• 07月03日 星期三

每日新闻播报(March 11)

每日新闻播报(March 11)

File photo [Photo/IC]

>Lip balms can't save lips 研究:唇膏加剧嘴唇脱水 You need your lips to talk, take duck-face selfies and kiss your loved ones. That's why dry, chapped lips can not only be itchy and painful, they can sometimes be downright embarrassing. But repeatedly applying lip balms and products may not help your case. Lip balms provide only temporary comfort, and some types can make scaly lips even drier. That's because, in part, when the thin film of moisture from the lip balm evaporates, it dehydrates your lips even more. "It just starts a vicious cycle," Dr Leah Jacob, an assistant professor of dermatology at Tulane University, said. Some lip balms contain ingredients that can be irritating or drying. Menthol, salicylic acid, cinnamic aldehyde and peppermint flavors are all culprits, Jacob said. Jacob recommends using a thick, emollient lip balm or ointment with SPF in it to truly protect your lips. Glycerin or plain old petroleum jelly are good ingredients to look for, she noted. 与人交谈、嘟嘴自拍、亲吻爱的人,都离不开双唇。嘴唇干裂除了发痒和生疼,有时还会让人陷入特别尴尬的境地。但是,频繁涂抹润唇膏和相关产品往往无济于事。润唇膏只能带来暂时的舒缓,有些唇膏甚至会让开裂起皮的嘴唇更加干燥。部分原因是,润唇膏的水薄膜蒸发后会加剧嘴唇脱水。杜兰大学皮肤病学助理教授利亚•雅各布博士称"一个恶性循环就这样开始了"。一些润唇膏含有刺激或干燥成分。薄荷醇、水杨酸、肉桂醛和胡椒薄荷香料都是元凶。雅各布推荐膏体较厚、滋润效果好、且带SPF防晒系数的润唇膏,以真正保护唇部。她指出,甘油或者普通的老凡士林油都是不错的选择。

每日新闻播报(March 11)

A file picture dated 26 March 2007 shows Colombian Nobel Prize-winning novelist Gabriel Garcia Marquez (R) posing with a special edition of his most famous book 'One Hundred Years of Solitude' in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia.

>Classic book comes to screen '百年孤独'将拍成电视剧 For the first time in its history, Gabriel Garcia Marquez's seminal novel "One Hundred Years of Solitude" will be adapted for the screen. The author's family is allowing Netflix to produce a Spanish-language series based on the classic book, which was first published in 1967. Marquez's sons Rodrigo Garcia and Gonzalo Garcia Barcha will be executive producers, and the series will be set in and filmed mainly in Colombia. "Our father refused to sell the film rights of the book during his lifetime, because he believed that it could not be made under the time constraints of a feature film, or that producing it in a language other than Spanish would not do it justice," said Rodrigo Garcia in a release. "But now, with the advent of Netflix, the situation has changed and the family believes it's time for the book to come to the screen," he said. 加夫列尔•加西亚•马尔克斯的巨著《百年孤独》将首次被拍成电视剧。马尔克斯的家人已经授权网飞公司将这部1967年首次出版的经典著作制作成一部西班牙语电视剧。马尔克斯的儿子罗德利亚•加西亚和贡萨洛•加西亚将成为该剧的执行制片人,电视剧的背景设置以及拍摄地都在哥伦比亚。罗德利亚•加西亚在一则声明中称:"我们的父亲生前一直拒绝出售《百年孤独》的电影版权,因为他觉得一部电影的时长无法充分展现这部作品,他也不接受用西班牙语以外的语言讲述故事。但现在,随着网飞公司的出现,情况发生了变化,我们家族认为是时候将这本书搬上荧幕了。"

每日新闻播报(March 11)

View of Madrid from plaza de Callao with Opera House, la Almudena Cathedral y el Palacio Real (Royal Palace). Spain.[Photo/IC]

>Spain the healthiest country 最健康国家排行榜出炉 Spain surpassed Italy to become the world's healthiest country, according to the 2019 edition of the Bloomberg Healthiest Country Index, which ranks 169 economies according to factors that contribute to overall health. Four additional European nations were among the top 10 in 2019: Iceland (third place), Switzerland (fifth), Sweden (sixth) and Norway (ninth). Japan was the healthiest Asian nation, jumping three places from the 2017 survey into fourth and replacing Singapore, which dropped to eighth. Australia and Israel rounded out the top 10 at seventh and 10th place. China, home to 1.3 billion people, rose three places to 52nd. Life expectancy in China is on track to surpass the US by 2040, according to the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation. 跟据2019年彭博社的最健康国家指数排行榜,西班牙超过意大利,成为了世界上健康状况最好的国家。该指数根据整体健康状况相关的多重因素,对169个经济体进行了排名。今年还有4个欧洲国家跻身前10:冰岛(第3位)、瑞士(第5位)、瑞典(第6位)和挪威(第9位)。日本是亚洲最健康的国家,比2017年提升了3个位次,取代新加坡成为第4名,而后者则跌到第8名。澳大利亚和以色列也进了前10名,分列第7、第10。拥有13亿人口的中国排在52位,比之前上升3位。卫生统计评估研究所称,中国的人均预期寿命将在2040年前超过美国。

每日新闻播报(March 11)


>Inexcusable habits revealed 英国人最烦的用餐习惯 A poll of 1,500 British adults revealed the 35 worst restaurant habits customers can exhibit when eating out. They include clicking your fingers to get the waiter's attention, letting your children run wild, and paying your exact share of the bill if you're splitting the check with others. Not leaving a tip for the wait staff, pouring white wine in a glass that still has some red wine in it and blowing your nose loudly into a napkin were also considered the very height of bad manners, the poll by software company Fourth revealed. More than one in 10 Brits admitted they have been embarrassed by their partner's behavior in a restaurant, while 10% have felt the need to apologize on behalf of their ill-mannered parents. Nearly a third have even been forced to apologize to staff because of one of their fellow diners' appalling etiquette, the poll found. 一项针对1500名英国成年人进行的民意调查揭示了顾客外出就餐时会展现的35种最糟糕的餐厅用餐习惯;其中包括打响指引起服务员的注意,让孩子疯跑及与他人与他人平摊账单时分毫不差地付自己那部分。软件公司Fourth进行的民调显示,不给服务员小费,把白葡萄酒倒进仍剩有一些红酒的杯子中,用餐巾纸很大声地擤鼻涕也被视为极其不礼貌的行为。逾1/10的英国人表示,他们曾在餐厅里因伴侣的行为而感到尴尬,10%的人则认为有必要为有失礼节的父母表达歉意。调查发现,近1/3的人甚至因为一起进餐的人的糟糕礼节而被迫向工作人员道歉。

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