• 03月23日 星期日




When you come across some guys having physical conflicts in a restaurant, while other people around just stay calm like nothing is happening, then you need to realize those “gentlemen” are just “fighting” to pay the bill to show their hospitality and generosity.

Of course, not every Chinese guy would behave like that, but trust me, it’s a pretty common phenomenon in this country.

Sometimes this “fighting” would keep going after the meal, and extended in a cab, for the taxi toll.

Tips: some guy does not really want to pay it, but he would still act to and make you believe that he is the most generous friend of your life.

在中国,如果遇到有人在餐馆里发生肢体冲突,而周围的食客只是一如既往地保持平静,好像什么都没发生,那么你就要意识到,那些 "绅士 "只是为了付账而 "打架",来显示他们的热情和慷慨。


有时,这种 "战斗 "会在饭后继续进行,并延伸到出租车费的支付上。



  • Dennis Zhou
    "No matter who you are or what you look like, how you started off, or how and who you love, China is the place where you need to fight to pay the bill" --President Obama.
    Kidding, Obama did not say that. LOL
  • Andrew Francis
    I saw it many times in China and it’s one of my fondest memories. It can get hilarious.
  • Ricci Suarez
    This is quite common in many Asian cultures. In my family, it takes some strategy to pay the bill first.
  • Yishan Wong
    I like how the guy on the left is actually doing a Wing Chun wing-arm move.
  • Bora Taş
    Turkey has the same thing too. Dutch are the exact opposite.
  • Zachary Reid
    I’ve been in the middle of this, it's hilarious. The owner and his close friend were ‘fighting’ over who gets to pay the bill for an eight person banquet. It was the kind of fighting where guys yell and pretend they want to fight but they just push eachother a bit and let their other friends hold them back. One of my favourite only-in-China moments.
    PS - Did I mention a lot of baijiu was involved?
    PS - 我有没有提到大家都喝了许多白酒?
  • Omar Moonis
    Yes, I've witnessed this most unusual custom! I was having lunch with colleagues in Shanghai. After the meal was over, there was a minor scuffle at the table next to us. I was alarmed to see two suited men wrestling, and one had the other in a headlock! My host noted my concern and calmly explained that they were fighting to pay the bill. Sure enough after a few more minutes of grappling, the matter got sorted out. Both men smoothed out their jackets and walked out smiling. Besides me, no diner paid them any notice.
  • Bahar Sai
    Haha Iranians are the same.
  • Vladislav Cherkunov
    Russian ethnic minorities from Caucasus are the same too. For ethnic Russians it’s more common to divide. Most likely it’s “I pay now, but I expect you to pay next time”. It’s a much better and effective way to finish with the unpleasant process of paying. Why prolonging the “joy” longer with the unnecessary awkward fighting?
    来自高加索地区的俄罗斯少数民族也是如此。对于俄罗斯族人来说,分账单支付很普遍。最有可能的是 ,“这次我付钱,但我希望下次你来"。这才是更好、更有效的方式来,结束令人不快的整个过程。为什么要用不必要的尴尬和争吵来延长 “快乐” "的时刻?
  • Kaelan
    This happens with Koreans too, like I've seen it mostly between women though then men. Women will grapple with each other and will yell over it but I think it's a dying custom with the new generation
  • Cynthia Mendez
    Us Mexicans also argue a lot over who gets to pay the bill but it doesnt come to blows like the Chinese. There is a lot of someone pushing your outstretched hand down holding the money if u really insist on paying. You have to say it a few times in order to make your point of paying. How many times you ask/try to pay shows how much respect and seriousness there is there. If you give in too soon like the first time, you're a cheapskate. Usually by the third time will other person finally accept your money unless they rrall, really want to pay. We will even chase people down to stuff money in their purse or jacket and run away to make sure they accept the money for the meal.
  • Soham Athavale
    That also happens in India, at least when we are with relatives. Things don't go too extreme but there's generally at least five minutes of debate of “Please let me pay this time, you can pay next time.”
  • Arif Azizi
    Certain people lack courtesy. They insist on picking up the bills every damn time even when we were the one that invited him, this is frustrating, or worst, insulting at times. Don't do this when you becomes rich, you are keeping away a good friend, those that you should keep.
  • Andrew Alexander
    This got me in trouble with my GF’s parents, or at least her mother. They offered to pay for everything. Paid a ton, while I took them around the US. Well apparently I was supposed to fight to pay for things a lot more than I did, and my GF’s mother thought I was cheap (this all came up after the trip). She told her mother she was being ridiculous - how am I supposed to randomly know this aspect of Chinese culture? Though when she and I visit them in China I am going to make sure I buy them expensive dinners.
    我 和女朋友的父母因此出现了问题,至少是她的母亲。他们主动支付一切费用,付大笔钱,由我带着他们在美国到处跑。显然,我应该主动多出战钱。我女朋友的母亲认为我很吝啬(发生在旅行后)。她告诉自己的母亲,觉得母亲的做法很可笑——我怎么会轻易了解这方面的中国文化?虽然如此,如果我去中国看望他们时,我一定会请他们吃昂贵的大餐。
  • Dat Cong Dinh
    Weird. My experience is that foreigners, especially white people, are given a lot of leeway. “Oh he’s just a silly American, he doesn’t know our way.” Your GF is supposed to inform you of this too. So the ball is not in your court. Therefore, as an Asian, I hereby absolve you of any cultural faux pas you’ve committed.
    很奇怪。我的经验是,外国人,尤其是白人,不会被真正严格对待。"哦,他只是一个愚蠢的美国人,他不了解我们的方式。" 你的女朋友也应该告知你这一点。因此,问题并不在你。作为一个亚洲人,我在此原谅你所犯的任何文化上的错误。
  • Harry Goh
    I am from Singapore and have dined with many Chinese friends in my life. I find the ones that are from the Dong(1)Bei(3) seems to be the most sincere in fighting for the bill. The rest usually just do a little show that they want to pay but within a few seconds will let me take the bill.
  • Tariq Abdul
    Same thing with Arab culture. I think it is even more serious as my Middle Eastern friend feels I am insulting him by paying for it when he invites me over. He really is upset and serious about paying.
  • Konstantin Popov
    Reminds of an anecdote about Georgians:
    several Georgians enter a restaurant and order a lot of food and drinks. One Georgian pretends going to bathroom, meets the waiter serving their table, gives her a big tip and says: “when we finish, we will start fighting and screaming “Let me pay!” I’ll be screaming on top of my lungs that I’m paying, but please don’t give me the bill, give it to any of my friends."
    几个格鲁吉亚人走进一家餐馆,点了很多食物和饮料。其中一人假装去上厕所,遇到负责为他们这一桌服务的服务员,给了她一大笔小费,然后说:"等我们吃完后,我们会开始吵架,并大叫 “让我付钱!” 我会大声喊着由我付,但请不要把账单给我,把它给我的其他任何朋友。
  • Kefas Howanta
    I think this also happens with the Chinese Indonesian community , especially the rich. It’s in our blood, indeed.

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