• 03月21日 星期五

一周热闻|WHO 专家组飞抵武汉,朴槿惠累计获刑22年,新冠康复或可免疫5个月……


WHO team arrives in Wuhan for virus investigation


A team of experts from the World Health Organization arrived in Wuhan Thursday to probe① the origins of the coronavirus more than a year after it emerged, although two members were barred② from boarding a flight in Singapore after testing positive for virus antibodies. The international team of 13 scientists landed for their much-delayed mission, met by Chinese officials in hazmat suits and given throat swabs on arrival, and were whisked③ to a hotel where they must complete a two-week quarantine before starting their work. The WHO says establishing the pathway of the virus from animals to humans is essential to preventing future outbreaks. But despite painstaking months of negotiations over their remit, the team was blocked from arriving last week—a sign of the political sensitivity of a virus origin story muddied by recrimination④ between nations, conjecture⑤ and denials. (The Guardian)



① probe: [prəʊb] v. to ask questions in order to find out secret or hidden information about sb/sth 探究,追问

② bar: [bɑː(r)] v. to ban or prevent sb from doing sth禁止,阻止

③ whisk: [wɪsk] v. to take sb/sth somewhere very quickly and suddenly 匆匆带走

④recrimination: [rɪˌkrɪmɪˈneɪʃn] n. an angry statement that sb makes accusing sb else of sth, especially in response to a similar statement from them 指责;反诉

⑤ conjecture: [kənˈdʒektʃə(r)] n. the forming of an opinion or idea that is not based on definite knowledge 揣测;臆测

一周热闻|WHO 专家组飞抵武汉,朴槿惠累计获刑22年,新冠康复或可免疫5个月……

(credit: news.cgtn.com)


South Korea’s former leader Park Geun-hye’s will serve 22 years in prison


South Korea’s highest court has upheld① former President Park Geun-hye’s 20-year prison sentence for her 2018 bribery conviction, ending a corruption scandal that has gripped② the country for years. Park was initially sentenced to 24 years in prison after she was found guilty on multiple counts of abuse of power, bribery and coercion. Park’s 2018 sentence was reduced to 20 years last July following a retrial. Prosecutors appealed that sentence and requested a heavier penalty. Park will have to serve 22 years behind bars—she faces an additional two-year prison term for a 2018 conviction for meddling③ in the nomination of candidates for Saenuri Party, a conservative political party previously led by her. South Korea’s presidential Blue House④ said in a statement Thursday, “We must make sure to take this unfortunate event—the imprisonment of the former President—as a historical lesson and avoid repeating it.” (CNN)



① uphold: [ʌpˈhəʊld] v. to agree that a previous decision was correct or that a request is reasonable 维持,确认(原判、裁决等)

② grip: [ɡrɪp] v. to have a powerful effect on sb/sth 对…产生强有力的影响

③ meddle: [ˈmedl] v. to become involved in sth that does not concern you 干涉;干预

④ Blue House: 青瓦台,韩国总统官邸

一周热闻|WHO 专家组飞抵武汉,朴槿惠累计获刑22年,新冠康复或可免疫5个月……

(credit: reuters.com)


Support for Olympics hits new low in Japan


Support for holding the coronavirus-postponed Tokyo Olympics this summer has hit a new low in Japan, a poll① found Sunday as the country battles a third wave of infections. Tokyo 2020 organizers have said another delay is out of the question and are insisting the Games will go ahead despite a state of emergency declared in the greater Tokyo area this week over a surge in Covid-19 cases. In Sunday’s national telephone poll, around 35 percent of people told Kyodo② they favored outright③ cancellation④, while some 44.8% said the event should be postponed a second time. Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga said this week that Japan is committed to holding a “safe and secure” Olympics. He said he believed the public mood will change when the country begins vaccinations, currently scheduled for late February. (The Guardian)



① poll: [poʊl] n. the process of voting in an election投票,民意检测

② Kyodo: 日本共同通讯社

③ outright:[ˈaʊtraɪt] adv. completely and directly. 彻底地,直接地

④ cancellation:[ kænsəˈleɪʃn] n. the action of canceling something that has been arranged or planned. 取消

一周热闻|WHO 专家组飞抵武汉,朴槿惠累计获刑22年,新冠康复或可免疫5个月……

(Credit: jamaicaobserver.com)


Covid-19 infection grants immunity for five months


People who have been infected with Covid-19 are likely to be protected against① catching it again for at least five months, according to a new study led by Public Health England (PHE). The study—which has not yet been peer reviewed—found that past infection was linked to an 83% lower risk of reinfection②, compared to people who have not been infected before. But researchers warned that the protection was not absolute, meaning some people do catch the virus again, and that it was unclear how long any immunity lasts. It is also possible that those who have a degree of immunity against the virus may still be able to carry the virus in their nose or throat and therefore transmit it to others. Susan Hopkins, senior medical adviser at PHE and co-leader③ of the study, stressed that people who had previously caught Covid-19 still needed to obey social distancing rules to avoid transmitting the disease. (CNN)



① be protected against: 使免受……

② reinfection:[ˌriːɪn'fekʃən] n. the state of being infected again.【医】再感染

③ co-leader: [ˈkoʊˈlidɚ] n. 共同领导者;联合领导人

一周热闻|WHO 专家组飞抵武汉,朴槿惠累计获刑22年,新冠康复或可免疫5个月……

(credit: reuters.com)


Ireland’s “brutally misogynistic① culture” saw the death of 9,000 children in mother and baby homes


Nine thousand babies and children died in 18 of Ireland’s mother and baby homes—church-run institutions where unmarried women were forcibly② sent to deliver their babies in secret—from 1922 to 1998, announced the Commission of Investigation into Mother and Baby Homes and Certain Related Matters in a report as part of the final findings of its near six-year inquiry. One in seven of the 57,000 children born there didn’t survive long enough to leave the homes, yet no alarm was raised by the State over the high mortality rates③, even though it was “known to local and national authorities” and was “recorded in official publications,” the report found. Speaking on Tuesday, Taoiseach④ Micheál Martin said that the report “opens a window onto a deeply misogynistic culture in Ireland over several decades,” and that the report “reveals significant failures of the state and of society.” Martin also said that the conservative Catholic values of the time did “not diminish⑤ the responsibility of churches and state for the failures laid bare.”“The state’s duty of care was not upheld,” he said, addressing survivors. “The state failed you, mothers, and children in these homes.”(CNN)



① misogynistic: [ mɪˌsɑːdʒɪˈnɪstɪk] adj. involve or show a strong dislike of women (态度、行为)厌恶女性的

② forcibly: [ˈfɔrsəbli] adv. in a way that involves The use of physical force 用强力,用武力

③ morality rate: death rate 死亡率

④ Taoiseach: [ˈtiːʃək] n. The Prime Minister of the Irish republic 爱尔兰共和国总理

⑤ diminish: [dɪˈmɪnɪʃ] v. to become or make something become smaller, weaker, etc.减少;使(减弱),降低

一周热闻|WHO 专家组飞抵武汉,朴槿惠累计获刑22年,新冠康复或可免疫5个月……

(credit: cnn.com)


As end to pandemic mask-wearing nears, South Koreans scramble to arrange cosmetic surgery


When Ryu Han-na, a 20-year-old university student, got cosmetic surgery on her nose in mid-December, she had a simple reason: it might be the last chance to do so covertly① before people start taking off masks this year as vaccines are distributed. Ryu, who has been attending her courses online throughout 2020, said the ability to recuperate② at home and wear a mask in public without drawing attention were deciding factors. “I always wanted to get a nose job ... I thought it would be the best to get it now before people start taking off masks when vaccines become available in 2021,” she said as she prepared for the 4.4 million won ($4,013) procedure. Cosmetic surgeons say patients are interested in all parts of the face: those that can be easily hidden under masks, such as the nose and lips, as well as those that face coverings don’t conceal③, which some consider the criteria of beauty in the coronavirus era. (Yahoo)



① covertly: ['kʌvətlɪ] adv. without being openly acknowledged or displayed; secretly 秘密地,偷偷摸摸地

② recuperate: [rɪˈkuːpəreɪt] v. to recover from illness or exertion 恢复,复原

③ conceal: [kənˈsiːl] v. to keep from sight; hide 隐匿,隐瞒

一周热闻|WHO 专家组飞抵武汉,朴槿惠累计获刑22年,新冠康复或可免疫5个月……

(credit: koreatimes.co.kr)






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