• 03月15日 星期六

【双语】例行记者会/Regular Press Conference(2022-7-4)



Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian's

Regular Press Conferenceon July 4, 2022

【双语】例行记者会/Regular Press Conference(2022-7-4)

总台央视记者:不久前,在全球发展高层对话会上,许多与会国家领导人表示,中方提出的全球发展倡议契合相关国家发展需求,将继续支持全球发展倡议。中方能否介绍全球发展倡议推进情况及下一步工作? CCTV: At the recent High-level Dialogue on Global Development, many leaders of participating countries said that China’s Global Development Initiative (GDI) meets the development needs of relevant countries and will continue to support the GDI. Can you brief us on the progress of the GDI and plans on the work going forward? 赵立坚:去年9月习近平主席提出全球发展倡议后,国际社会予以积极热烈响应,100多个国家和包括联合国在内的多个国际组织支持倡议,近60个国家加入中方在联合国平台成立的“全球发展倡议之友小组”。正如你刚才所说,在不久前召开的全球发展高层对话会上,不少国家领导人对倡议予以高度评价。他们认为倡议高度契合各国特别是发展中国家紧迫的发展需求,为加快实现2030年可持续发展目标提供可行路径。习近平主席在会上提出一系列推动全球发展的务实合作举措,会后中方发布32项成果清单,这是中国落实全球发展倡议的率先行动。与会领导人对此高度赞赏,并表达了积极的合作意愿。 Zhao Lijian: Since President Xi Jinping put forward the Global Development Initiative (GDI) last September, the initiative has received positive and warm responses. More than 100 countries and many international organizations, including the UN, have supported the GDI and nearly 60 countries have joined the Group of Friends of the GDI set up by China on the UN platform. As you said, at the recent High-level Dialogue on Global Development, leaders of many countries spoke highly of the GDI, saying that it well meets the urgent development needs of all countries, developing countries in particular, and provides a feasible pathway for accelerating the realization of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. At the meeting, President Xi Jinping proposed a host of pragmatic steps for cooperation to promote global development. After the meeting, China released a list of 32 deliverables, which is part of China’s initial action to implement the GDI. Leaders at the meeting highly commended this and expressed their willingness for cooperation.
下一步,中方愿同国际社会一道,积极落实对话会成果,推动国际社会聚焦发展问题,加大对全球发展合作的资源投入,同各方携手在全球发展倡议提出的减贫、粮食安全、抗疫和疫苗、发展筹资、气候变化和绿色发展、工业化、数字经济、数字时代互联互通等重点领域加强务实合作,做好全球发展项目库建设,增强发展知识分享。全球发展倡议秉持开放包容的伙伴精神,我们欢迎各国和国际组织,特别是联合国机构,也包括发达国家,参与倡议合作,为加快落实2030年可持续发展议程汇聚最强大合力。 Looking ahead, China will work together with the international community to actively implement the outcomes of the Dialogue, encourage the international community to focus on development issues, increase input in global development cooperation, advance practical cooperation in key areas as set out in the GDI including poverty alleviation, food security, COVID-19 response and vaccines, development financing, climate change and green development, industrialization, digital economy and connectivity, develop a project pool and enhance knowledge sharing on development. The GDI follows the spirit of open and inclusive partnership. We welcome the participation of all countries and international organizations, UN agencies in particular and developed countries included, so as to create the strongest synergy for accelerating the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.


澳亚卫视记者:据报道,1日,帕劳代表在联合国海洋大会闭幕式上称,帕方代表团中持“台湾护照”的代表被拒绝参会,这是对帕主权的侵犯。联合国不应将2300万台湾人民排除在外。美国代表称,相关委员会无权将台代表逐出帕代表团。中方对此有何评论? MASTV: A representative of Palau said at the closing ceremony of the UN Ocean Conference on July 1 that “Taiwan representatives were not allowed to be part of our delegation simply because they hold Taiwanese passports”, adding that Palau views this as a violation of its sovereign rights and the UN shouldn’t have excluded the 23 million people of Taiwan from the conversation. Representative of the US said that no committee “should have pressed them to remove those individuals from their delegation”. Do you have any comment on this? 赵立坚:这已经是我第三次回应这个问题了。台湾当局屡次三番“碰瓷”。难道“蹭会”是非常光彩的事吗? Zhao Lijian: This is the third time that I have answered this question. The Taiwan authorities have tried several times to make an issue out of this. Is it because they are proud of the way they tried to wedge into the conference?
世界上只有一个中国,台湾是中国的一部分。一个中国原则是国际关系基本准则和国际社会普遍共识。根据一个中国原则,台湾无权单独参与联合国及其专门机构和仅限主权国家参加的政府间国际组织活动。上述原则和共识不会因为个别国家为台湾当局说项或撑腰打气而改变。台湾当局“蹭会”失败是必然的。这种自降人格、自取其辱的做法也已遭到国际社会耻笑。There is only one China in the world and Taiwan is part of China. The one-China principle is a basic norm in international relations and an established international consensus. Based on the one-China principle, Taiwan has no right to attend as a delegation the activities of the UN and its special agencies and those of intergovernmental international organizations limited to sovereign countries. These principles and consensus will not change just because certain countries have endorsed and emboldened the Taiwan authorities. The failure of the Taiwan authorities to get into the conference was inevitable. Such a disgraceful act only exposes themselves to international ridicule.

【双语】例行记者会/Regular Press Conference(2022-7-4)


深圳卫视记者:据报道,美国国家航空航天局局长尼尔森日前接受德媒采访称,中国的太空计划是一个军事太空计划,很可能占领月球。中国偷窃了别国的创意和技术,其空间站的任务是学习如何摧毁别人的卫星。中方对此有何评论? Shenzhen TV: NASA’s administrator Bill Nelson said in an interview with German media the other day that China’s space program is a military space program and China might be planning a takeover of the moon. He also said that China stole designs and technologies of other countries and one task of China’s space station is to learn how to destroy other countries’ satellites. Do you have any comment? 赵立坚:美国国家航空航天局局长已经不是第一次罔顾事实、信口开河“喷”中国了。美方一些官员不断构陷污蔑中国正常合理的外空事业。中方坚决反对此种不负责任的言论。Zhao Lijian: This is not the first time that the NASA administrator has lashed out at China in disregard of facts. Some US officials have spoken irresponsibly to misrepresent the normal and legitimate space endeavors of China. China firmly rejects such remarks.
作为美国航空航天部门的主管,他应当十分清楚美国太空计划的“黑历史”。美方在制造太空垃圾、挑动外空军备竞赛、破坏全球战略稳定等方面发挥了消极作用,对和平利用外空造成巨大威胁。As the head of US space administration, the official must be quite familiar with the disreputable history of US space program, including its role in creating space junk, stoking space arms race and disrupting global strategic stability and its enormous threat to the peaceful use of outer space.
近年来,美国更是公然将外空界定为“作战疆域”,加快组建外空军和外空司令部,研发部署进攻性外空武器。美方还长期消极抵制谈判外空军控法律文书,不断强化与盟友的外空军事合作。另一方面,美国又在航天合作上设置障碍,恣意制裁别国航天机构,出台法案限制与中国开展航天合作与交流。国际社会早已看透美方这种霸道行径、双标做法和虚伪言辞。In recent years, the US openly defined space as a war-fighting domain. It has been accelerating efforts to build a space force and space command, developing and deploying offensive space weapons, hindering the negotiation process for a legal instrument on arms control in outer space, and enhancing military cooperation with its allies in outer space. In the meantime, the US has obstructed space cooperation, willfully imposed sanctions on space agencies of other countries, and passed legislation to limit space cooperation and exchanges with China. The international community has long seen through the hegemonic and double-standard nature of US actions and the hypocrisy of its rhetoric.
中方一向倡导和平利用外空,反对外空武器化和军备竞赛,积极在外空领域推动构建人类命运共同体。中国探索外空,是为满足国家经济、社会、科技和安全等正当需求。中国航天事业的发展完全通过独立自主、自力更生实现,其权益和成就不容任何质疑和抹黑。China always advocates the peaceful use of outer space, opposes the weaponization of and arms race in outer space, and works actively toward building a community with a shared future for mankind in the space domain. China’s space exploration is about meeting our legitimate national economic, social, scientific and security needs. Progress in China’s space endeavors is achieved through our own independent efforts. Our rights, interests and achievements shall not be unfairly questioned or discredited.
我们敦促美方切实承担起大国应尽的责任,认真检视并修正自身在外空领域的消极言行,为维护外空持久和平与安全做出应有贡献。We urge the US to step up to its responsibility as a major country, reflect on and rectify its negative moves and statements about outer space, and make its due contribution to safeguarding enduring peace and security in space.

【双语】例行记者会/Regular Press Conference(2022-7-4)

4 法新社记者:日方已就一艘中国军舰在争议岛屿“尖阁诸岛”附近水域航行提出交涉,中方对此有何回应? AFP: Japan lodged a protest to China after a Chinese naval vessel sailed near the disputed Senkaku Islands. What’s China’s response? 赵立坚:钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿是中国的固有领土。中方舰艇在附近海域活动正当合法,日方无权说三道四。Zhao Lijian: Diaoyu Dao and its affiliating islands have been part of China’s territory. The activities of Chinese vessels in the adjacent waters are legitimate and lawful. The Japanese side has no right to point fingers over these activities.


共同社记者:今天早上,俄罗斯海军军舰也进入了有关(“尖阁诸岛”)毗连水域,这次是中俄两国的联合行动吗? Kyodo News: This morning Russian navy vessel also sailed in the contiguous zone around Senkaku Islands. I wonder whether China and Russia acted in concert this time?


Zhao Lijian: I made China’s position very clear just now. I suppose what you said is your own interpretation. If you are interested in Russia’s action, maybe you or your colleagues could take this question to the Russian side.


Reuters: Earlier today the US Ambassador to China Nicholas Burns said at a forum that he hopes the Chinese foreign ministry spokesmen would stop repeating Russian propaganda by accusing NATO of starting the war in Ukraine and telling lies about American biolabs. What’s the Chinese foreign ministry’s comment?


Zhao Lijian: It is the US, not China, that has been spreading disinformation and telling lies. On Ukraine, China has always made its judgement independently on the basis of the history and the merits of the issue.
关于美国海外生物实验室问题,包括在乌克兰设立生物实验室,有大量事实和依据,国际社会对此十分关切,美国有责任给世人一个交代。美国为何不开放德特里克堡及其海外生物实验室供国际独立核查?为何独家阻挡建立《禁止生物武器公约》核查机制? There are plenty of facts and evidence of the US’s overseas biolabs, including its biolabs in Ukraine. The international community has deep concerns over this, and the US owes the world an explanation. Why hasn’t it opened up Fort Detrick and its overseas biolabs for international independent investigation? Why is the US being the last country refusing to establish a verification mechanism for the Biological Weapons Convention?

【双语】例行记者会/Regular Press Conference(2022-7-4)



Hubei Media Group: The freight transit yard of the China-Laos Railway’s Vientiane South Station was recently completed and put into operation, which symbolizes the success in railway connectivity between China, Laos and Thailand. Do you have any comment?


Zhao Lijian: Indeed, the inauguration of the freight transit yard of the China-Laos Railway’s Vientiane South Station means faster, easier traffic on China-Laos-Thailand land-sea intermodal logistics transport channel. It means that to the north, the China-Laos Railway can now reach Chinese city hubs and connect with the China-Europe Railway Express network; and to the south, it can reach Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore. This transforms Laos from a land-locked country into a land-linked hub enjoying unprecedented opportunities.

去年底开通至今年6月30日,中老铁路发送旅客400万人次,货物近500万吨,其中跨境货物80多万吨。中国20多个省市先后开行了中老铁路跨境货运列车,水果、光伏、电子等运输货物达100多种,覆盖老挝、泰国等10多个地区国家。中老铁路日益成为地区互联互通的加速器和经济合作的新引擎,受到地区国家的普遍欢迎。中老铁路已经成为中国同东盟国家高质量共建“一带一路”的生动写照、携手落实全球发展倡议的有力见证。As of June 30, the China-Laos Railway, which started operation at the end of last year, has transported four million passengers and nearly five million tonnes of goods, including 800,000 tonnes of cross-border goods. More than 20 Chinese provinces and cities have opened cross-border freight train services using the railway, which carry more than 100 varieties of goods including fruits, solar and electronic products and reach destinations in over ten regional countries including the Laos and Thailand. The China-Laos Railway is becoming an accelerator of regional connectivity and a new engine driving economic cooperation. It has been welcomed by countries across the region. It stands as a vivid example of the high-quality Belt and Road cooperation between China and ASEAN countries and a strong testament to their joint efforts to implement the Global Development Initiative.
“一带一路”倡议提出近9年来,中国同包括老挝在内的149个国家和32个国际组织签署共建“一带一路”合作文件,形成3000多个合作项目,投资规模近1万亿美元。受新冠疫情等因素冲击,世界经济复苏艰难,发展中国家面临的投资匮乏、资金短缺等挑战更为突出。我们欢迎更多的地区国家参与“一带一路”合作,共享互联互通带来的机遇和红利。Over the past nine years since the inception of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), China has signed BRI cooperation documents with 149 countries, the Laos included, and 32 international organizations. We have launched over 3,000 cooperation projects with investments totaling almost one trillion dollars. Under the impact of COVID-19 and other factors, the world economy is struggling to recover and the challenges posed by lack of investment and funding have become more pronounced for developing countries. We welcome the participation of more regional countries in the relevant cooperation to share in the opportunities and dividends of connectivity.
今天,澜湄合作第七次外长会刚刚在缅甸成功举行,中方愿同老挝等澜湄合作机制成员国一道落实会议成果,牢记互利共赢、共谋发展的初心,携手打造高质量共建“一带一路”示范区,为地区国家人民带来更多福祉,为地区繁荣稳定提供更强助力。The seventh Lancang-Mekong Cooperation Foreign Ministers’ Meeting has just been successfully held today in Myanmar. China is ready to work with the Laos and other member states of the Lancang-Mekong Cooperation mechanism to follow through on the outcomes of the meeting, continue to pursue its founding purpose for win-win cooperation and common development, and build an area of demonstration for high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, in order to bring more benefits to the people in regional countries and provide a stronger boost to regional stability and prosperity.

【双语】例行记者会/Regular Press Conference(2022-7-4)



Xinhua News Agency: The recent success of the 14th BRICS Summit chaired by China received warm response at home and abroad. What’s China’s plan with the rest of its BRICS chairship?


Zhao Lijian: Not long ago, the 14th BRICS Summit was held successfully. Leaders of the five countries gathered virtually to hold in-depth exchange of views on enhancing BRICS cooperation, safeguarding world peace and promoting common development, reaching broad common understandings. The Summit delivered a series of pioneering, guiding and institutional outcomes, which marks the beginning of a new journey in BRICS cooperation.


As the curtain fell on the successful Summit, the BRICS China Year has just passed the halfway mark. As the chair, China will continue to advance the BRICS agenda this year as planned. In the latter half of the year, we plan to hold about 80 meetings and other events. In July for instance, we will hold important ministerial meetings in such fields as communications, anti-corruption, labor and employment, and activities in various sectors and at various levels including intellectual property, think tanks, and media. China looks forward to working hand in hand with fellow BRICS countries to act on the outcomes and common understandings reached at the Summit, further consolidate the BRICS strategic partnership, deepen practical cooperation across the board, constantly strengthen institution building, and inject strong impetus into high-quality BRICS development.



People’s Daily: Serbian Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin said in a recent interview that NATO wants Serbia to engage in a conflict with Russia, but Serbia will not do that, nor will it become “a NATO foot soldier”. If NATO truly believes respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity is the most important principle in international politics, then it should apologize for bombing the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. What’s your comment?


Zhao Lijian: The Serbian Minister has made a good point, as he has spoken the mind of many countries.

北约应该道歉的,又何止塞尔维亚。过去几十年,以美国为首的北约打着“人道主义干涉”等旗号发动科索沃战争,介入伊拉克、利比亚、叙利亚,占领阿富汗长达二十年。据不完全统计,仅2001年后北约发动和参与的战争就导致90万人丧生,其中包括40万平民,还导致数以千万计的难民流离失所。北约声称尊重别国主权和领土完整,并自称为防御性组织,但其所作所为则完全背道而驰。It is not just to Serbia that NATO owes an apology. Over the past decades, the US-led NATO used humanitarian intervention as a pretext to launch the Kosovo War, interfere in Iraq, Libya and Syria, and justify its 20-year-long occupation of Afghanistan. Preliminary statistics show that the wars NATO waged or took part in after 2001 alone led to the deaths of 900,000 people, including 400,000 civilians, as well as the displacement of tens of millions of refugees. NATO claims to respect sovereignty and territorial integrity and calls itself a “defensive alliance”, but what it does is the exact opposite.
值得警惕的是,现在北约又企图将在欧洲等地制造的危机和阵营对抗复制到亚太地区,对此地区国家乃至国际社会必须保持高度警惕并坚决说不。NATO is attempting to replicate the crisis and bloc confrontation it created in Europe in the Asia-Pacific. This is a particularly alarming development. Regional countries and the international community need to stay vigilant and firmly say no to this.

【双语】例行记者会/Regular Press Conference(2022-7-4)


会后有记者问及:日前,乌兹别克斯坦境内卡拉卡尔帕克斯坦共和国首府努库斯爆发游行示威,中方对此有何评论? The following questions were raised after the press conference: What is China’s comment on the recent incidents in Nukus, capital of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, Uzbekistan some days ago?
赵立坚:中方注意到乌兹别克斯坦日前发生的事情。作为乌兹别克斯坦的友好近邻和全面战略伙伴,中方支持乌政府维护国家稳定,相信在米尔济约耶夫总统的领导下,乌兹别克斯坦能够保持安定团结。Zhao Lijian: China has noted the incidents in Uzbekistan. As Uzbekistan’s friendly neighbor and comprehensive strategic partner, China supports the Uzbek government in maintaining national stability, and believes that under the leadership of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, Uzebekistan will maintain tranquility and unity.
据报道,6月30日,厄瓜多尔政府已同厄土著民族联合会(Conaie)签署和平协议,全国抗议示威活动基本结束。中方对此有何评论?According to reports, on June 30, the Ecuadorian government and the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (CONAIE) signed a peace agreement, which basically ended the recent protests and demonstrations in the country. Do you have any comment?
赵立坚:中国和厄瓜多尔是全面战略伙伴。中方乐见厄有关各方在宪法和法律框架内,通过对话协商和平解决分歧,保持社会秩序稳定。Zhao Lijian: China and Ecuador are comprehensive strategic partners. China welcomes the peaceful settlement of the differences by relevant parties and the maintenance of stable social order in Ecuador through dialogue and negotiation under the framework of the constitution and law.





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