• 01月05日 星期日




这名男子的家人当时也在房中,由于事情发生的极为突然,家人完全没有时间进行阻止……. 医护人员赶到现场后,当场确认男子死亡。

本周二(4月30日),新加坡特别需求者协会APSN发脸书悼念,称这位男子叫做Jackson Wong,生前是协会的一员,并缅怀了之前与死者相处的点点滴滴。





An alumni who will be dearly missed.

“What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others,” ~ History of the Peloponnesian War, by Thucydides, an ancient Greek historian.

You started caring for everyone from the minute you awoke every day, I fondly remember you when you asked if you could buy breakfast for your friends – and you did even when you did not have enough for yourself. And your reasoning was, “I care for them because they are my friends”.

You gave up your seat in the coach and your meals when you saw that your friends didn’t have enough or were tired. You were the first to volunteer yourself to assist your friends when they needed your assistance.

You were consistently early for all the outings, you infected everyone with your shy demeanour, you disliked making eye contacts but you reserved your fond gestures to the volunteers by ensuring you said thank you after every programme.

You were close to your friends but you were much closer to your family, and you remembered to quote your dad’s advice to you whenever you were about to make a mistake and realised your actions could cause your loved ones to be angry. Each and every time prior to leaving the programme, you asked if you could have extra bento sets/food to bring back home for your siblings, you always thought about your family.

In the end, what mattered most to you is the fact that you were able to put a smile on everyone that you came across with all the little, thoughtful & significant gestures that defined you.

Thank you Jackson for the fond memories. ~ penned by Mr Shasikaran K, APSN Senior Alumni Executive.

Jackson Wong, left us last Friday in an accident while searching for his pet hamster. The 37-year-old was Mr Shasikaran’s first alumni. #eulogy#apsnalumni #apsnsg











