• 03月28日 星期五

俞志华——“展形象 肩使命”中华艺术名家 之 书画

俞志华——“展形象 肩使命”中华艺术名家 之 书画

俞志华,1947年生,浙江杭州人,号石龙山人,国家一级美术师。中书协会员·台湾故宫博物院书画院荣誉院长终身客座教授·世界科教文卫首席艺术家,执行委员。中美协书协会员:英国牛津大学艺术系博士生导师。上世纪70年代受业中国美院诸乐三教授及周昌谷、余任天先生。书画得沙孟海,唐云,陆俨少,朱恒,郭仲选教诲为私淑及入室弟子。“春江小景“得张爱萍上将及中国美院王伯敏,孔仲起,舒传熙,刘江,童中焘,卢坤峰,曾密,吴山明上海施南池,南京林散之,陈大羽,北京周而复恩师等题誉、后筑庐径山《行素书屋》(由沙孟海、唐云,刘艺题名,潜心学识十余年。俞志华先生是个个性书画家。人生信条,不可有傲气,但必具傲骨! 现为中国文化艺术学会名誉会长*中国美协会员,国家一级美术师,上海书协顾问,多次率团赴法国,俄罗斯,日本,新加坡,泰国,比利时等国进行文化交流。人民网,央视网,中企网,凤凰网等三十多家《中国网络电视台》,人民日报海外版,中国电影报,王羲之书画报整版介绍,巜浙江卫视》,《西湖明珠》《世界知识画报》,中国扶贫杂志,新华社人居杂志,等专题专访报道,作品入翰海,保利等拍卖行。《人民日报海外版》整版介绍《中国电影报》整二版介绍《世界知识》新华社《人居》《中国扶贫》等杂志多次介绍。英国甘敦市政府,剑桥大学,迪拜王室法国文化部门,俄罗斯文联,泰国文联,鸟克兰总统库奇马及台湾领导人马英九连战收藏。

俞志华——“展形象 肩使命”中华艺术名家 之 书画

Yu Zhihua, born in 1947, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, is a national first class artist. Member of the Chinese Calligraphy Association, Honorary Professor of the Academy of Calligraphy and Painting of the Palace Museum of Taiwan, Lifelong Visiting Professor, Chief Artist of the World Science, Education, Culture and Health, Executive Member. Member of Sino US Association: doctoral supervisor of art department, University of Oxford, UK. In the 70s of last century, Professor Zhou Changgu and Mr. Yu Rentian and Mr. Calligraphy and painting were Sha Menghai, Tang Yun, Lu Yan Xiao, Zhu Heng, Guo Zhongxuan as private and private disciples. General Zhang Aiping and Wang Bomin of the Chinese Academy of Fine Arts, Kong Zhongqi, Shu Chuanxi, Liu Jiang, Tong Zhongtao, Lu Kunfeng, Zeng Mi, Wu Shanming, Shanghai Shi Nanchi, Nanjing Lin Sanzhi, Chen Dayu, Beijing Zhouyi and other titles, built Lujingshan "Xingsu Bookstore" (by Sha Menghai, Tang Yun, Liu Yi title, dedicated to learning I have known for more than ten years. Mr. Yu Zhihua is a character painter. Life's Creed must not be arrogant, but it must be proud. He is currently honorary president of the Chinese Academy of Culture and Art * member of the Chinese Art Association, a national first-class artist, and consultant to the Shanghai Calligraphy Association. He has led delegations to France, Russia, Japan, Singapore, Thailand, Belgium and other countries for cultural exchanges. People's Network, CCTV Network, China Enterprise Network, Phoenix Network and more than 30 "China Network TV Station", People's Daily Overseas Edition, China Film Daily, Wang Xizhi's Painting and Calligraphy Newspaper, Zhejiang Satellite TV, West Lake Pearl, World Knowledge Pictorial, China Poverty Alleviation Magazine, Xinhua Habitat Magazine, and other special interview reports The works enter Han Hai, Pauli and other auction houses. People's Daily Overseas Edition, China Film Daily, World Knowledge, Xinhua, Habitat, China Poverty Alleviation and other magazines have been introduced many times. Cambridge University, the French Cultural Department of the Dubai Royal Family, the Russian Federation, the Thai Federation, President Kuchma of Birkland and Taiwan leader Ma Ying-jeou's Lien Chan Collection.

俞志华——“展形象 肩使命”中华艺术名家 之 书画


当然,亦有书画大家,坚持书画同源同修的传承态度,将书画之功,尽悉入心,修成书画功力,艺绩耀眼。俞志华就是书画同修的执意者,也是不废书画同工的艺术传承者。他的丹青艺术造诣,同样光彩悦目,令人赞叹称奇。俞志华绘画,也是文人事,深含文人风,以梅兰为题,以清雅为韵,以文人怡情为追求,画中有诗书,水墨成氤氲。他的水墨世界,心境清纯,文人倾心水墨意境的素雅情怀,不是要刺激人的观感,而是要熏陶人的内心。文人风尚,正是文化的内核。观赏俞志华的丹青绘制,看到的是枝素花雅,悟到的是清高与傲洁。他的文人主题画,很有艺术性,也有思想性,两者叠加,装挂雅室,怡情养性,最为切意。俞志华作品赏析 翰墨修得书卷气,丹青绘成文人风。在书画艺术修炼的道路上,俞志华倾心付之以力,精修取之以成。修艺术修品德,德艺双馨,人品铸成艺品,楷模之功,既需要敬仰,又需要效法。他的书画可为师,修身亦可为师,大家风采,莫不如此!史峰 著名书画评论家 2018年6月20日——记著名书画家俞志华。

俞志华——“展形象 肩使命”中华艺术名家 之 书画

俞志华——“展形象 肩使命”中华艺术名家 之 书画

Of course, there are calligraphy and painting masters, adhere to the same origin of painting and calligraphy peer learning attitude, painting and calligraphy, meticulously, into painting and calligraphy skills, brilliant achievements. Yu Zhihua is the leader of calligraphy and painting. He is also an art successor who does not abolished calligraphy and painting. His artistic attainments are equally dazzle and dazzle.Yu Zhihua's painting is also a literati affair, with a deep literati style, with Mei Lan as the theme, with elegance as the rhyme, with literati's pleasure as the pursuit, there are poems and books in the painting, ink and wash into a mess. His pure mood in the world of ink and wash and the simple and elegant mood of literati's inclination to the artistic conception of ink and wash are not to stimulate people's perception, but to edify people's hearts. Literati fashion is the core of culture. Seeing Yu Zhihua's paintings, he saw that he was beautiful and proud. His literati themes, very artistic, but also ideological, both superimposed, decorated elegant room, pleasant, the most intimate.Yu Zhihua's works appreciate the ink and wash of calligraphy. On the road of calligraphy and painting art, Yu Zhihua devoted his efforts to the refinement and refinement. To cultivate virtue in art, virtue and art are both fragrant, and character is a work of art. The merit of a model requires both admiration and imitation. His calligraphy and painting can be a teacher, cultivate himself and be a teacher.Shi Feng's famous painter and critic June 20, 2018Yu Zhihua, a famous painter and calligrapher

俞志华——“展形象 肩使命”中华艺术名家 之 书画


书法自古文人事,著名书画家俞志华先得书法同源之道,再修书法同功之高,以书法辅成画境洁美,以绘画涵养书意高古,成为书画两技双成的艺术大家。他在书画绘画两界成统领,先锋之功,令人瞩目。 俞志华首先是一位崇仰传统文化的求经者,也是一位落实传统文化的实践者,他有文人品格,有文人风骨,绘画写书法,自然成专业。书法和绘画中的书卷气和文人风,是真传统真文化,所以翰墨不俗,丹青为雅。 修炼书法,俞志华坚持走正途大道,他事书法数十年,每日读帖临帖,一日不辍。书法大家田蕴章谈及书法修炼,言及临帖之事,截钉截铁:书法不临帖不行!

俞志华——“展形象 肩使命”中华艺术名家 之 书画

Since ancient times, Yu Zhihua, a famous calligrapher and painter, has acquired the same origin of calligraphy first, and then learned the same skill of calligraphy, supplemented by calligraphy to create a clean and beautiful painting environment, and cultivated the ancient calligraphy by painting. He has become a master of both calligraphy and painting. He is a leader in painting, painting, painting, and two. Yu Zhihua is first of all a classicist who admires traditional culture, and also a practitioner who implements traditional culture. He has literati character, literati character, painting and calligraphy, and naturally becomes a professional. Calligraphy and painting in the style of scroll and literati, is the true traditional true culture, so ink is not vulgar, Danqing for elegant. In his calligraphy practice, Yu Zhihua insisted on taking the right path. He has been engaged in calligraphy for decades, and he reads Tie Lintie every day without stopping. Tian Yunzhang, a great calligrapher, talks about calligraphy practice and the matter of linting up the poster, so as to cut the iron: Calligraphy can't be done without linting up the poster!

俞志华——“展形象 肩使命”中华艺术名家 之 书画



俞志华——“展形象 肩使命”中华艺术名家 之 书画

Yu Zhihua's practice of calligraphy is exactly the same as Tian Yunzhang's theory of calligraphy. He can't succeed without posting. What he saw is just the same. Lin Chi dye Pinghu, and practice writing pall into a mountain. In the process of inscription practice, Yu Zhihua's calligraphy is all in a good state, and the traditional high-ancient method is absorbed and transformed into a genuine calligraphy. All books are made and grass is beautiful.When people talk about the work of running a book, they will push Wang Xizhi's preface to Lanting Pavilion. The best calligraphy in the world is handwriting. Yu Zhihua's handwriting, which is connected with Lanting Pavilion, is also free to write freely. The free core of his writing style is comprehended by Yu Zhihua's decades-long strategy: center Shi Mo, medium-speed pen, turning Titon, staggered throwing, striving to adhere to the law of the mean, light and free, not deviating from the law, well-behaved. His writing style is just like a leisurely cloud surging wild crane, auspicious dragon and beautiful phoenix, which has a leisurely scrolling atmosphere with the present. The shallow and vulgar qualities of some rivers and lakes are totally different. The calligraphy of rivers and lakes is local custom, but his writing is both pure and beautiful, beautiful and charming. Calligraphy can win the freedom of two kings.Nowadays, with the subdivision of art categories, calligraphy and painting, which were originally taught by scholars, are gradually separated into two art categories. Painters do not write calligraphy, calligraphers do not paint Danqing, and the separation of calligraphy and painting is really biographical.

俞志华——“展形象 肩使命”中华艺术名家 之 书画


俞志华——“展形象 肩使命”中华艺术名家 之 书画


俞志华——“展形象 肩使命”中华艺术名家 之 书画


俞志华——“展形象 肩使命”中华艺术名家 之 书画


俞志华——“展形象 肩使命”中华艺术名家 之 书画


俞志华——“展形象 肩使命”中华艺术名家 之 书画


俞志华——“展形象 肩使命”中华艺术名家 之 书画





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