• 03月15日 星期六

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Capella Singapore


André Fu为新加坡Capella酒店的房间提供了一个新的体验,这是酒店最近翻新的一部分。其中值得注意的这座度假村,它位于圣淘沙,由普利兹克奖得主建筑师Norman Foster和已故室内设计师Jaya Ibrahim设计。这家六星级酒店于2009年开业,由André Fu Studio进行了为期一年的装修,为其房间和别墅带来了微妙和舒缓的设计清新。

André Fu has given a new look to rooms at Capella Hotel Singapore as part of the hotel's recent renovation. One notable resort, located in Sentosa, was designed by Pritzker Prize-winning architect Norman Foster and the late interior designer Jaya Ibrahim. The six-star hotel opened in 2009 with a year-long renovation by Andre Fu Studio, bringing subtle and soothing design refreshments to its rooms and villas.

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André Fu’s New Furniture


André Fu展示了他的品牌André Fu Living的新家具系列Art Deco Garden,灵感来自于Art Deco和京都的禅宗花园。Andre Fu说:“关于新系列,我有兴趣探索是否有办法在禅宗花园的感觉中重新诠释装饰艺术风格的轮廓。在很多方面,我想用禅宗花园的感官运动特征来解构装饰艺术的形式模式。将这两种截然不同、文化上截然不同的设计元素放在一起将会很有趣。”

André Fu presented his brand Andre Fu Living's new furniture collection Art Deco Garden, inspired by Art Deco and Zen gardens in Kyoto. Andre Fu: "For the new collection, I was interested in exploring whether there was a way to reinterpret the contours of art Deco style in a Zen garden sense. In many ways, I wanted to use the sensorimotor features of zen gardens to deconstruct the formal patterns of art deco. It will be interesting to bring these two very different, culturally different design elements together."

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Sézanne Opens In Tokyo


André Fu与获奖的英国厨师Daniel Calvert合作设计,完成了位于东京丸之内的四季酒店内的一个餐厅项目Sézanne。这给人们提供了一个远离日本首都城市节奏的宁静去处。这家位于七楼的角落餐厅,可以俯瞰东京车站的一部分,在这里,子弹头列车的景色,创新的法国美食和当代软边装饰,以矿物蓝色、银灰色和灰粉色的柔和调色板,恰到好处地平衡了优雅和亲密。

Andre Fu collaborated with award-winning British chef Daniel Calvert to create Sezanne, a restaurant within the Four Seasons Hotel in Marunouchi, Tokyo. It offers a tranquil escape from the rhythms of Japan's capital city. This seventh-floor corner restaurant overlooks a section of Tokyo Station, where bullet train views, innovative French cuisine and contemporary soft-edged decor balance elegance and intimacy just right in pastel palettes of mineral blue, silver gray and gray-pink.

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