• 03月24日 星期一

【龙腾网】 调查显示,英国学生用贷款赌博以支付生活费用

Students gambling their loans to affordcost of living, survey suggests


【龙腾网】 调查显示,英国学生用贷款赌博以支付生活费用

Tens of thousands of students are usingtheir loans to gamble in a bid to top up their funds, with many ending up indebt to the tune of £5,000 or more, a new report suggests.


Students are increasingly turning to gambling as the student support providedby the government has failed to keep up with the rising costs of living, theNational Union of Students (NUS) says.


Findings from an NUS survey, shared exclusively with The Independent, revealthat around three in five (59 per cent) students have gambled in some way overthe past year and nearly half (48 per cent) did so to supplement theirincome.


【龙腾网】 调查显示,英国学生用贷款赌博以支付生活费用

One in eight (13 per cent) will bet more than they can afford to lose, thesurvey finds. And gambling has become more accessible to young people amid therise in technology, the NUS says.


Institutions must do more to raise awareness of the dangers of unsafe gamblingand to signpost to other support that is available, the NUS and GamblingCommission have warned.


Jason Heffron, a student at the University of Birmingham, used to turn togambling when money was tight. He said: “At vulnerable times I’d often end uplosing money that I couldn’t afford to lose.”

伯明翰大学的学生杰森·赫弗伦(Jason Heffron)在手头钱紧张时常常转去赌博。他说:“在经济困难时期,我经常会以失去无法承受的比例的金钱损失结束赌博。”

【龙腾网】 调查显示,英国学生用贷款赌博以支付生活费用

Eva Crossan Jory, NUS vice president for welfare, told The Independent:“Students have said the only way that they can pay rent is to gamble. That isreally worrying.


“I think anecdotally more students are relying on gambling as a means offinance rather than just doing it for fun. I think previously people were notdoing it as much as a means of survival.”


She added: “It is so easy nowadays to gamble on your phone and not even realisethat you may have a serious addiction. It doesn’t always seem like real moneywhen it is all online.”


【龙腾网】 调查显示,英国学生用贷款赌博以支付生活费用

“Online gambling is an issue that applies more widely than to simply thestudent population. It needs concerted intervention by government to act onrisks of online gambling and addictive behaviours.”


UUK called on the government to provide sufficient support to cover living andtuition costs for those most in need.


A Department for Education spokesperson said: “No student should have to facethis situation or experience any pressures or barriers to them accessing highereducation.


“Students from the lowest-income households who started their courses this yearhave access to the largest ever amounts of cash-in-hand support for theirliving costs.


“We have a world-class higher education system and following the introductionof our progressive student finance system there is a record rate of18-year-olds from disadvantaged backgrounds now going to university.


“As a government, we are backing the University Mental Health Charter, led byStudent Minds, to encourage vulnerable students to seek out support when theyneed it.


“We are also carrying out a review of post-18 education and funding to look athow the system can work better for everyone, ensuring value for money forstudents and taxpayers.”



原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 转载请注明出处

bigyin1 weekago

Instead of putting in a bit of hard workwhen they’re short of cash these louts gamble away the money we have affordedthem to study. Anyone who is simple enough to think they can outsmart the gameshould be removed from university and banned from any job in the financeindustry.


FarBeyond1week ago

’We’? What planet are you on? In the olddays it was ’We’ when students got grants. Now students get LOANS of 9K fortuition fees and upto 6K in maintenance per year which they have to pay back.

'我们'? 你在哪个星球? 在过去,当学生获得补助时,它是'我们'。 现在,学生每年可以获得9K,保守估计6K的贷款以支付学费

bigyin1 weekago

@farbeyond ... and these loans come fromthe government and not from us. I get it. And if the money is squanderedgambling it is the Government’s problem, not ours. Right ?

......这些贷款来自政府,而不是来自我们。 我知道了。 如果这些钱浪费在了赌博上,那就是政府的问题,而不是我们的问题。 对 ?

【龙腾网】 调查显示,英国学生用贷款赌博以支付生活费用

Del-aware1 week ago

Three people paying £85 a week each willpay £1,020 a month in student accommodation. Outside of London and maybe acouple of other cities those 3 people could share a small 3 bed house for a lotless than that. The student accommodation will be of superior quality, but ifmoney is a problem compromises should be made.








