• 03月11日 星期二


文 | 季益广


1. 这种表单读起来冗长乏味。Such lists are long and _____ to read.

2. 该法令迫使工会推迟罢工。These decree _____ unions to delay strikes.

3. 他接触到了政治并且迅速对它着了迷。He had discovered politics and was rapidly becoming _____ by it.

4. 他极其厌恶冒险。 He was _____ to risk.

5. 我带他到附近的珊瑚礁去游玩。I took him on an _____ to a coral barrier.

6. 两国终于可以开始就双方共同关心的问题进行更为认真地谈判。The two countries can finally start negotiating in _____ about issues of mutual concern.

7. 他惊呼道那一定是个打字错误。He _____ that it must be a typing error.

8. 在他看来,西方文明似乎陷入严重的经济和文化危机。It seemed to him that western _____ was in grave economic and cultural danger.

9. 就建筑风格而言,这座小教堂和学校会很相称。_____, the chapel would be the perfect match for the school.

10. 一个人的话道出了他们的心情,“这儿的学生既不了解也不关心校园问题。”Their mood was _____ by one who said, “Students here don’t know or care about campus issues.”

11. 我们已经学会了如何把重要信息压缩成简短独立的句子。We have learned how to _____ serious messages into short, self-contained sentences.

12. 地方议会只得到了华盛顿已被透露内容的压缩版。The Council was merely given a _____ version of what had already been disclosed in Washington.

13. 他的表演超出所有人的期待。His performance _____ all expectations.

14. 嫉妒会带来忧虑和痛苦。Jealousy causes _____ and painful emotions.

15. 音乐的某种特质使其有别于所有其他艺术形式。There is something about music that _____ it from all other art forms.

16. 每个房间都以淡雅或鲜艳的颜色和印花图案装饰成独特的风格。Each room was _____ decorated with light, bright colors and floral prints.

17. 员工们对此大加赞扬,顾客们也一样。The staff have been very _____, and so have the customers.

18. 想通过工作提高生活质量,需要两个相辅相成的策略。To improve the quality of life through work, two _____ strategies are necessary.

19. 大部分进出口货物都是通过海路运输的。The vast _____ imports and exports are carried by sea.

20. 常有人指责英国人并不真正关心自己的子女。The _____ that the English do not really care about their children was often voiced.

21. 他们已经准备好削减下一财年的联邦预算赤字。They’re ready to cut the federal budget _____ for the next fiscal year.

22. 我想出了这个馊主意。I come up with this _____ idea.

23. 交通堵塞中静止不动的汽车产生了大量污染。_____ cars in traffic jams cause a great deal of pollution.

24. 他在走廊里轻轻走过时,我常常碰见他。I often bumped into him as he _____ the corridors.

25. 他信心百倍地声称他的产品是市场上最物有所值的。He confidently _____ that he is offering the best value in the market.

26. 这些母亲经常会因为害怕流言蜚语而抛弃自己的孩子。These mothers often abandoned their children because of fear of _____.

27. 此项研究的核心是早期宇宙和银河系的形成。The main _____ of the research will be the study of the early Universe and galaxy formation.

28. 英语基本熟练是入学条件之一。Evidence of basic _____ in English is part of the admission requirement.

29. 年轻人觉得每件事都那么简单,而且他们把幸福视为自己的责任,并努力去实现幸福。The young find everything so simple. The young, _____, see it as their duty to be happy and do their best to be so.

30. 很显然这与社会背景没有任何关系。Quite _____, it has nothing to do with social background.

31. 由于约翰逊东窗事发,他们的体育声誉受到了严重损害。Their sporting reputation has suffered enormously from Johnson’s _____.

32. 老一套方法已不足以满足当前的需要。The old methods weren’t _____ to meet current needs.

33. 许多学生并未做好接受高等教育的充分准备。Many students are not _____ prepared for higher education.

34. 大部分成年人不懂得如何对儿童施救。Most adults do not feel _____ deal with a medical emergency involving a child.

35. 他抬起下巴,伸了伸脖子,仿佛领子太紧了。He raised his chin and _____ his neck as if his collar were too tight.

36. 商业银行的主要职能是为产业融资。The main _____ of the merchant banks is to raise capital for industry.

37. 他吸收信息的能力令人吃惊,但是他的注意力持续时间很短。His ability to absorb information was astonishing, but his concentration _____ was short.

38. 建立一个全新的家庭既让人兴奋又富于挑战。Building a home from _____ can be both exciting and challenging.

39. 商业主义的危险就是教会最终可能会被大赞助商牵着鼻子走。The danger of commercialism is that the churches end up dancing to the _____ of their big business sponsors.

40. 我们一直在培训我们的战士,以使他们适应普通的社会生活。We have been preparing our fighters to _____ themselves to civil society.

41. 仅有一半的紧急救援物资运抵了目的地。Only half of the emergency supplies have reached their _____.

42. 我能清楚地回想起我女儿来医院看我和她刚出生的弟弟的那一刻。I can remember the _____ moment when my daughter came to see me and her new baby brother in hospital.

43. 使用计算机对孩子们的学习有益。Using computers has a _____ effect on children’s learning.

44. 他的领导才能是保守党最宝贵的财富。His leadership qualities were the greatest _____ of the Conservative Party.

45. 有人认为,这是佩奇酸葡萄心理在作怪,因为他的公司未中标,佩奇对此的回应是:“人身苦短,谁有闲工夫去耿耿于怀呢。”Page’s response to the suggestion that this might be _____ grapes because his company lost the bid is: ’Life is too short for that.’

46. 几天来这里一直有一种满怀期待的气氛。There’s been an atmosphere of _____ around here for a few days now.

47. 他没有陶醉于过去的成功,而是期望取得更大的成就。He does not _____ in his past successes and looks forward to achieving more.

48. 该项目应重新评估,以确定其是否可以产生良好的经济效益。The project should be re-appraised to see whether it made sound economic _____.

49. 欧洲出现了最严重的失业情况,这应当 部分归咎于这项政策。The policy is partly to _____ for causing the worst unemployment in Europe.

50. 人们失去了自己的家园和所有的财物。People had lost their homes and all their _____.

51. 警方说他们怀疑袭击是由动物权益保护的积极分子们发动的。The police say they suspect the attack was carried out by animal rights _____.

52. 他得了一种神秘的怪病,卧床有一个多月。A _____ illness confined him to bed for over a month.

53. 问他是什么意思,他故弄玄虚地说:“你自己想吧。”Asked what he meant, he said _____:’work it out for yourself’.

54. 如果肯尼迪没有被暗杀,今天的美国会有根本的不同吗?Would the US be radically different today if Kennedy had not been _____?

55. 他去年秋天出版了自己的自传。He published his _____ last autumn.

56. 今天,时装设计师是家喻户晓的人物。Today, fashion designers are _____ names.

57. 这是该公司向主流科学和商业计算领域迈出的第一步。This is the company’s first step into the _____ of scientific and commercial computing.

58. 这是全欧洲面临的问题,而不是英国独有的问题。This is a European, and not a _____ British, problem.

59. 问题远非人手不足那么简单。The problem goes far beyond _____ staffing.

60. 卢森堡草拟了一项英国、法国和德国之间都可以接受的妥协方案。Luxemburg _____ out an acceptable compromise between Britain, France and Germany.

61. 他的拥护者团结起来为他辩护。His supporters have _____ to his defense.

62. 它同时满足了用户在功能和情感上的需求。It satisfies the user’s requirements both _____ and emotionally.

63. 据传,新加坡航空公司正在争取签下两家机场的经营权。Singapore Airlines is rumored to be _____ for a management contract to run both airports.

64. 成千上万的人不顾一切地想要离开他们千疮百孔的家园。Thousands are _____ trying to leave their battered homes.

65. 必须规划处新的长期目标。New long-range objectives must be _____.

66. 我们认识到在大千世界中我们极其渺小。We realize that we are infinitely small within the _____ of things.

67. 遗传学家已经发现了解开细胞衰老、死亡之谜的线索。Geneticists have discovered a _____ to the puzzle of why our cells get old and die.

68. 他毕生都在进行精神探索。He spent his life on a spiritual _____.

69. 陪审团同意她的说法,但在上诉时她败诉了。The jury agreed with her but she lost the case on _____.

70. 他被控从经济中捞取了丰厚的油水。He has been accused of _____ the cream off the economy.

71. 让敌对双方坐下来谈判时,你得保持中立。When you have two adversaries _____, you need to be on neutral territory.

72. 我已经和他当面解释了我们节目的形式以及我们的想法。I had met with him to explain the _____ of the program and what we had in mind.

73. 九月的雨季过后,土壤已相当湿润。The soil is reasonably _____ after the September rain.

74. 降雨会影响空气湿度。Rainfall affects the _____ content of the atmosphere.

75. 鉴于该地区很受人们青睐,最好提前预订旅馆或宿营地。Because of the popularity of the region, it is _____ to book hotels or camp sites in advance.

76. 现在我的角色仅限于顾问。Now my role is strictly _____.

77. 说难听的,没人会真的在乎这种事了。To put it _____, nobody really gives a toss about this any more.

78. 要几份书面报价,仔细查对费用中包含的内容。Get several written _____ and check exactly what’s included in the cost.

79. 我回忆起他们一起跳舞时的情景。I _____ the way they had been dancing together.

80. 这家人曾向船长正式投诉过,在航海日志里有记录。The family made an official complaint to a ship’s officer, which was recorded in the _____.

81. 他原本可以砍去许多重复的内容,从而缩减许多页。He could also have cut out much of the _____ and thus saved many pages.

82. 他的文学批评集中关注的是伟大的文学作品表达思想的方式。His _____ criticism focuses on the way great literature suggests ideas.

83. 儿童图书常常把农场的动物描写得温和而可爱。Children’s books often _____ farmyard animals as gentle, lovable creatures.

84. 那么你是怎么买到这一绝品的?How did you go about making this marvelous _____ then?

85. 在过去三次大萧条中,我们经历了持续上涨的失业率。We have endured the _____ higher levels of unemployment during the past three recessions.

86. 我们总是一头雾水地离开他的办公室。We always left his office in a state of _____.

87. 由于资源的减少,大学正面临严峻的问题。Universities are facing grave problems because of _____ resources.

88. 最新数据显示,过去10年来全球臭氧的浓度降低了几个百分点。The latest data showed that global ozone _____ had dropped several per cent over the last decade.

89. 想当一名翻译的话,你至少需要熟练掌握一门外语。To work as a translator, you need _____ in at least one foreign language.

90. 他快到7岁时才能流利地阅读。He didn’t read _____ till he was nearly seven.

91. 英国一直缺乏远大理想。Britain has suffered from a _____ of ambition.

92. 人们对精神疾病很不了解。There is so much _____ about mental illness.

93. 随着眼界不断开阔,这些新观念会为生活赋予全新的意义。As your _____ expand, these new ideas can give a whole new meaning to life.

94. 卫生官员计划通过组织咨询来扩展他们的服务。Health officials are proposing to _____ their services by organizing counseling.

95. 找出办法战胜困难。Find a way to _____ difficulties.

96. 人们发现儿童会模仿他们所崇拜或有共鸣感的人。Children can be seen to _____ the behavior of others whom they admire or identify with.

97. 如果你最初的请求遭到拒绝,不要害怕,要继续追问下去。If your original request is denied, don’t be afraid to _____ the matter.

98. 新一代科学家对恐龙研究着了迷。A new generation of scientists became _____ by dinosaurs.

99. 他们说旅行能开阔心胸。They say that travel _____ the mind.

100. 我的电影试图为我自己也为观众描述一个自我发现的心灵之旅。My films try to describe a _____ of discovery both for myself and the watcher.


1 tedious 2 obliges 3 absorbed 4 allergic 5 excursion 6 earnest 7 exclaimed 8 civilization 9 architecturally 10 captured 11 condense 12 condensed 13 exceeded 14 distress 15 distinguished 16 distinctively 17 complimentary 18. complementary 19 bulk 20 criticism 21 deficit 22 dumb 23 stationary 24 padded 25 proclaims 26 scandal 27 thrust 28 proficiency 29 moreover 30 evidently 31 exposure 32 adequate adequately 34 competent 35 jerked 36 function 37 span 38 scratch 39 tune 40 adjust 41 destination 42 precise 43 beneficial 44 asset 45 sour 46 anticipation 47 glory 48 sense 49 blame 50 possessions 51 activists 52 mysterious 53 mysteriously 54 assassinated 55 autobiography 56 household 57 mainstream 58 specifically 59 inadequate 60 sketched 61 rallied 62 functionally 63 bidding 64 desperately 65 devised 66 scheme 67 due 68 quest 69 appeal 70 skimming 71 negotiating 72 format 73 moist 74 moisture 75 advisable 76 advisory 77 crudely 78 quotations 79 recalled 80 log 81 repetition 82 literary 83 depict 84 acquisition 85 successively 86 confusion 87 diminishing 88 concentrations 89 fluency 90 fluently 91 poverty 92 ignorance 93 horizons 94 expand 95 overcome 96 copy 97 pursue 98 fascinated 99 broadens 100 journey







