• 03月24日 星期一

台湾新生代设计师蔡佳颐荣获2021日本IDPA AWARD国际先锋奖

寓子设计 蔡佳颐-曦

UZ Design Chia-I, Tsai- The Color of Dawn


台湾新生代设计师蔡佳颐荣获2021日本IDPA AWARD国际先锋奖


Different tones of orange scattered in the space, symbolizing the warmth of the sun and light up the room, connecting the space through light. Curves are added into the wall and floor design, softening the edges and emphasizing the calmness like the morning sun. While walking into the master bedroom, the color shifts to a darker palette, mimicking the peaceful ambience of a silent night, and offers the residents a place to rest.


台湾新生代设计师蔡佳颐荣获2021日本IDPA AWARD国际先锋奖

设计师向大师致敬,灵感取自勒·柯比意(Le Corbusier)的“建筑五点”:自由平面、自由立面、水平长窗、底层架空柱和屋顶花园。屋中对于廊道以及门片等隔间方式做了减少,保留大面积,更利于采光。此案为近三十年的老屋翻新,如何打好基础,改造老屋的样貌以及空间运用,为工程的核心,也因此,在建设时把长时间使用以及长时间保存当作目标,例如使用了如沃克板等材料,在灵活运用颜色时,也能有自然的外观以及耐用的特性。

Legendary architect Le Corbusier described his technique to create a perfect housing with five principles in his famous essay “Five Points of Architecture”. The designer applies the principles in the project in hoping to create the best home for the residents. By reducing the partitions such as walls and partitions, the plan is more open and more nature light can shine in. As a thirty-year-old-house renovation project, the key is to build a solid foundation, modify the appearance of house, and focus on long-term preservation. Therefore, the designer chooses to use durable materials such as valchromat, and the combinations of colors are used for durability and natural-liking.


台湾新生代设计师蔡佳颐荣获2021日本IDPA AWARD国际先锋奖


The designer has lived in Japan and appreciates the ambience of living in a Japanese household where the family shares the living room. Therefore, an elevated Japanese-style room with tatami floor and a low sofa welcomes any incomer to casually sit on the floor. The spinner rack where the TV sits is adjustable, so the residents can choose where to lay back and relax, whether is the living room or the dining room. The sleeping area features a special design which servers the room as a walk-in closet and a sleeping area while offing the functionality and peace. The colors used here is different from the public area, which is darker and more calming. As if a shelter stands in the dark silent night, providing a place to wait for the sun to rise again.


台湾新生代设计师蔡佳颐荣获2021日本IDPA AWARD国际先锋奖


Day after day, the sun rises and sets, brings lives to earth., and this house is a simulation to the nature. Brightness and fullness come as the morning light shines through the window, and as the night falls a sense of secure rises as well as anticipation of the first rays of the dawn.


台湾新生代设计师蔡佳颐荣获2021日本IDPA AWARD国际先锋奖

台湾新生代设计师蔡佳颐荣获2021日本IDPA AWARD国际先锋奖

台湾新生代设计师蔡佳颐荣获2021日本IDPA AWARD国际先锋奖

寓子设计 UZ design


台湾新生代设计师蔡佳颐荣获2021日本IDPA AWARD国际先锋奖

蔡佳颐Chia-I, Tsai/总监 Director (图说)


台湾新生代设计师蔡佳颐荣获2021日本IDPA AWARD国际先锋奖

家 不是冰冷建筑





寓子设计在空间创作里 将每个作品注入丰富的精采故事

Home is not a cold building.

Light, color and space, endow it with the power of life.

With the concepts of nature, gentleness and warmth,

We plan a customized and personal living space with 6+3 aesthetics disciplines.

6 for decoration, 2 for furnishing, and 1 for the occupant.

Uzdesign blends wonderful stories into every proj

ect in spatial design.


2021 日本IDPA国际先锋设计奖 一银、一国际先锋设计大奖

2021 义大利 A’ Design 设计大奖 A’ Design设计奖

2021 法国 创新设计大奖Novum Design Awards 二金

2020 义大利 A’ Design 设计大奖 金奖

2020 新加坡 室内设计大奖SIDA 铜奖

2020 法国 创新设计大奖Novum Design Awards 金奖

2020 美国 星火奖Spark 铜奖

2020 德国 iF设计大奖 决选

2020 美国 缪思设计大奖MUSE 金奖

2020 英国 伦敦国际创意大赛LICC 决选

2020 中国 金堂奖 杰出作品

2019 美国缪思设计大奖MUSE 金奖

2019 中国 室内设计新势力榜 台湾区top10

2018 义大利 A’ Design 设计大奖 银奖

2018 美国 星火奖Spark 银奖

2018 中国 创新中国空间设计艺术大赛 中国建筑装饰设计百位名师

2018 英国 伦敦设计大奖 The London Design Awards 金奖


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