• 03月24日 星期一

Unitimes 精选|俄罗斯地区发起区块链投票,超4万公民参与投票

Unitimes 精选|俄罗斯地区发起区块链投票,超4万公民参与投票


Coinbase 将挂牌 DAI、GNT、MKR 和 ZIL 四款代币

Coinbase 于19日宣布,将在 Coinbase Pro 挂牌交易 DAI、GNT、MKR 和 ZIL四种款代币。据该公司发布的公告称,将首先在美国(不包括纽约)、英国、欧盟、加拿大、新加坡和澳大利亚这些地区为 Coinbase Pro 用户提供 GNT 和 DAI 交易服务。而 MKR 和 ZIL 的交易服务将首先在英国、欧盟、加拿大、新加坡和澳大利亚这些地区开放,美国用户暂不能参与 MKR 和 ZIL 的交易。

Dai (DAI), Golem (GNT), Maker (MKR), and Zilliqa (ZIL) are launching on Coinbase Pro

Coinbase will begin accepting inbound transfers of DAI, GNT, MKR, and ZIL on Coinbase Pro, the company announced Dec.19. According to the announcement, support for GNT and DAI will initially be available for Coinbase Pro users in the US (excluding NY), the UK, EU, Canada, Singapore and Australia. MKR and ZIL will not initially be available to customers in the US, but will be tradable to users in the UK, EU, Canada, Singapore and Australia.



据报道,摩根大通的分析师们和全球市场策略师 Nikolaos Panigirtzoglou 表示,比特币(BTC)的机构投资者的参与度“似乎正在消退”。据他们联合发布的一份研究报告称,分析师们得出了这样研究结论:“关键流量指标已大幅下降”。Panigirtzoglou 表示,加密交易量已大幅下跌,同样下跌的还有投资者们对比特币期货的兴趣。据他观察,这些都对整个市场产生了沉重的影响。

Research: Prolonged Crypto Bear Market Is Scaring Off Institutions

Analysts from JPMorgan, along with global market strategist Nikolaos Panigirtzoglou, have reportedly stated that involvement of institutional investors in Bitcoin (BTC) “appears to be fading.” In a jointly released research note, analysts have concluded that “key flow metrics have downshifted dramatically.” Panigirtzoglou says crypto trading volumes have plummeted, as has interest in bitcoin futures. This has spawned a crushing fallout across the entire market, he observed.



据12月17日发布的公告称,西班牙可再生能源公司 ACCIONEAnergía 将部署区块链以追踪发电量。该公告称,ACCIONA 和 FlexiDAO 一直致力于开发一款商业示范器,旨在追踪从西班牙的五座风力和水力发电设施到葡萄牙的四家企业客户之间的可再生发电供应链。

Spanish Renewable Energy Operator to Trace Electricity Generation With Blockchain

Spanish renewable energy company ACCIONA Energía is going to deploy blockchain to trace electricity generation, according to an announcement published Dec. 17. Per the announcement, ACCIONA and FlexiDAO have been jointly working on the development of a commercial demonstrator that tracks the supply chain of renewable electricity generation from five wind and hydro facilities in Spain to four corporate customers in Portugal.



埃及商业国际银行(CIB)宣布成立 CVentures 公司以开启新的风险投资篇章。该银行表示,这是埃及第一家专注于投资金融科技初创企业的风险投资公司。除了考虑在埃及、中东、非洲和其它跨境市场经济体进行种子投资之外,CVenture 还将主要参与这些市场的A轮和B轮投资。

Egypt’s CIB Ventures into Fintech Investment Land

Egypt’s Commercial International Bank (CIB) has unveiled CVentures for new investment adventures. The bank says this is the first corporate venture capital firm in Egypt primarily focused on investing in fintech start-ups. CVentures will predominantly participate in Series A and Series B investment rounds in Egypt, the Middle East, Africa and other cross-border market economies, in addition to considering seed investment rounds across similar markets.



据12月18日发布的新闻稿称,俄罗斯南部萨拉托夫(Saratov)地区成功举办了区块链选举,参与公民达4万人。12月12日,投票人通过区块链电子投票系统 Polys 选举青年议会议员,该系统由卡巴斯基实验室(Kaspersky Lab))于2017年开发。该新闻稿称,这个去中心化系统部署在110个投票站,选举共持续了7个小时。

Russian Region Conducts Blockchain Election With 40K Participants

Saratov Oblast, a region in Southern Russia, has conducted a reportedly successful blockchain election with 40,000 participants, according to a press release published on Dec. 18. On Dec. 12, participants voted to elect members of the local Youth Parliament via the blockchain-driven electronic polling system Polys, developed by Kaspersky Lab in 2017. According to the press release, the decentralized network was deployed at 110 polling stations and the election lasted seven hours.



Eric Conner



[Unitimes注:Eric 谈的是 DAI 上线 Coinbase 这件事]

A truly decentralized stablecoin, all running via code on the Ethereum blockchain, has been added to the most well known crypto exchange in the world.

Can we take a second to appreciate how awesome that is?


Vitallik Buterin




Might credibility of photo evidence diminishing be good for privacy?

Eh, not sure. Likely bad for decentralization because the most advanced tech for making *and* detecting fakes will be concentrated in a few silos.


Luis Iván Cuende

Aragon 联合创始人


Ethereum has a virtual machine, and you can inspect its codebase and be certain of the way a contract will be executed. The legal system has infinite paperwork, secured by pen signatures that can be easily tampered with.






I wish we had some kind of reputation system in place where people who actively spread lies lose all privileges and credibility and anyone giving them a platform would be negatively impacted as well.

I heard China is working on some promising tech.


Vinny Lingham

Civic 联合创始人兼 CEO


There is a large skill/knowledge gap between observers/speculators/traders and builders. Those who are building need to keep their heads down and continue to execute. Traders will trade & the market will judge the best projects in the long term, so ignore the short term sentiment.


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澳大利亚IPO屡遭滑铁卢 估值是否普遍过高?




