• 06月29日 星期六








































1)语言水平测试:TOEFL (托福)& IELTS(雅思)

2)能力水平测试:GRE & GMAT


一般来说,很多学校和专业,以 托福92+;雅思6.5+ 为最低要求。具体学习方法后续的文章里会和大家说。















美国大学Logistics/Supply Chain(物流管理/供应链管理专业)基本上都设在商学院中,也有开设在工程学院的工业工程专业里,还有一个分支是operation management。









(1) Columbia University(NY) 专业排名:13

物流专业没有设在在商学院,而是在工程学院的工业工程系里,专门有Engineering Management Systems的专业方向,主要集中在物流,供应链以及预算管理的分析领域,非常偏重于利用工程学的方法以及随即模型的建立对物流和供应链进行研究和分析,不适合文科的申请者,适合理工科背景的申请者。

(2) Georgia Institute of Technology专业排名:14

和Columbia大学一样,物流管理没有设在在商学院,而是在工程学院的工业工程系里,专门有Logistics and Transportation的方向,比较适合理工科背景的申请者申请。


(3) Massachusetts Institute of Technology(Sloan)专业排名:1

物流和供应链专业设在Sloan School of business and management里面,System Design and Management Program就专门有supply chain的方向。另外,在PHD的研究方向中,专门有operation management的方向以及Center for Transportation &Logistics,专门从事物流以及供应链方面的研究,主要侧重制造业和交通领域的物流和供应链研究。Sloan商学院是全美最著名的商学院之一,申请难度非常大。需要注意的是,MIT的物流主要偏重制造业领域的应用,比较适合工科背景的申请者,或者在制造业有工作经验的申请者。

(4) Michigan State University(Broad)专业排名:2

商学院专门提供Master of Science in Logistics学位。这个学校的物流专业主要偏重于提高企业竞争力和战略规划上面,要求申请者至少要有2年工作经验。这个学校的物流专业比较适合在国内有相关领域的工作经验,文科背景的申请者。

(5) Case Western Reserve University,综合排名37

物流专业设在管理学院当中,专门有Master of Management in Supply Chain Management,学习内容包括供应链管理方法,概念以及数量研究方法。这个硕士项目与一般的两年制硕士不同,它只要一年就可以完成。但是这个专业比较偏重分析,因此要求申请者必须有比较强的数理背景,比如多重微积分,C++编程等方面的基础。因此,比较适合理工科背景的申请者。


(6) Arizona State University–Main Campus(Carey)专业排名:3

商学院专门有Department of Supply Chain Management,有本科,硕士和博士级别的专业学习。但是没有单独的Supply Chain Management的Master学位,而是MBA的Supply Chain Management的concentration,因此读这个学校的物流和供应链管理,必须申请MBA。

(7) Ohio State University(Fisher)专业排名:8

商学院有两个关于物流的学位。一个是MBA,提供运筹学和物流管理concentration。另外,还有Master in Business Logistics Engineering学位,主要研究如何利用供应链的方法对信息流和货物流进行协调和规划。这个Master学位不需要工作经验。

(8) Carnegie Mellon University (Tepper Business School)专业排名:5

商学院没有一个专门的物流专业,但是MBA的concentration有Operations Strategy and Management Track,表面上看这个和物流,供应链没什么关系,但是实际上这个专业就是进行供应链管理的研究。

(9)Stanford University(CA)专业排名:6

MBA有Operations, Information, and Technology的concentration,虽然名称不是物流和供应链,但实际上学习的内容就是物流和供应链管理,以及供应网络的管理和规划。

(10)University of Pennsylvania(Wharton)专业排名:9

商学院的MBA项目专门有Marketing and Operations Management的concentration,主要内容就是供应链管理,新产品管理,商标管理等等。另外,还有一个Operations and Information Management的concentration,这个方向与制造业联系紧密,主要研究制造业和运输领域的物理供应链以及信息系统。

(11) University of Michigan–Ann Arbor(Ross)专业排名:9

商学院的MBA提供Operations and Management方向的学习,主要内容包括供应链管理,此外还有PHD的学习,产品以及加工过程设计,容量规划以及需求管理等等,这些都是物流和供应链的内容。

(12)University of Maryland–College Park(Smith)专业排名:12

商学院的MBA和PhD都有Logistics and Supply Chain专业方向的学习,主要集中在物流与运输,运筹管理和市场。




1.Cranfield University--克兰菲尔德大学


推荐专业:MSc Logistics and Supply Chain Management 课程安排紧密,有20多门课,包括物流,运输,仓储库存,市场,流程管理等。


2.Heriot-Watt University---赫尔瓦特大学


推荐专业:MSc Logistics and Supply Chain Management



3. Cardiff University -- 卡迪夫大学


推荐课程:MSc Transport and Planning(受注册物流协会和皇家城镇规划协会认可)。这个专业课时设置不紧,学生有时间打工或者去干别的事情。


4. University of Liverpool -- 利物浦大学


推荐课程:MSc Operations and Supply Chain Management (被特许供给协会认可)。该课程下设在管理学院的社会环境系里,课程被CIPS认证。课程包括4个必修和4个选修,有商业分析评估,供应链管理,战略运作管理,Lean Thinking,电子商务等。


5. University Of Manchester曼彻斯特大学


推荐专业:MSc Operations, Project and Supply Chain Management。


6. University of Warwick---华威大学


推荐专业:MSc in Supply Chain and Logistics Management(授特许供给协会认证)。MSc in Supply Engineering & Logistics 这是工程学院WMG的下设课程,WMG是欧洲的汽车研究中心和航天研究中心,与企业界关系很密切,研究经费充足,也是英政府的宠儿。它的课程主要与制造企业的供应链相关,包括采购,库存,合同,运输,物流和运作管理等课程,还包括财务,运筹学,人力资源和生产方面的课程,素有Engineering MBA之称。1年12个module,9个必修,3个选修,课程很紧,平均2周1门课,其中部分课程是由德国多特蒙德大学的老师来授课。该专业比较重实践,适合有工作经验的人读。


7. University of Sheffield--谢菲尔德大学


推荐专业:MSc Logistics and Supply Chain Management 。


8. Nottingham University--诺丁汉大学

位于英格兰诺丁汉郡,罗素集团成员,同时也是全球Universities 21 的加盟学校之一,在教学和科研方面都享有国际声誉。

推荐课程:MSC Logistics and Supply Chain Management, MSC Supply Chain and Operations Management。


9. Lancaster University--兰卡斯特大学


推荐课程:MSc Logistics and Supply Chain Management。






1. Supply Chain Strategy and Sustainability

This module is intended to provide you with a sound foundation to the course by introducing the main concepts and principles that underpin Logistics and Supply Chain Management, including the important issue of sustainability.

The module is called ‘Supply Chain Strategy & Sustainability’ and presents the fundamental principles of contemporary logistics and supply chain management within a business context. This unit will explore the ways in which good practice in these fields can contribute to achieving sustainable competitive advantage. Overarching aspects of Supply chain sustainability are explored, such as corporate responsibility, ethics and reverse logistics. Further the Global Supply Chain Game will enable students to understand through an interactive and competitive business game the principles of building an efficient global sourcing and supply chain under conditions of uncertainty so as to achieve high levels of profit and product availability.

Global marketplaces are characterized by shortening product life cycles, increasing product variety, and highly variable demand that is difficult to forecast. The module explores how the competitive landscape is constantly changing, and the role of logistics and supply chain management in meeting the challenges raised. Research from CLSCM faculty is integrated with our own case studies, originating from a network of companies in a range of sectors to demonstrate particular concepts around agile and lean supply chains.

2. Principles of Strategic Procurement

The module will explore the subject of procurement and supply in the industrial and commercial context, explaining its role and purpose within the supply chain. Students will learn how procurement has developed, the skills and information needed by procurement professionals, the academic theory and knowledge accumulated on the subject area and the use of specific tools and techniques employed in managing the procurement function. In addition, we will explore and use some of the recently emerged technologies within e-procurement which are designed to improve both process and cost management.

3. Inventory and Operations Management

To provide students with a comprehension of the roles of Operations within the overall context of Supply Chain Management and enable them to analyze and design effective supply chain operations with the ultimate goal to improve the match between demand and supply.

4. Accounting and Finance for Supply Chain Management

The aim of the Accounting and Finance for Supply Chain Management (ACF) module is to introduce a number of traditional and contemporary accounting approaches that will increase the visibility of financial information, enabling supply chain managers to make informed decisions, which enhance value for their organizations.

5.Analytical Techniques for Supply Chain Management

Managerial decisions in logistics and supply chain management are heavily based on quantitative analysis using models from the management science discipline. Data, models and available software have dramatically changed the operations in manufacturing, services and logistics sectors. The module aims to provide students with an introduction to the role and relevance of analytical techniques in logistics and supply chain management. From simple graphs to deterministic and stochastic optimization models, it offers transferable skills to use associated techniques for the practice of these disciplines. Students will develop the ability to model and solve realistic decision problems in the context of logistics and supply chain management. This process will be facilitated by spreadsheet-based software packages where the students will have an opportunity to build their own spreadsheet models with emphasis on appropriate application of methods and interpretation of output.

6. Freight Transport

The Freight Transport module element provides a sound foundation in road, rail, air and sea freight transport. The focus is primarily from a user perspective in order to provide a logistics and supply chain management viewpoint. However, in road freight, the module also covers more detailed fleet management and operational aspects, recognizing that many organizations operate their own road transport fleets but also reflecting the importance of road freight as the primary inland freight mode in most geographies for national traffic.

7. Information Systems and e-Business

To provide theoretical and practical knowledge about:

The value of information and the role of information systems (IS) for supply chain management.

The opportunities provided for the supply chain management operations of companies by applying the information systems, and also the challenges that they will have when implementing the information systems.

The role of information systems in e-business and the impacts of e-business on supply chain management of companies

8. Physical Network Design

The heart of any logistics and supply chain operation is its physical network. The location of factories, distribution centers, suppliers, customers and so forth and the means by which they are linked, fundamentally affects the efficiency with which an organization’s network operates.

This module aims to introduce the concepts and techniques of network theory and analysis and use these to demonstrate how physical networks are designed, redesigned and optimized and how current supply chain trends and challenges are influencing this design. All aspects of the module are illustrated by the use of practical examples, ranging from manual calculations through to computerized network optimization software.

9. Project Management Introduction

This is an introduction to the subject. However, it is our contention that projects are the building blocks of strategy. Also, the module provides a logical and simple process by which students may approach their own modules and objectives, and may well be a valuable source of confidence for taking on major elective projects later in the year. Project Management Introduction (PMI) demonstrates how management respects no boundaries (either in terms of functional silos – departments, etc. or theoretical disciplines). PMI provides additional opportunities to practice personal communication skills, and generally the module provides a basis for personal development and increased confidence and self-awareness.

10. Warehousing

The module provides a thorough grounding in the role and operation of warehouses including the range of storage and handling equipment, the design of warehouses and the use of information technology. It emphasizes on the strategic use of methods to analyze the wide range of available options. Additionally, the module focuses on developing the students’ ability to discern and use appropriate warehouse design techniques.

This module is taught in light of the wider context of an organization’s supply chain strategy and, thus, equips students with the means to tackle the warehousing aspects of complex supply chain problems.


1.Logistics Outsourcing

The outsourcing of logistics has developed rapidly over the last ten years. The 3PL (Third party Logistics) providers have become part of a very competitive and dynamic industry. The overall aim of this elective is to take students through the various aspects related to selecting (tendering) and working with a third party logistics contractor. Additional aspects, covering the development of new logistics outsourcing business models (Fourth Party Logistics- 4PL), will also be covered.

2.Performance Measurement in the Supply Chain

Performance measurement and management (PMM) has been on the agenda of both academics and practitioners in both private and public sectors for several decades. However, despite the substantial resources invested in PMM by organizations, research shows that PMM-related initiatives, such as the implementation of scorecards or the adoption of PM procedures, can often fail to bring the intended benefits. Moreover, sometimes they turn out to be detrimental to the performance of the organization!

If organizations are to realize value and become more sustainable in the longer term, it is crucial to understand how exactly performance measurement and management practices deliver improved performance. Even more, when several interconnected organizations form a part of a supply network, the measurement task is particularly complicated. Does performance measurement in supply networks deserve special treatment? Do the general principles of organizational performance management still apply? These are some of the questions the module will address.

This module will focus on the types and structures of performance measurement systems such as the Balanced Scorecard and the Performance Prism and on the design of appropriate strategy and success maps, performance targets, and indicators.

3.Business Process Outsourcing

Business process outsourcing (BPO) is a strategic initiative by which an organization sub-contracts to a third-party provider activities and responsibilities of specific business processes. This can include processes related to Customer Service, Information Technology, Procurement, Logistics, Accounting or Human Resources. The aim of this module is give students the knowledge and skills to evaluate where and when BPO initiatives are appropriate and to understand how maximize the value and minimize the risk from BPO relationships.

4.Designing and Managing Resilient Supply Chains

The main thrust of this elective is that organizations can and should develop supply chain resilience as means to building routines for non-routine events. In today’s interconnected world future supply chain professionals have to recognize potential risks of experiencing a supply chain disruption and be able to prepare for, react to and recover from the unforeseen supply chains, i.e. to develop resilience. This module explores the dimensions, approaches, decision-making and causalities of resilience. Insights from retrospective and real time case studies will provide the basis for understanding the vulnerability of today’s global supply chains. Moreover, they will enable the students to experiment both with the perspectives of supply chain planners anticipating supply chain risks and improving the resilience of the supply chain design and supply chain continuity managers responsible for ensuring rapid recovery after a disruptive event.


The overall aim of this elective is to provide you with a good appreciation of the application, strengths and weaknesses of simulation modelling techniques and the software that can be used to support decision-making in logistics and supply chain management. You will gain hands-on experience of using spreadsheet models including the use of specialist simulation add-ins and general purpose simulation software to solve decision problems in a specific supply chain management context.

6.Retail Logistics

The aim of this module is twofold. Firstly, it aims to provide an overview of the breadth of Retail Logistics operations in modern retail organizations. This involves raising awareness and understanding of the key strategic issues involved in the way retail organizations manage their logistics activities and facilities within and beyond the firm boundaries. Secondly, the course aims to provide participants with an understanding and appreciation of the key contemporary trends in retail logistics.

7.Six Sigma

The Six Sigma elective will build on and develop some of the analytical skills introduced during the core modules of the Course in terms one and two. It will be situated in the context of Quality methods and Total Quality Management (TQM) describing their development from Deming to the present day. The elective will provide an understanding and practical utilization of the Six Sigma methodology following the Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control (DMAIC) approach. You will be able to combine theory with practical case work which will experiment with quantitative and qualitative techniques employed in the solving of typical supply chain problems. The elective is designed to bring you to the equivalent level of a 6 Sigma ‘Green Belt’, enabling them to design solutions to organizational issues.

8.Sales and Operations Planning

S&OP is seen by many large organizations as being a critical cross functional process where senior supply chain managers and directors are expected to show leadership This module examines how a typical Sales and Operations Planning process works in a large multi-site commercial organization. It then explores the challenges in implementing the process and the insight that can be delivered to prevent avoidable strategic planning errors.

The module gives a thorough foundation in the methodologies that underpin an effective S&OP process so that it can be adapted to fit the different configurations of organization in which students will find themselves employed.

The module will extend students supply chain management skills involved in managing difficult interactions including:

Managing the interfaces between supply and demand led organizations driven by conflicting objectives.

Managing the tensions and behaviors driven by the unpredictability of demand and constraints in supply.

Managing the consequences of the need to priorities and the realization that not all markets, products and services are of equal importance.

Managing context-specific performance metrics.

Managing an S&OP process that is not working effectively.

The aim of this module is to give students a comprehensive understanding of the principles and practice of S&OP, and in doing so providing them useful tools, technologies and approaches they can implement in their future careers.

9.Humanitarian Logistics

This module examines the supply chain responses needed in the event of sudden catastrophic events and on-going stability-threatening conditions. The need for management skills in humanitarian logistics and disaster relief is growing in the commercial sector (as well as in the third sector) because it is increasingly seen as a business opportunity. Sadly, disasters are becoming more frequent, and the managing organizations are not able to cope on their own. The international charity World Vision, for example, estimates informally that it spends some 60% of its spend on supply chain management.

The skills required to manage humanitarian logistics successfully are very different from those needed to succeed in traditional supply chains. Many of these principles apply equally where sudden disruption to the supply chain takes place, e.g. the recent Fukushima earthquake.

The aim of this module is to provide a thorough foundation of humanitarian logistics concepts and methodologies for people who want to work in aid and disaster relief departments in commercial organizations or in the third sector, or who may find themselves assigned to a disaster project.

The aim of this module is to give you a comprehensive knowledge of the challenges in the sector, as well as useful tools, technologies and approaches they could implement in their future careers.

10.Social Network Analysis in a Supply Chain Context

Social network analysis (SNA) involves mapping and analyzing the relationships and flows between people, groups, organizations, computers, countries and any other connected entities. Specifically, SNA analyses various characteristics of the pattern of relationships and draws inferences about the network as a whole or about those belonging to it considered individually or in groups. The rich data from this process provides evidence to enable organizations to understand to what extent their networks impact their organization, both internally and externally.

11.Planning and Resourcing for Road Freight Transport

A great deal of technology is used in the planning and management of logistics operations. This is particularly true for road freight transport, where for many years a number of vehicle routing and scheduling software packages have been developed. This elective is aimed at providing an opportunity for an in depth and detailed hands-on experience of the UK’s leading Computer Vehicle Routing and Scheduling (CVRS) software package – Paragon. In addition, the elective provides both conceptual and practical insight into the key planning elements for road freight transport including the main steps in the determination of resource requirements.


8.Physical Network Design

The heart of any logistics and supply chain operation is its physical network. The location of factories, distribution centers, suppliers, customers and so forth and the means by which they are linked, fundamentally affects the efficiency with which an organization’s network operates.

This module aims to introduce the concepts and techniques of network theory and analysis and use these to demonstrate how physical networks are designed, redesigned and optimized and how current supply chain trends and challenges are influencing this design. All aspects of the module are illustrated by the use of practical examples, ranging from manual calculations through to computerized network optimization software.






The module covers:

-Introduction to Physical Network Design modelling

-The requirement for a strategic approach and factors which affect network design.

-Introduction to network models – components of a model, data requirements and solution approaches.

-Introduction to the map based approach – manual model of a UK based case study.

-Introduction to spreadsheet based models – European case study.

-Advanced modelling techniques and their application in network design and logistics

-Network algorithms for tactical planning (shortest path, travelling salesman problem, maximum flow).

-Transportation and Assignment problems and their solution using linear programming.

-Single and multiple center of gravity analysis for locating facilities in a network - network design case study.

-Mixed integer linear programming for locating facilities in a network.

-Simulation as an approach for comparing different network design alternatives – global sourcing case study.

-Computer based approaches to logistics network design – including demonstration of Supply Chain Planning software.

-Commercial packages for network modelling – horizontal collaboration case study.

-Emerging trends in supply chain network operations and the impact on their design

-The impact of sustainability, CSR, collaboration and other emerging trends on the design of supply networks – including.

-Oil price fluctuation case study.

-Collaborative business models for sustainable logistics.










-单/多重心分析定位网络中的设施 - 网络设计案例研究


-模拟作为一种比较不同网络设计方案的方法 - 全球采购案例研究

-基于计算机的物流网络设计方法 - 包括供应链规划软件的演示

-网络模型的商业包装 - 横向协作案例研究



-油价波动案例研究 / 可持续物流的协作商业模式



6.Retail Logistics

The aim of this module is twofold. Firstly, it aims to provide an overview of the breadth of Retail Logistics operations in modern retail organizations. This involves raising awareness and understanding of the key strategic issues involved in the way retail organizations manage their logistics activities and facilities within and beyond the firm boundaries. Secondly, the course aims to provide participants with an understanding and appreciation of the key contemporary trends in retail logistics.


-The module will include the following topics:

-Retail buying and retail procurement.

-Retail transportation & retail warehousing.

-Efficient Consumer Response, Quick Response.

-Customer Service and Out-of-Stocks.

-Retail supply chain performance measurement.

-Information technology in the retail supply chain.

-Sustainability practices in retail logistics.

-Evolution of retail supply chains.

-Omni channels / Key future trends.

-Global Retail Logistics.

























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