• 09月25日 星期三


李苦寒,1952年生,陕西省西安市人。 现为陕西中国书画研究院院长、《当代著名画家作品集》编委会主编,福建海西书画研究院院长,中国书画艺术大学国画系主任、教授,中国东方艺术学院名誉院长,徐悲鸿艺术研究会理事,中国书画家协会副主席,一级美术师。

Li Guhan, born in 1952, shaanxi xi 'an people. Now shaanxi China painting and calligraphy of the institute, the famous contemporary painter collection board editor, fujian hercynian calligraphy and painting research institute, Chinese painting and calligraphy art university, professor, director of the painting, honorary President of the China institute of Oriental art, xu beihong art association, the Chinese artists association, vice chairman of first rate.



In 1993, was named the world culture celebrities, his "white and black" figure was great man deng xiaoping, former President George Bush, the domestic many museums, galleries, five-star hotel, between President eclecticism, his work is known as "contemporary elvis" personification show, brushwork baptize, style is refined condensate static, profound meaning, formed its own unique artistic style. Once successively in Japan, Singapore, Canada and other countries more than 20 times held solo exhibition and exhibition, thousands of works published in journals at home and abroad.



Chicken figure in this paper, the gourd, a few pen is described the chicken play gourd picture to life. In terms of the characteristics of ink, Li Guhan convey to refine their ink gold, modelling is a minimalist but is extremely accurate, pen and ink extremely brief but very detail, space of make the best use of picture, the picture for the aesthetic standards of Chinese traditional painting and calligraphy. Artistic conception and emotional engagement, smooth add a few more ambitious, empty, with peace, joy and aesthetic state of natural, free and easy, very has ornamental value. 



It is worth mentioning that Mr Li Guhan had won first prize in Canada "maple prize", the Japanese wave speed painting and calligraphy exhibition "golden ball award", "long live the motherland YouJun cup" arts exhibition gold award, the first prize in Chinese ink painting grand prix, won the recognition award in "terracotta cup" Chinese painting grand prix. For qi baishi memorial, chang memorial, Huang Qiuyuan memorial, peng dehuai memorial, ShuTong memorial hall, museum, ten thousand temple of mt emei, gansu province, luoyang white horse temple, sichuan leshan giant Buddha, dongpo museum, qin Epang Palace celebrity and fujian wuyi mountain pavilion ten several places of interest, such as painting and calligraphy and is carved a biography.






