• 03月13日 星期四

P25 SWOT + 市场图


P25 SWOT + 市场图


Albert Humphrey

he invented SOFT analysis: “what is good in the present is Satisfactory, good in the future is an Opportunity; bad in the present is a Fault, and bad in the future is a Threat.” Fault was later softened to the more acceptable Weaknesses, and Satisfactory became Strengths. The now-ubiquitous acronym SWOT was born.

他发明了SOFT分析法。"现在好的是满意,未来好的是机会;现在不好的是错误,未来不好的是威胁。"故障后来被软化为更容易接受的弱点,而满意则成为优势。现在无处不在的缩写 "SWOT "由此诞生。

P25 SWOT + 市场图

SWOT analysis

The most popular such tool is SWOT analysis. Created by US management consultant Albert Humphrey in 1966, it is used to identify internal strengths (S) and weaknesses (W), and to analyze external opportunities (O) and threats (T). Internal factors that can be considered as either strengths or weaknesses include: the experience and expertise of management; the skill of a work force; product quality; the company’s financial health; and the strength of its brand. External factors that might be opportunities or threats include market growth; new technologies; barriers to entering markets; overseas sales potential; and changing customer demographics and preferences.


最流行的此类工具是SWOT分析。它是由美国管理顾问Albert Humphrey在1966年创建的,用于识别内部优势(S)和劣势(W),并分析外部机会(O)和威胁(T)。可被视为优势或劣势的内部因素包括:管理层的经验和专业知识;劳动力的技能;产品质量;公司的财务健康;以及品牌的力量。可能成为机会或威胁的外部因素包括:市场增长;新技术;进入市场的障碍;海外销售潜力;以及客户人口和偏好的变化。

When well-executed, a SWOT analysis should inform strategic planning and decision-making. It allows a company to identify what it does better than rivals (or vice versa), what changes it may need to make to minimize threats, and what opportunities may give the company competitive advantage. The key to strategic fit is to make sure that the company’s internal and external environments match: its internal strengths must be aligned with the external opportunities. Any internal weaknesses should be addressed so as to minimize the extent of external threat.


market mapping” (also known as “perceptual mapping”). Market maps are diagrams that represent a market and the placement of products within that market, providing a visual means of studying the competition. The process is useful both internally (to help an organization understand its own products) and externally (to chart how consumers perceive the brand in relation to the competition).

市场图"(也称为 "感知图")。市场地图是表示市场和产品在该市场中的位置的图表,为研究竞争提供了一种视觉手段。这个过程在内部(帮助一个组织了解自己的产品)和外部(绘制消费者如何看待品牌与竞争对手的关系)都很有用。

P25 SWOT + 市场图

Finding the gap 寻找空间

The goal of market mapping is to identify opportunities where a company can differentiate itself from its competitors. These are areas where the company offers unique value, and they can be used to inform marketing messages. The map will also reveal overcrowded segments, which signify heightened competitive threat.


For a new start-up, a market map can be used to identify a viable gap in the market—a good place to position a company when it is struggling to establish itself. Established businesses can use market mapping combined with SWOT analysis to discover opportunities and decide whether the company has the strengths to exploit one of those opportunities. The market map helps to inform the strategy (the need to reposition a product away from competitors’ offerings, for example) and the tactics (moving from conservative to sporty, for example) that will help the company to achieve that strategic goal.


Market analysis such as this may, for example, have helped luxury Singaporean tea shop TWG Tea to identify an opportunity in the market. Launched in 2008, TWG targets a slightly older, wealthier customer base than coffee shops and other “lifestyle” cafés. TWG has opened new locations across the world, based on studying the competition, identifying a market gap, and designing its products and services to fill that gap.

例如,诸如此类的市场分析可能帮助新加坡豪华茶店TWG Tea发现了市场的机会。TWG于2008年推出,与咖啡店和其他 "生活方式 "咖啡馆相比,TWG的目标客户群略微年长、富裕。TWG已经在世界各地开设了新的分店,其基础是研究竞争,确定市场空白,并设计其产品和服务来填补这一空白。

Internal focus

As a company grows it might choose to draw up a map including just its own products. Analysis of the results can help identify any overlap between different products (informing decisions about which products to drop, and which to concentrate research and development and marketing spend, for example). It can also be used to ensure that the company’s marketing message stays on track, helping to avoid strategic drift.


Perceived as a technical performance product, Speedo, for example, needs to ensure that its marketing reflects that view; a campaign that promotes Speedo as a fashionable label would risk confusing customers and could damage the brand.



这概念也和红海蓝海类似,就像山治一直在寻找ALL BLUE蓝海,那里有无尽的宝藏,厨师‍的天堂,生猛海鲜都有。



「新刊速递」《国际政治经济学评论》(RIPE), Vol.29, No.2, 2022 | 国政学人





