• 03月29日 星期六


按: 什么是规则,什么是法,什么是标准,谁定义的,如何定义的,为什么这么定义,思考这些是件很有意思的事情。美版知乎上有这样的一个话题:






I’ll give you a more civilized answer than Kevin Randolph, but there is a lot of truth in what he says. He is also wrong about the U.S. and meaningful commitments. The U.S. remains the largest source of emissions, both in total tons over time, and in per capita emissions (Australia and Canada and a couple of other countries are probably ahead in per capital, but they are all pretty small sources compared to the U.S). But the U.S. is also the largest source of reductions in pure tons. Not in percentage. U.S. emissions are down 23.8% from 2005 to 2020.


China may have already turned the corner on emissions, but we need another year or so to see. They built more wind in 2020 than the entire world did in 2019, and the amount of wind is substantial relative to their total electric generation. So is the amount of solar they built, which is far more than any other country built in 2020. When you know that they also opened a major new hydropower dam it is difficult to see how 2021 emissions from fossil fuels could have grown.



China was always open about understanding climate, but insisting on the opportunity for economic growth that fossil fuels offered, before they began to end fossil fuels. We could dispute their logic, but it is what it is.


And while Kevin is wrong about the U.S. response, and I think his attitude is not conducive to progress, he is also right that U.S. Republicans use China as a scapegoat in order to distract people from their own incompetence.




Another product of fright wing propaganda I see.


A quick check should embarrass anyone in the USA or UK, just about everywhere actually, because although China is the number one producer of CO2 because it is the factory of the world, it's also the biggest investor in sustainable energy, by a massive margin and has no intention of slowing down.


It's also true to say that it's population is twice as likely to recognise the fact that global warming is real, as compared to the USA.


So it's quite simple really, China is not interested in being the scapegoat for the USA, Uk and Europe, who have all transferred their carbon production to China and claim it as evidence that they are reducing carbon emissions.


COP26 is a joke because it uses scapegoating to count carbon emissions and ignores China's actual investments in sustainable energy.


The hosts of the high carbon emissions event, have just voted to continue dumping raw sewage into the oceans surrounding the UK and the biggest producer of CO2 per capita, the USA, is incapable of enacting any meaningful commitments, because the party in opposition, the republicans, are climate deniers and will reverse any agreements made by the democratic party.


China will continue to address the problems head on but refuses to participate in a scam at its own expense.




Can we discuss this rationally without bias? Or, is this just a China bashing exercise?


China was much much more concerned with climate change than the US and indeed the Chinese government had made promises based on real and careful discussed plans and also China had the most renewable energy capacity in the world. In contrast, the US was “all mouth” and no action.



The same “mouth” demonize and curse and bad mouth China using “clever” biased statistics. The problem with China was its 1.4 billion population, so are we going to nuke China and get the emission figures down?


The US had more than double emission per capita than China and the US had also plenty of ‘good scientists’, so why was that?


Yes, China has 1.4 billion population, and also China has much more manufacturing than the US but its goods supply the world demand.


Canada and Australia had higher emission per capita figures than the USA, these 3 countries would be the worst for emissions (there were other ‘small and oil rich’ countries which had worse statistics but they were ‘small’ and less developed).



人均二氧化碳排放量:澳、美、加> 2倍中国

Canada, Australia and the USA have plenty of land for solar and wind plants, hydro power resources inland and out the seas and small population relative to their land masses. A “GOOD SCIENTIST” would say that!!! . . SO, they have the BEST POTENTIAL for lowering the world’s emission and contribute a lot to the Global effort. GOOD SCIENTISTS would say that!!!


So, why they keep bashing and cursing China and the “World” (in fact just mainly the US allies) joined in damning, cursing CHINA, while China had already put in great efforts and the solution rested elsewhere?




China has 1.4B population, manifacture products for almost everyone in the world. You think China is the key of the climate change?


But check out the CO2 emmision ranking per capita, how come each Chinese emit less CO2 than so many other countries?


Western life style is consuming more resources and emit more CO2 to the planet, that is the key problem to climate change. Just look at your garbage bags, what you throw away consumes resource, and emit CO2 during manifacture. Leftover food, waste paper, used iphones…leaving room with light on, keep the air conditioner running all day, driving…not to mention those stupid hobbies like tomato fights, buring man festival, F1 racing….all emitting CO2 unnecessarily, wasting resources in a dumb way…


While China is planting trees in the desert, building green energy infrastructure, investing e-cars…


So reduce your own daily CO2 emmision right away, instead of blaming, this is the key to make a change to the climate change, if you really care.




China is quicker to take action to start charging for use of plastic bags, reduce use of coal, building charging stations to switch to electric cars, use of solar, wind power and clean energy… They are more effective than in profit oriented private enterprise. China suffers more pollution as the manufacturer of products to supply to the whole world.



The government is taking action to control polluting industries, improve the environment, patrolling forests, rivers for violations and enforcing laws in prevention. That’s why they do not have large scale wild fires like in California. They have a tradition that every person plants a tree every year. 100 billion trees have been planted to build the Green Wall. Western media choose to blowup anything negative about China, but ignore any positive developments.



China is producing more renewable (solar and wind) generators than any other country in the world, and shutting down its oldest and dirtiest coal generators.


Because of the overwhelming demand for more electricity in China, they are also building some new style coal generators, much cleaner than the old ones (Admittedly not as clean as renewables), but each year they make less and less of them.


China is cleaning up on track to peak in 2030, and it’s all downhill from there.


Not perfect, but a lot better than some other countries are doing, especially considering they’re simultaneously dragging their people and industry into the 21st century.








