• 11月23日 星期六

“星耀樟宜”机场Jewel Changi Airport

“星耀樟宜”机场Jewel Changi Airport

Photography | Tim Hurstley


Jewel is an integrated project at the Singapore Airport that creates a multi-sensory experience of nature within a climate-controlled glass dome. An eight-acre garden over interior retail space integrates unexpected features that will attract adventurers of all ages. Gardens terrace down nearly 30 meters to a central gathering space with informal amphitheater seating. Restaurants and cafes, as well as an event plaza, can all be accessed from within the garden. Visitors can experience a light and water show at the center of the building, where water and captured rainfall from the roof becoming a projection screen.

“星耀樟宜”机场Jewel Changi Airport

Photography | Tim Hurstley

“星耀樟宜”机场Jewel Changi Airport

Photography | Tim Hurstley


The central feature is a 40-metre-high Rain Vortex—the world’s largest indoor waterfall—and a garden with 2,000 trees in the Forest Valley.

“星耀樟宜”机场Jewel Changi Airport

Photography | Tim Hurstley

“星耀樟宜”机场Jewel Changi Airport

Photography | Tim Hurstley


The Jewel is also a mixed-use development with gardens, attractions, retail, dining, a hotel and facilities to support airport operations. These include Foggy Bowls—mist-filled play areas that evoke the illusion of playing amidst the clouds—and a spectacular, 14,000-square-metre rooftop park that’s home to gardens, walking trails and play attractions.

“星耀樟宜”机场Jewel Changi Airport

Photography | Tim Hurstley

Jewel | Changi Airport, Singapore

Location | Singapore

Completion | 2018 Opening | April 2019

Client | Changi Airport Group and Capital Malls Asia
Landscape Architect | PWP Landscape Architecture
Architect | Safdie Architects
Rain Vortex | engineered by WET Design.

Photography | Tim Hurstley



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