• 03月23日 星期日

伊顿校长说 | 家长如何帮助孩子顺利返校,伊顿校长们给你支招

伊顿校长说 | 家长如何帮助孩子顺利返校,伊顿校长们给你支招

伊顿校长说 | 家长如何帮助孩子顺利返校,伊顿校长们给你支招

暮春初夏,伊顿集团的近40所学校即将完成全面复课复学工作。经历了这个 “超长假期” ,如何帮助孩子们安全返校,快速适应校园生活,成为了老师和家长们共同关心的话题。为此,我们采访了新加坡伊顿国际学校苏州校区、南京校区、佛山校区、大连校区的四位校长,让他们来谈谈如何进行复学的心理建设,帮助你和孩子正确 “复位”,快乐的回归校园

Nearly 40 EtonHouse campuses are ready and prepared to welcome students back to school! The next big challenge will be the return to school and how to adapt to school life as quickly as you can. Therefore, we interviwed 4 Principals from EtonHouse International School Suzhou, Nanjing, Foshan and Dalian about it. Here are some ideas from them thatmay help you to make the return to school a little easier!


*All arranged in alphabetical order

01伊顿校长说 | 家长如何帮助孩子顺利返校,伊顿校长们给你支招




Parents can talk to their children more often and tell them what is happening now. For children at different age levels, parents can talk to them in different ways but most importantly, encourage them to ask queations, make sure they know what the COVID-19 is and how to stay healthy.

Not only do parents need to talk to their children more often,they also need to communicate with teachers as much as possible in order to get more info of how children are doing at school and find the real reason why they have troubles adapting into school life.

Our teacher will support students in many possible ways as well. Such as communicating with them in various ways, listening to them and encouraging them to ask and answer questions with each other. At our classes, we use "circle time" method to train their ability of speaking and listening. During class, students make improvise speech according to the item they got randomly while others remain quiet, no comments and no judgements until the student finishes the speech. They can ask questions afterwards.

02伊顿校长说 | 家长如何帮助孩子顺利返校,伊顿校长们给你支招



Explain why we have not been at school-in SIMPLE, age appropriate terms. At the same time, prepare children to return by adapting bed times, nap times and wake up times to the usual school timetable. Most importantly, listen to children’s fears, but be positive about their return and reassure them that it is safe.

Be patient, support the school and understand that adapting is all part of life and that each child does it on their OWN terms and in their own time.

03伊顿校长说 | 家长如何帮助孩子顺利返校,伊顿校长们给你支招






It is important for parents to listen to their children’s worries and answer them honestly, with enough detail to make them feel secure, without overwhelming or frightening them with unnecessary information. Let them know that everyone at home and school cares about them and will do everything to keep them safe and healthy. These reassurances will go a long way to helping their transition positively.

Limit the time your child is watching news programs and be mindful of nightly discussions of daily statistics from different countries. Lots of time without screens, doing family activities outdoors is important. Ensure they are getting enough rest, fluids and a healthy diet. Keeping contact with their friends is also helpful as they see others are being bold and brave, too.

We recognize, that some parents may be apprehensive and that is perfectly normal and understandable. Not being able to enter the school building for parents of younger children, can be stressful. Practice with your child the saying goodbye routine, follow up at the drop off area and know that on the first days there may be a few tears, but children settle quickly when they are back with their teachers and classmates. We will always contact you if we have any concerns.

We have set up parent meeting in English, Chinese and Korean for parents with children at different age levels to talk about transition adjustment, discuss signs in children behaviors and emotions to be alert to. Our School Counsellor is part of these online discussions and can provide support families and liaise with outside paraprofessionals if required.

At Nanjing campus we have been working on this preparation for some time. A video of all the new procedures has been filmed with staff and shared with parents so that children already know about the pick-up and dismissal, morning and lunchtime temperature checks, how to move around the school, lunch eating and play protocols, what to do if they feel unwell, when masks are required and how to correctly wear them. This has been accompanied by a story script in all our family languages, for parents to read and talk about with younger children.

04伊顿校长说 | 家长如何帮助孩子顺利返校,伊顿校长们给你支招



Get them into a routine again and be prepared. They have been away from school for a long time, possible in very cramped conditions. It is important that traditional routines are followed. This includes going to bed at the correct time, a good night’s sleep means a better day. A good breakfast before coming to school. They have probably been snacking all day, this will not happen at school. Prepare the things for school, this may include items that were not previously required, explain to them why they are needed. Tell them that the school will be different, but it’s still your school. Highlight the fact they will see their friends again.

Look to the positives. Encourage your children to talk about the things they enjoy and value about going to school. This will be unique to every child but it is likely that they are looking forward to seeing their friends, teachers, playing games, cultural events and participating in learning that can only take place at school.



家长们如果有更多的 “返校密招” ,欢迎你们在评论区告诉大家,帮助更多的孩子安全返校!

Again! Welcome back to EtonHouse! We are hoping these ideas from our principals may help you and your children to make the return to school a little easier.

We will publish more about "return to school" ideas from Executive Principals, stay tuned!

You can also leave a comment below and tell us your idea of how to get children ready for school!

伊顿校长说 | 家长如何帮助孩子顺利返校,伊顿校长们给你支招

伊顿校长说 | 家长如何帮助孩子顺利返校,伊顿校长们给你支招







