRIDGE廊桥 2021黑珍珠套餐 The Black Pearl Menu>>




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