• 03月15日 星期六

「新刊速递」《国际政治经济学评论》(RIPE), Vol.29, No.2, 2022 | 国政学人

「新刊速递」《国际政治经济学评论》(RIPE), Vol.29, No.2, 2022 | 国政学人


「新刊速递」《国际政治经济学评论》(RIPE), Vol.29, No.2, 2022 | 国政学人

《国际政治经济学评论》(Review of International Political Economy)是一份涵盖国际政治经济学研究的双月刊同行评审学术期刊。其成立于1999年,由Routledge出版。本刊是国际政治经济学领域的主流期刊之一,与《新政治经济学》(New Political Economy)并列。2020年该刊影响因子为4.659。


1. 铭记和忘却IPE:作为边界工作的学科历史研究

Remembering and forgetting IPE: disciplinary history as boundary work

2. 霸权领导力是国家造就的:在华盛顿与柏林阅读金德尔伯格

Hegemonic leadership is what states make of it: reading Kindleberger in Washington and Berlin

3. 什么导致了国际治理细节的变化:一种经济安全视角

What causes changes in international governance details?: An economic security perspective

4. 金融化,劳动力市场制度与不平等

Financialization, labor market institutions and inequality

5. 独家专长:国际组织的边界工作

Exclusive expertise: the boundary work of international organizations

6. 迈向瑞士军刀之国?——发达民主国家经济干预主义的变化(1980-2015)

Towards a Swiss Army Knife State? The changing face of economic interventionism in advanced democracies, 1980–2015

7. 公共投资v.s.政府消费:FDI冲击如何影响墨西哥次国家支出的构成

Public investment versus government consumption: how FDI shocks shape the composition of subnational spending in Mexico

8. “中国制造”何以挑战美国结构性权力:产业政策、知识产权与跨国公司

The made in China challenge to US structural power: industrial policy, intellectual property and multinational corporations

9. 错误信息、经济威胁和公众对国际贸易的支持

Misinformation, economic threat and public support for international trade

10. 作为软实力的德国能源转型

The German energy transition as soft power

11. 天空或地球是极限吗?风险、不确定性和自然

Is the sky or the earth the limit? Risk, uncertainty and nature

12. 全球化与投票意愿:个人福利与社会环境的互动作用

Globalization and intention to vote: the interactive role of personal welfare and societal context



题目:Remembering and forgetting IPE: disciplinary history as boundary work

作者:Ben Clifta,华威大学政治经济学教授,研究领域为比较政治经济学和国际政治经济学。Peter Marcus Kristensenb,哥本哈根大学政治学系副教授,研究领域为国际关系理论、知识社会学、学科史、崛起大国和权力转移理论。Ben Rosamond,哥本哈根大学政治学系教授,研究领域为欧洲和区域一体化理论、欧洲政治经济学、全球化政治分析中的观念与话语和英国脱欧的政治经济学。


A full understanding of the development and re-production of IPE is only possible with an appreciation of its disciplinary politics. This institutionalises four aspects of academic inquiry: (a) what is considered admissible work in the field, (b) how work should be conducted and where it should be published (c) where the field’s legitimate boundaries are, and (d) ‘external relations’ with cognate disciplines. Academic gatekeepers in positions of disciplinary influence shape perceptions about appropriate conduct within the field, what constitutes its core, and what lies outside its realm. Disciplinary political definitions of the field’s nature and limits are manifest in the writing of texts introducing students to IPE. Particularly important are origin stories, which are always partly about directing and coordinating scholarly activity in the present and for the future. Disciplinary history entails forgetting certain events, scholars and works that do not fit the prevailing chronology, marginalising or excluding some topics, debates and questions from the core of the field. We evidence our claims about the boundary work done in narrating IPE’s origins through bibliometric mapping and network analysis of IPE citation patterns and practices. We find that IPE is a narrower, more blinkered field than it typically presents itself to be.



题目:Hegemonic Leadership is What States Make of It: Reading Kindleberger in Washington and Berlin

作者:Matthias Matthijis, 约翰斯·霍普金斯大学国际问题高等研究院(SAIS)国际政治经济学副教授。他的研究兴趣为经济危机时的政治、经济思想在经济政策制定中的角色和区域一体化问题。


What explains the nature of a dominant state’s systemic crisis response? In the wake of the global financial crisis of 2008, the U.S. acted as the hegemon for the world economy, showing ‘benign’ leadership by serving as consumer, investor, and lender of last resort. During the euro crisis two years later, Germany played a rather different role, practicing a more ‘coercive’ form of rules-based leadership within Europe’s regional context. In this paper, I explain how ideas and crisis narratives, informed by national economic traditions, shaped how the leading states behaved. By rescuing Charles Kindleberger’s original version of hegemonic stability theory from both its realist and liberal institutionalist interpreters, the paper clarifies why elites in the U.S. followed a hardheaded path of soft Keynesian ideas resulting in global public goods provision while their counterparts in Germany, be it more constrained, opted for a more principled road of rule enforcing ordo-liberal ideas avoiding public goods provision. The crucial role of ideas – in addition to structural and institutional factors – in defining the national interest during periods of crisis helps us better understand “why hegemonic leadership is what states make of it.” This led American and German elites to interpret Kindleberger in very different ways.



题目:What causes changes in international governance details?: An economic security perspective

作者:Kaewkamol Pitakdumrongkit,新加坡南洋理工大学拉惹勒南国际研究院助理教授,研究兴趣包括国际经济谈判、东南亚和东亚经济治理、东盟经济共同体以及东盟+框架等。


This article introduces a new interpretative lens to enrich our understanding of a relationship between small states’ economic security and the terms of multilateral governance. It seeks to shed light on the question: “What causes such changes in the details of multilateral agreements?” by establishing the causal pathways linking countries’ economic security with their institutional responses and decisions to rejig particular arrangement terms. I argue that different types of major powers’ behavior – rivalry among themselves, their economic statecraft, and their gaining advantage in existing negotiation frameworks – undermine small states’ economic security differently, causing them to select dissimilar institutional responses and adjust dissimilar institutional rules. To test the argument, the case of the Ayeyawady-Chao Phraya-Mekong Economic Cooperation Strategy (ACMECS) which was revamped in 2018 is examined. My work contributes to the literatures on economic security, small states’ institutional strategies, and seeks to stimulate more interdisciplinary research between International Relations and International Political Economy.



题目:Financialization, Labor Market Institutions and Inequality

作者:Evelyne Huber, 北卡罗来纳大学政治学系教授;Bilyana Petrova, 纽约城市大学斯通社会经济不平等中心博士后研究员;John D. Stephens, 北卡罗来纳大学政治学和社会学系教授。


The last three decades have witnessed rising inequality and deepening financialization in post-industrial democracies. A rapidly growing literature has linked these two phenomena. We go beyond existing scholarship by specifying which aspects of financialization can be expected to increase inequality and where in the income distribution this effect will occur. We also show that this effect is contingent on institutional context. We posit that the shareholder model of corporate governance and the growing demand for financial professionals are the two dimensions of financialization that drive up pre-tax income inequality. Nevertheless, the spread of the shareholder value model only benefits the very top income earners. We further argue that the institutional strength of labor shapes the relationship between financialization and inequality. We analyze effects of indicators of these two dimensions of financialization on the top 1% and the next 9% income shares and on the 90:50 earnings ratio. We test our hypotheses with data on 18 post-industrial democracies between 1960 and 2015.



题目:Exclusive expertise: the boundary work of international organizations

作者:Matthias Kranke,卡塞尔大学博士后研究员,研究领域包括全球经济、环境治理和国际组织间关系等。

摘要:国际组织享有专家权威,因为它们为决策提供了适用的专业知识,这是全球治理学者的共识。这种观点意味着国际组织的专家地位更多依赖于其知识的内容而非知识的表达。本文将“边界工作”(boundary work)的社会学概念纳入戈夫曼的符号-拟剧视角,阐述了一种相互竞争的解释,即发现专家权威的关系性和展演性。本文认为,在权力范围重叠的情况下,国际组织有两个松散耦合的功能:划界和合作。国际组织虽然在“前台”划定自己的管辖范围,以打造独家专长的观念,但他们在“后台”密切合作以缓解内部资源限制。本文通过研究国际货币基金组织和世界银行之间围绕金融部门评估规划(FSAP)这一联合项目的关系来说明该这一论点。对精英访谈和相关文件的分析表明,国际货币基金组织的前台划界工作需要在没有世界银行的情况下推动FSAP改革,启动新的监督举措。然而,划界虽可以强化国际组织的专业性,但也有可能损害组织间的关系。

Scholars of global governance tend to agree that international organizations (IOs) enjoy expert authority because they provide applicable specialist knowledge for policymaking. This view implies that IOs’ expert status rests more on the contents than the presentation of their knowledge. Integrating the sociological concept of ‘boundary work’ into a Goffmanian symbolic-dramaturgical perspective, this article articulates a competing interpretation that recovers the relational and performative aspects of expert authority. I argue that, in settings where spheres of authority overlap, boundary work by IOs serves two loosely coupled functions: demarcation and cooperation. While IOs demarcate their jurisdictions on the ‘frontstage’ to craft perceptions of exclusive expertise, they closely cooperate on the ‘backstage’ to mitigate internal resource constraints. I illustrate this argument by examining the relationship between the International Monetary Fund (IMF or Fund) and the World Bank (or Bank) around the joint Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP). Based on elite interviews and relevant documents, the analysis shows that the IMF’s frontstage boundary work entailed promoting FSAP reforms and launching a new surveillance initiative without the World Bank. Yet while demarcation can augment an IO’s expertise, it risks poisoning inter-organizational relationships.



题目:Towards a Swiss Army Knife State? The changing face of economic interventionism in advanced democracies, 1980–2015

作者:Axel Cronert,瑞典乌普萨拉大学政府系研究员,乔治城大学麦考特公共政策学院助理研究员。


This article systematically reviews trends in numerous economic policy indicators in eighteen OECD countries since the early 1980s, synthesizing findings about the fate of states’ economic interventionism from several customarily separate literatures. Rather than observing any paradigmatic policy shift, the review finds that policies with markedly different ideational foundations currently cohabitate. In line with non-interventionist prescriptions, policymakers have largely abandoned the intrusive heterodox ‘power tools’ of previous eras, while establishing new norms for monetary policy based on monetarist theory. However, this has not led to a full retreat of economic interventionism. Instead, policymakers are gradually developing a new, albeit more constrained, approach to promoting economic activity in line with selected distributional goals – here labelled the micro-interventionist state, or the ‘Swiss Army Knife State’, as it were. The cross-partisan appeal of the ‘multi-tools’ associated with this approach – such as horizontal industrial policy, active social policy, and strategic tax expenditures and procurement – partly stems from their versatility, as policymakers can use them to very different distributional ends. To better understand the politics and distributional consequences of contemporary economic policies, scholars need to take their versatility more seriously, shifting focus theoretically and empirically from how much to how policymakers intervene in the economy.



题目:Public investment versus government consumption: how FDI shocks shape the composition of subnational spending in Mexico

作者:Theodore Kahn, 哥伦比亚高级教育和发展基金会研究员;Zack Zimbalist, 墨西哥蒙特雷科技大学政治学和国际关系专业客座教授。


During the 1990s, many developing countries underwent simultaneous processes of global economic integration and decentralization. As a result, subnational governments became increasingly important actors in the international economy, including through policies to secure investments from multinational corporations (MNCs). These efforts have the potential to affect the management of public resources at the subnational level. Breaking from the literature's focus on fiscal incentives, we highlight how “active” foreign investment incentives—including commitments to build new infrastructure and develop worker training programs—have shaped subnational public finances in Mexico. We demonstrate that FDI attraction affected how subnational governments exercised their growing policy authority and fiscal resources. Based on panel data from Mexican states between 1998 and 2017, we find that FDI shocks are associated with statistically and economically significant increases in public investment by state governments, and decreases in public sector consumption of goods and non-personnel services. A case study of a representative investment project in Puebla highlights the importance of active investment incentives as a causal mechanism linking FDI attraction and subnational spending outcomes. Our results illustrate how FDI attraction can affect the distribution of subnational public spending and also develop a theoretically-relevant distinction between passive and active investment incentives.



题目:The Made in China Challenge to US Structural Power: Industrial Policy, Intellectual Property and Multinational Corporations

作者:Anton Malkin, 香港中文大学(深圳)全球研究系助理教授,国际治理创新中心(Center for International Governance Innovation)研究员。他的研究兴趣是中国在全球经济(尤其是金融和知识产权领域)中的角色。

摘要:本文讨论了美国在全球经济中的权力问题。作者认为,中国相对于美国的结构性权力潜能在近来的国际政治经济学文献中常被低估。文章论证了美中贸易与技术冲突,并描绘了中国在全球经济中的自主性和影响力。通过评估无形资产在全球价值链中越来越重要的作用,本文对结构性权力提出了新的理解。文章关注“生产性权力”(productive power)的概念,将苏珊·斯特兰奇(Susan Strange)对生产性权力的原有定义拓展并分解为四个子类别,包括(1)全球价值链的中心性;(2)市场权力;(3)资产所有权;(4)技术标准制定。文章开头将美中技术和贸易对抗现象纳入超级大国相对权力竞争的视角,并考察有关中国在知识产权保护和商业化、全球价值链位置、标准制定和竞争政策几个领域的崛起的数据和文献。作者因而指出中国的权力在以上这些领域都分别出现了崛起现象。作者在结论中提出,中国拥有潜在的生产性权力,而“中国制造2025”和相关的产业政策规划的目标则是实现中国的结构性权力潜能。

This paper addresses the question of United States’ power in the global economy, suggesting that China’s structural power potential vis-à-vis its American counterpart has been underestimated in recent international political economy (IPE) literature. It examines the US-China trade and technological conflict and maps China’s autonomy and influence in the global economy, offering a new interpretation of structural power, assessed on the basis of the growing importance of intangible assets in global value chains. The paper focuses on the notion of productive power, expanding on Susan Strange’s definition of productive power by breaking down this category of power into four subcategories: 1) centrality in global value chains, 2) market power, 3) ownership of assets, and 4) technological standard-setting. The paper begins by framing the US-China tech and trade confrontation in terms of a relative power contest between the two superpowers. Examining data and literature on China’s ascent in the realm of intellectual property protection and commercialization, global value chain ascension, as well as standard setting and competition policy, it points to China’s growing strengths in each of these categories, respectively. It concludes that China possesses latent productive power, and that the Made in China 2025 and related industrial policy plans aim to actualize China’s structural power potential.



题目:Misinformation, economic threat and public support for international trade

作者:D. J. Flynna,西班牙 IE 大学全球与公共事务学院政治学助理教授,研究领域为错误信息、公众舆论以及调查和实验方法。Yusaku Horiuchib,达特茅斯学院政府系教授,研究领域为外国/全球舆论、日本政治、多样性、选举、政治方法论。Dong Zhang,香港岭南大学政治学系助理教授,研究领域为发展政治经济学、威权政治、腐败与治理。

摘要:最近世界各国保护主义情绪高涨,重新引发了关于公民贸易政策偏好决定因素的长期争论。其中,作为两个愈发相关的因素,错误信息和经济威胁并未被充分研究,因此,本文作者试图探究这两个因素对美国国际贸易支持的影响。首先,研究表明,尽管有大量相反的证据,但仍有超过六成的美国人支持中国汇率操纵的错误观点。其次,作者基于调查实验指出,不论威胁框架是否存在,错误信息是可以被纠正的。然而,与这些基于事实信念(factual beliefs)的结果不同,作者发现贸易政策偏好相当稳定,反对贸易的错误信息和经济威胁框架都不会使得对国际贸易的支持显著降低。这些发现表明,在反对贸易的动员方面,政治精英通过使用误导性和威胁性言论来“打中国牌”的策略效果有限。

The recent surge in protectionist sentiment in countries around the world has rekindled the long-standing debate over the determinants of citizens’ trade policy preferences. We examine the influence of two understudied but increasingly relevant factors – misinformation and economic threat – on support for international trade in the United States. We first show that more than 6–in–10 Americans endorse a salient misperception about Chinese currency manipulation despite extensive evidence to the contrary. Then, based on a preregistered survey experiment, we show that misinformation can be corrected, regardless of whether the threatening frame is present or not. In contrast to these results on factual beliefs, however, we find that trade policy preferences are considerably stable: neither anti-trade misinformation nor an economically threatening frame significantly reduces support for international trade. These findings suggest that political elites’ strategy of ‘playing the China card’ by using misleading and threatening rhetoric is not so effective in mobilizing opposition to trade.



题目:The German Energy Transition as Soft Power

作者:Rainer Quitzow,德国波茨坦可持续发展高级研究所研究员,柏林理工大学创新经济学讲席高级讲师,研究重点是全球能源转型的国际政治经济学;Sonja Thielges,德国波茨坦可持续发展高级研究所高级研究员,研究重点是全球能源转型和国际气候与能源政策。


Germany represents a new and unconventional actor in the field of energy foreign policy. Based on its reputation as an energy transition frontrunner, it is pursuing a soft power strategy aimed at promoting its Energiewende policy approach abroad. Germany’s bilateral energy partnerships, this paper argues, represent the government’s central policy instrument for this purpose. After a discussion of the German energy transition as a soft power resource, the paper provides an in-depth empirical analysis of Germany’s bilateral energy partnerships. The paper argues that the partnerships have been deliberately designed as instruments for mobilizing the Energiewende narrative as soft power. Linking it to concepts in the soft power debate, it discusses the main channels through which the partnerships aim to boost the attractiveness of German policy solutions and persuade partners to consider their adoption. The paper concludes with a discussion of implications for further research on the international political economy of energy.



题目:Is the sky or the earth the limit? Risk, uncertainty and nature

作者:Sylvain Maechler, 瑞士洛桑大学政治学院国际政治经济学博士候选人;Jean-Christophe Graz, 瑞士洛桑大学政治研究所国际关系教授。


Dealing with uncertainty has become a matter of great concern for policy makers and scientific research in a world facing global, epochal and complex changes. But in essence, you cannot entirely predict the future. This article aims at conceptualizing the limits to anticipate the future – or what is often referred as the substitution of risk for uncertainty. In contrast to most theories examining risk and uncertainty, we start from the assumption that there are limits in the substitution of risk for uncertainty and that distinguishing between ontological and epistemic levels of analysis helps clarify such limits. The paper makes two arguments: first, most approaches see no ontological and/or epistemic limit in the substitution of risk for uncertainty; second, the pluralization of science is the only way to cope with limits in substituting risk for uncertainty. This second argument draws on the assumption that accounting for the uncertainty of the future depends on knowledge production processes able to overcome disciplinary boundaries and better include lay and expert knowledge. In times of great concerns regarding mitigation and adaptation to the ecological crisis, we illustrate our arguments with insights from global environmental governance.



题目:Globalization and intention to vote: the interactive role of personal welfare and societal context

作者:Celeste Beesley, 杨百翰大学政治学助理教授;Ida Bastiaens, 福特汉姆大学政治学副教授。


Recent electoral successes for candidates with anti-globalization platforms highlight the need to understand globalization’s effects on voting behavior. To understand how globalization affects whether people vote, we posit that it is necessary to consider both globalization’s distributional effects on individuals and individuals’ beliefs about the general view of globalization among their fellow citizens. Drawing on research about the intrinsic value of voting, we argue that the losers of globalization are less likely to vote relative to the winners. However, losers who believe that others also think globalization is a negative force exhibit a higher likelihood of voting. Winners are also more likely to vote when they perceive their compatriots share their positive view of globalization. Both winners and losers who believe that they hold a view inconsistent with the broader public are less likely to vote. We test our hypotheses using an original survey of Americans. In support of our hypotheses, respondent beliefs about majority opinion (or, as a robustness check, the sociotropic effects of trade) significantly reduce the gap between winners and losers in intention to vote. Our results are replicated using a 2016 Pew survey.

编译 | 胡富钦 李博轩 赖永祯 杨佳霖 张曼娜

审校 | 胡富钦 李博轩 赖永祯 杨佳霖 张曼娜

排版 | 屈媛媛

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「新刊速递」《国际政治经济学评论》(RIPE), Vol.29, No.2, 2022 | 国政学人


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