• 01月11日 星期六

新加坡2014年版5分硬币Singapore 2014 edition 5 cent

新加坡2014年版5分硬币(收于2018年) 新加坡,全称为新加坡共和国,旧称新嘉坡、星洲或星岛,别称为狮城,是东南亚的一个岛国,政治体制实行议会制共和制;是一个多元文化的移民国家,以稳定的政局、廉洁高效的政府而著称,是全球最国际化的国家之一。人口564万(2018年6月);国土面积719.1平方公里;首都新加坡市。


新加坡是一个发达的资本主义国家,建国以后,新加坡人民的集体危机感成经济奇迹原动力,靠着勤奋的打拼在逆境中求得生存。根据2018年的全球金融中心指数排名报告,新加坡是继伦敦、纽约、香港之后的第四大国际金融中心 。新加坡也是亚洲重要的服务和航运中心之一,被GaWC评为世界一线城市 。新加坡是东南亚国协成员国之一,也是世界贸易组织、英联邦以及亚洲太平洋经济合作组织成员经济体之一。 2019年11月,新加坡位列"2019年全球城市经济竞争力榜单"第三位;"2019年全球可持续竞争力榜单"第一位。

新加坡元是新加坡法定货币;1967年6月12日,新加坡政府发行了自己的新加坡元以取代马来亚元且与马来亚元等值。一元可被细分为10角(也称为"毛")或者100分。此5分硬币正面主图为国徽,新加坡国徽是以国旗图案为基础设计,中心是盾徽,一轮新月表示新加坡是一个新建立的国家,五颗五角星代表了民主、和平、进步、公正、平等,盾徽两侧各有一只猛兽;背面主图为面额、滨海艺术中心和狮头图案。 Singapore, all known as the Republic of Singapore, formerly known as Singapore, Singapore or Singapore Island, otherwise known as Lion City, is an island country in Southeast Asia with a parliamentary republic in its political system. It is a multicultural immigrant country, famous for its stable political situation and clean and efficient government, and is one of the most internationalized countries in the world. Population 5.64 million (June 2018); Land area 719.1 square kilometers; The capital city of Singapore.

In the 14th century, Singapore belonged to the sultan dynasty of Malacca established by Berisha. It was colonized by Britain in the early 19th century. On February 15, 1942, it was occupied by Japan. Joined Malaysia in 1963.It became independent in 1965. Joined the United Nations on September 21, 1965. It joined the Commonwealth in October of the same year.

Singapore is a developed capitalist country. After the founding of Singapore, the collective crisis of Singaporeans has become the driving force of economic miracle, and they survive in adversity through hard work. According to the 2018 Global Financial Center Index ranking report, Singapore is the fourth largest international financial center after London, new york and Hong Kong. Singapore is also one of the important service and shipping centers in Asia, and is rated as the world's first-tier city by GaWC. Singapore is one of the member countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and one of the member economies of the World Trade Organization, the Commonwealth and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation. In November 2019, Singapore ranked third in the "2019 list of global urban economic competitiveness". "2019 Global Sustainable Competitiveness List" is the first place.

The Singapore dollar is the legal tender of Singapore. On June 12, 1967, the Singapore government issued its own Singapore dollar to replace the Malay dollar, which is equivalent to the Malay dollar. A dollar can be subdivided into 10 Jiao (also called "mao") or 100 cent. The front main picture of this 5-cent coin is the national emblem. Singapore's national emblem is designed on the basis of the national flag pattern with the crest in the center. A new moon indicates that Singapore is a newly established country. Five five-pointed stars represent democracy, peace, progress, justice and equality. There is a beast on each side of the crest. The main picture on the back shows the denomination, Binhai Art Center and lion head pattern.






