• 03月25日 星期二





编号:ZHPM1805-S 规格:长 69cm 宽 18cm

若兰草堂”,这曾是他家族的书斋名号。说起“草堂”情结,若兰始终难忘祖母、父亲、母亲的启蒙教育。他说他受益于家庭的文化熏陶,5岁起,开始学写毛笔字,后来独钟草书。日复一日,年复一年,若兰终于在榜书、标草领域取得成就,荣获国内外书法赛事七十多项的奖项和荣誉称号。踏进他这间近70平方米的工作室 “若兰草堂”,只见墙上挂满各种条幅、榜书、多体书法卷芯,屋内堆放一摞摞书画。细细观摩,书无流俗,字不矜张,且笔笔心得,不蹈空言。如长达17米的苏东坡之赤壁怀古,可谓用笔独具,气势非凡,牵如千年枯藤,纵如惊蛇激水,一派大家风度。

Ruolan thatched cottage ", which was once the name of his family's study. Speaking of the " thatched cottage" complex, ruolan will never forget the enlightenment education of her grandmother, father and mother. He said that he benefited from the cultural influence of his family. at the age of 5, he began to learn to write calligraphy and later preferred cursive script. Day after day, year after year, ruolan finally made achievements in the fields of second notice and grass marking and won more than 70 awards and honorary titles in calligraphy competitions at home and abroad. Stepping into his 70 - square - meter studio " ruolan thatched cottage", I saw all kinds of banners, notices and multi-body calligraphy scrolls hanging on the wall and piles of calligraphy and painting piled up in the room. Careful observation shows that the book is free from vulgarity, the word is not pity, and the experience of writing and



此幅字画《宁静致远》 笔酣墨饱,笔墨运用畅快 ,诗文酣畅浑厚,笔走龙蛇,笔下龙蛇腾跃,笔势雄健洒脱,观之若脱缰骏马腾空而来绝尘而去,又如蛟龙飞天流转腾挪,来自空无,又归于虚旷,这近乎癫狂的原始的生命力的冲动中包孕了天地乾坤的灵气。这正是若兰先生精神的体现,无强大精神信仰,写不出此浑厚字体,正可谓千金难求一字。

The calligraphy and painting " quiet and far - reaching" is full of brush and ink. the use of brush and ink is carefree. the poems and essays are smooth and vigorous. the writing of the dragon snake leaps forward and its style is vigorous and easy. if the horse flies out of the sky and comes out of the dust, it is like the dragon flying in the sky and moves around. it comes from nothing but emptiness. the impulse of primitive vitality, which is close to madness, contains the aura of heaven and earth. This is exactly the embodiment of Mr. ruolan's spirit. without strong spiritual beliefs, he cannot write this rich font. it is indeed hard to find a word for a daughter.




This collection of calligraphy and painting is of great significance for cultural inheritance. as an act with distinct cultural characteristics, the value orientation of the collection of artworks will first be influenced by the collectors' own cultural cultivation, the cultural connotation of the collection and the cultural background of the place where it is located. For example, the hinterland of the central plains is not only a cultural desert, but also a fertile cultural soil that inspires vitality and vitality. It is in the background of this kind of mixed culture that the cultural atmosphere of Hainan and Sichuan has been created.




Chinese calligraphy and painting are rooted in the deep soil of Chinese culture and deeply influenced by the traditional Chinese Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism. Chinese calligraphy and painting are not purely fragmentary techniques or techniques. The seemingly simple strokes of Chinese calligraphy and painting can fully reflect the knowledge, travel, temperament, cultivation and character of the painter. Those seemingly superficial and external things actually contain rich cultural information. The cultural connotation of Chinese calligraphy and painting is very thick. What Chinese painting pursues is not realism, but expression of spirit. If it is only the pursuit of likeness, then the role of the painter is not as good as that of the camera. If Mr. ruolan's calligraphy and painting are wonderful or not, what he said is the root of Chinese calligraphy and painting.


For bidding for this lot, please contact the relevant business personnel of thecompany to handle the special bidding number in advance.

备注:贵州杨先生(Mr. yang from Guizhou


Shenzhen zhonghuang auction co., ltd.

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●The company is dedicated to providing quality service for both the auction and the auction.

●The buyer group comes from the world, and the important buyers are from southeast Asia, Asia, America and Europe.

●Chinese art collection is hot, attracting a global buyer investment boom.






