• 12月28日 星期六

关税局起获2600多条漏税香烟 十名男女被逮捕


关税局起获2600多条漏税香烟 十名男女被逮捕


在其中两次行动中,新加坡海关官员突击搜查了位于英皇乔治大道(King George 's Avenue)和Serangoon North Avenue 4号大街(Serangoon North Avenue 4)的两组屋(HDB),它们被用来存放和贩卖逃税的香烟。两名新加坡男子和一名中国男子被捕,639箱和20包逃税香烟在行动中被查获。

关税局起获2600多条漏税香烟 十名男女被逮捕

从英皇乔治大道(King George 's Avenue)和Serangoon North Avenue 4号大街(Serangoon North Avenue 4)查获的逃税香烟

在康正路、Eunos工业园区和Realty Park进行的另外三次行动中,新加坡海关人员阻止了企图取回逃税香烟的3名嫌犯。这些香烟被藏在金属烤炉、木架和空气净化器等物品中。警方逮捕了两名华裔男子和一名新加坡女子,并在行动中查获了1596箱和5942包逃税香烟。

关税局起获2600多条漏税香烟 十名男女被逮捕



关税局起获2600多条漏税香烟 十名男女被逮捕





市民如有走私活动、偷税漏税、GST等信息,可致电新加坡海关热线1800-2330000,电邮至[email protected]或使用[email protected]手机app (可从苹果商店或谷歌商店下载)举报。


关税局起获2600多条漏税香烟 十名男女被逮捕

Singapore Customs arrested eight men and two women, aged between 23 and 69, and seized more than 2,600 cartons of duty-unpaid cigarettes during seven separate operations across Singapore from 5 to 9 October 2020.

In two of the operations, Singapore Customs officers raided two HDB units at King George’s Avenue and Serangoon North Avenue 4 that were used for storage and peddling of duty-unpaid cigarettes. Two Singaporean men and a Chinese national man were arrested, and 639 cartons and 20 packets of duty-unpaid cigarettes were seized in the operations.

In three other operations conducted at Kang Ching Road, Eunos Industrial Park and Realty Park, Singapore Customs officers foiled attempts made to retrieve shipments of duty-unpaid cigarettes that were concealed in cover loads such as metal oven, wooden shelves and an air purifier unit. Two Chinese national men and a Singaporean woman were arrested, and 1,596 cartons and 5,942 packets of duty-unpaid cigarettes were seized in the operations.

In two other operations conducted at Yishun Ring Road and Jurong West St 93, Singapore Customs officers arrested four Singaporeans, three men and a woman, for storing and delivering duty-unpaid cigarettes. A total of 369 cartons and 908 packets of cigarettes were seized.

Court proceedings against four of the men and one of the women are ongoing. Investigations are ongoing for the remaining four men and one woman.

The operations resulted in the seizure of a total of 2,604 cartons and 6,870 packets of duty-unpaid cigarettes and a vehicle. The duty and Goods and Services Tax (GST) evaded amounted to about $293,700 and $23,590 respectively.

Buying, selling, conveying, delivering, storing, keeping, having in possession or dealing with duty-unpaid goods are serious offences under the Customs Act and the GST Act. Offenders can be fined up to 40 times the amount of duty and GST evaded and/or jailed for up to six years. Vehicles used in the commission of such offences are also liable to be forfeited.

Members of public with information on smuggling activities or evasion of Customs duty or GST can call the Singapore Customs hotline on 1800-2330000, email [email protected] or use [email protected] mobile app (which can be downloaded from the Apple Store or Google Play) to report these illegal activities.

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Singapore Customs

16 October 2020

关税局起获2600多条漏税香烟 十名男女被逮捕



鬼马神偷!信箱没撬开补助券遭盗用 2居民报警


