• 09月20日 星期五



第100届全国糖酒商品交易会 进口食品专区

The 100th China Food & Drinks Fair

Imported Food & Beverage Exhibition Zone

2019.3.21-23 成都 中国西部博览城

March 21-23, 2019 Chengdu

Western China International Expo City




Exhibition Area: Nearly 210,000㎡

No. of Exhibitors: 4,000+

No. of Visitors: 400,000+


2019S 进口食品专区各场景排名前三品类

2019S Top 3 Categories in the Imported Food

and Beverage Exhibition Zone


专业观众 Professional Visitors





参展商 Exhibitors



Voice of Exhibitors


DKSH (Shanghai) Ltd.


DKSH showcased its Italian chocolate brand – Baci during the 100th China Food and Drinks Fair. Besides the reasonable overall planning and high quality buyers, “one-to-one” business matchmaking was also provided which is a great model integrating the industry chain resources. The showcase of Baci has exceeded our expectations, and we’re looking forward for deeper cooperation with CFDF in the future.


Pinlive (Shanghai) Foods Co., Ltd.

感谢迈世展览团队在本次100届糖酒会为品渥食品股份有限公司带来的全方位的专业支持,进口食品馆入口处最佳展位、一对一商务对接会客户洽谈精准对接、金产品新渠道论坛德亚分享、小食代自媒体传播等,都为传播品渥MADE FOR CHINA新模式,扩大德亚品牌影响力起到很好的作用!

Our thanks goes to MasterExpo for its comprehensive professional support for Pinlive at the CFDF. The best booth at the IFB’s entrance, the accurate matchmaking through the “one-to-one” negotiation, the “Gold Products, New Channels” Forum for Weidendorf sharing, and the promotion via the We-Media of foodinc, all of them have played a key role in popularizing the new mo del—MADE FOR CHINA of Pinlive, and in expanding the brand influence of Weidendorf.

伊藤园 ITO EN


This was the first time for ITO EN to participate in China Food and Drinks Fair, which was also the first fair that ITO EN joined in China. Many friends were met during the fair, meanwhile new sales channels were touched. Both brand promotion and sales development were expected. Wish CFDF a more successful and brighter future.


Beijing Zhongqi Huaye Foods Co., Ltd.


Our booth in the Imported Food and Beverage Exhibition Zone was crowded with buyers. As a company engaged in the healthy Mediterranean diet, we have offered brand, quality and characteristic products to our dealers and partners, as well as promote the health of Chinese people.


Guangxi Mayi Imported Goods Supply

Chain Management Co., Ltd.


It is our honor to join the Imported Food and Beverage Exhibition Zone of the 100th China Food and Dr inks Fair. The exhibitors have exceeded the previous editions either from quality or quantity. Meanwhile high quality buyers were met during the fair. Latest products were showcased and got many intention onsite orders.


Beijing Tianfuxing Trade Co., Ltd.

第一次参加全国糖酒会,第一次感受一个百届展览的力量。 展会的发展也代表着行业的发展,随着展览越办越理性、成熟、精彩,我们也看到了行业的未来。此次展会我司在客户质量、到访量上都取得圆满成功,开发了全国更多深入渠道的合作客户。 再次感谢主办方为参展商提供的及时细心的服务,期待下一个百届糖酒会,相信未来会有更多的深度合作!

The first involvement as an exhibitor of China Food and DrinksF air really experienced the amazing power of a centennial exhibition. Its development also reflects the progress of the F&B industry. Our company has achieved a complete success both in the aspects of quality and quantity of professional visitors. Thanks again for the timely and considerate service from the organizer, wonderful return has been achieved. Look forward to participating in next CFDF, and establishing more deeper cooperation with the organizer.


Shenzhen Qianhai Ebaytown

International Ebusiness Ltd.


PIC~S, the representative brand of New Zealand, one of the eighteen categories of “New Zealand Food Basket”, was honored as one of the most popular and outstanding food in Imported Food and Beverage Exhibition Zone (IFB) of CFDF. And also it was selected to be interviewed by SICHUAN TV which has been very influential in Southwest of China. Thanks for the professional organization and high efficiency matchmaking, PIC~S has met quite a quantity of buyers with high quality, especially reached strategic cooperation with DASHANG Group, ALLY 100, and so on.


National & Regional Pavilions



Singapore Pavilion

非常荣幸参加第100届全国糖酒商品交易会。糖酒会是企业开拓中国西部市场的绝佳平台。 每届糖酒会都有众多亮点,尤其是一对一商务对接会,能帮助展商非常高效精准地对接到 买家。期待下届可以继续组织新加坡展团亮相糖酒会进口食品专区。

We are pleased to participate in the 100th China Food and Drinks Fair. It is one of the best platforms to penetrate the west China market. Business matching results are particularly one of the main highlights and we are likely to organize a Singapore pavilion in the next edition.



Indonesian Pavilion

首先,非常感谢糖酒会进口食品专区主办方提供的专业服务。作为推广印度尼西亚食品饮料,糖酒会无疑是必须参加的优质展会之一。主办方的专业、高效及友好的服务,确保展前及现场一切都正常呈现。同时,这也让所有的参展商与买家非常满意。非常期待与糖酒会进口食品专区再次合作!I am writing to express a big thank you for the great service that was provided at the CFDF 2019, as one of an excellent exhibition to be participating with, particularly for Indonesia’s food and drink products. The organizer was professional, helpful and friendly; ensuring that everything was in place without any has sle. This helped contribute to making sure the exhibitors and visitors were all happy. We look forward to working with you and your team again soon at the next CFDF!



Korea Pavilion


First of all, warm congratulations to the 100th China Food and Drinks Fair which was held very successfully. Once again Korea Agro-Trade Center Chengdu Office was honored to be invited to organize the South Korea Pavilion to j oin the 100th grand event, and has got a very positive feedback from CFDF. As the leading fair in China food and beverage industry, China Food and D rinks Fair has gro wn to be a great platform to meet the demands both for domestic and overseas exhibitors to explore their sales channels and deep develop second and third tiers markets in China.


现场活动 Onsite Programs


One-to-one Business Matchmaking


One hundred buyers been selected

to celebrate the 100th CFDF


作为进口食品专区的特色增值服务,已经成功举办11届,结合全国渠道特点、展商需求及产品特性,2019年甄选全国百位买家,同步开设 “经销商”、 “小业态”、“社区团购”三个专场,进行采购业务洽谈。

As the featured value-added service of IFB, one-t o-one business matchmaking has been held successfully for 11 editions. In combination with the characteristics of natio nal sales channels, exhibitors’ demands, as well as characteristics of products, around one hundred buyers all over China were selected to be involved in the matchmaking.

Meanwhile, three independent sessions were offered based on the buyers’category: distributors, retailers, community group purchasing.


Community Group Purchasing



Retailer Session




北京汇鸿亨达 滨州正君 成都采吉 成都昌昊 成都丽天华亭 成都品利 成都三合园 重庆飞越极限 重庆台新 重庆一番 佛山英波特 福州莉之星 福州世丰 广西康丹仁 贵州锦亿达 贵州御杰 海口巨意 杭州杭进 杭州真韩 合肥华鸿 合肥亿德禄 河南佰品行 湖北食之味 湖南晋昇 湖南珏鑫 吉林鑫桂 江阴良之品 兰州德德 兰州鲲程 南昌澜庭 南京和润 南京嘉珏 南通安宜 青岛海之碟 厦门明悦全胜 山西晋农皇 山西日升禾 山西华美远东 重庆永豪 沈阳祥巨 沈阳裕兴 石家庄舶来品 石家庄美旭 四川恒立盛 苏州优滋仁 天津宏杰裕丰 天津瑞丰 无锡大德兴 武汉福美 武汉金瑞琪 武汉纽德 武汉铭心永耀 武汉鑫洋光 武汉兴茂 西安黎明 西安汀杨 西安雍丽 新疆蓝田 徐州帝伊家 长春龙祥 长沙创月 湖南璞丽 郑州百度 郑州优之品 郑州豫加隆 遵义鹏翔

Beijinghuihonghengda Binzhouzhengjun Chengducaiji Chengduchanghao Chengdulitianhuating Chengdupinli Chengdusanheyuan Chongqingfeiyuejixian Chongqingtaixin Chongqingyifan Foshanyingbote Fuzhoulizhixing Fuzhoushifeng Guangxikangdanren Guizhoujinyida Guizhouyujie Haikoujuyi Hangzhouhangjin Hangzhouzhenhan Hefeihuahong Hefeiyidelu Henanbaipinhang Hubeishizhiwei Hunanjinsheng Hunanjuexin Jilinxingui Jiangyinliangzhipin Lanzhoudede Lanzhoukuncheng Nanchanglanting Nanjingherun Nanjingjiajue Nantonganyi Qingdaohaizhidie Xiamenmingyuequansheng Shanxijinnonghuang Shanxirishenghe Shanxihuameiyuandong Chongqingyonghao Shenyangxiangju Shenyangyuxing Shijiazhuangpolaipin Shijiazhuangmeixu Sichuanhenglisheng Suzhouyouziren Tianjinhongjieyufeng Tianjinruifeng Wuxidadexing Wuhanfumei Wuhanjinruiqi Wuhanniude Wuhanmingxinyongyao Wuhanxinyangguang Wuhanxingmao Xianliming Xiantingyang Xianyongli Xinjianglantian Xuzhoudiyijia Changchunlongxiang Changshachuangyue Hunanpuli Zhengzhoubaidu Zhengzhouyouzhipin Zhengzhouyujialong Zunyipengxiang



滨州正君食品贸易有限公司 -- 感谢迈世展览帮我们渠道商提供了贴心、全面、省心、高效及信息供应及时的平台。

Binzhou Zhengjun Food Trading Co., Ltd. -- We would like to express our gratitude to MasterExpo for providing us with a thoughtful, comprehensive, convenient,efficient and timely information platform.


Wuxi Dadexing Trading Co., Ltd. --We’re very satisfied with MasterExpo, which provided us a comfo rtable, well-tailored and independent place for further communication.


ZHONGBAI HOLDINGS GROUP CO., LTD. -- We are very pleased with MasterExpo’s perfect pre-preparation of matchmaking meetings, considerate services during the event and the opportunity of efficient negotiations with exhibitors.


Chengdu Hongqi Chain Co., Ltd. -- MasterExpo provided a professional and well-organized m atchmaking platform and in-place service, enabling participants to contact more excellent suppliers.


The 12th "Gold Products and New Channels" Forum


New Survival Modes of the Fusion Channel


Combining with the trend report released by Kantar Worldpanel and product ca tegories most concerned by previous distributors, MasterExpo has created four consumption scenarios. Focusing on the scenario, the 12th “Gold Products, New Channels” Summ it Forum invited Kantar Worldpanel, industry experts and representatives of foodstuff enterprises and distributors to have an in-depth discussion on the “New Survival Modes of th e Fusion Channel”. They provided the latest solutions and operation models for foodstuff enterprises and distributors in terms of product and business scenarios.



Forum Feedback


智慧零售闭门会 — 深度链接社区团购

Smart Retail Private Session

In-depth Insights on Community Group Purchasing


“Community Group Purchasing”has became the keyword of new retail since 2017 . As of January of 2019, som e mainstream community group purchasing platform s, Beijing and Hunan Provinces ranked the first place. Jiangsu, Guangdong and Shanghai ranked among top five with one more year development. Top community group purchasing were invited for the first time in 99th CFDF. As an important part of smart retail, how can community group purchasing continuously develop in 2019? What should distributors do to establish an in-depth linkage? We had an in-depth dialogue on community group purchasing in the 100th CFDF.


* 以上数据均来源于第100届全国糖酒会现场调研

data mentioned above came from site investigation

at the 100th China Food and Drinks Fair

媒体宣传推广 Media


Over 40 media reported and reposted the activities of IFB.


进口食品馆展位预定 Booking the Booth

Email:[email protected] Web:www.masterexpo.cn

饮品板块 Drinks: 021-60908257 休食板块 Snack Foods: 021-60908296

餐厨板块 Kitchen Food: 021-60908241 国家展团 National Pavilion: 021-60908315

商务合作 Markeing 张女士 Joyce Zhang: 139 1663 4946







