• 12月22日 星期日

Opera×TE MANA LAMB,品味优质羊肉的更多种可能


Autumn has arrived in Beijing, bringing with it beautiful blue skies and cooler weather. In northern China, it is traditional to eat lamb when the weather gets colder, making this tasty meat a symbol of autumn and winter dining.

Opera×TE MANA LAMB,品味优质羊肉的更多种可能

9月6日,Opera BOMBANA携手新西兰优质羊肉品牌TE MANA LAMB,为广大食客带来充满创意的Opera BOMBANA x TE MANA LAMB活动,以主厨的匠心理解与奇思妙想,结合富含「Omega-3多元不饱和脂肪酸」以及大理石纹油花的TE MANA LAMB羊肉,烹制出一道道精美的菜肴,为喜食羊肉的食客带来更多优质体验。

On 6 September, Opera BOMBANA and New Zealand brand Te Mana Lamb joined forces to put together a unique dining event. Opera BOMBANA Executive Chef Andrea Susto created a series of exquisite dishes using Te Mana’s high country lamb, which boasts high levels of Omega-3 and micro marbling.

Opera×TE MANA LAMB,品味优质羊肉的更多种可能

TE MANA迷迭香、茴香风味羊肉串

蘑菇清汤 · TE MANA羊肉丸

开场的开胃小食让人感觉既熟悉又陌生,不同于中国西北浓郁粗旷的孜然羊肉风味,主厨以迷迭香、茴香等浓郁地中海风情的植物腌渍TE MANA羊肉,细嫩的肉质与香料交织出迥异但极佳的口感。“肉夹馍”造型的TE MANA羊肉丸精巧可爱,多汁的肉丸很好的保持了羊肉风味,之后的一碗蘑菇清汤让口中芬芳不已,意餐中又品尝到中餐带来的满足感。

Opera×TE MANA LAMB,品味优质羊肉的更多种可能

Te Mana Lamb Skewer Rosemary and Fennel

Mushroom Consommé · Te Mana Lamb Meatball

The meal began with a selection of canapés. Unlike the strong cumin flavour many in north China will be used to when eating lamb skewers, Opera BOMBANA’s take used a selection of Mediterranean herbs such as rosemary and fennel. The lamb meatballs, on the other hand, were minimally spiced to let the flavour of the meat shine through. Finally, a Chinese-inspired mushroom consommé cleansed the palate before the dishes to come.

Opera×TE MANA LAMB,品味优质羊肉的更多种可能


以TE MANA羊身上最细嫩的里脊肉细细切制做成挞挞,口感嫩滑不见纤维质地,搭配OSCIETRA鱼子酱,浓郁的海洋鲜美中丝毫不见膻气,羊肉也能创作成如此的灵巧小品。

Opera×TE MANA LAMB,品味优质羊肉的更多种可能

Te Mana Lamb Tenderloin Tartare,

Burrata Emulsion , Oscietra Caviar

High-quality Te Mana lamb tenderloin makes an excellent tartare, tender and smooth without any fibrous texture. A spoonful of Oscietra caviar added a touch of oceanic luxury.




Opera×TE MANA LAMB,品味优质羊肉的更多种可能

Te Mana Lamb Rump & Leek Ravioli , Lamb Broth

Lamb rump is tender with a smooth texture, making it perfect for filling handmade Italian pasta. Although they may look like Chinese dumplings, the final taste experience was much richer and more complex, especially when eaten with a spoonful of savoury lamb broth.

Opera×TE MANA LAMB,品味优质羊肉的更多种可能

慢炖TE MANA羊肩肉酱,



Opera×TE MANA LAMB,品味优质羊肉的更多种可能

Slow Cooked Te Mana Lamb Shoulder Ragù ,

Fresh Ricotta Foam , Nutmeg

One of the most popular dishes on the chef’s table menu was this slow-cooked lamb shoulder dish, served with a spinach-stuffed pasta with a lightly crispy exterior. Nutmeg, a classic seasoning for lamb dishes, scented a fragrant jus. Despite appearing minimalist on the plate, it was packed with flavour.

碳烤TE MANA羊里脊,芹菜根泥,黑蒜酱

Opera BOMBANA的牛排一向被食客所称道,这道碳烤TE MANA羊里脊的灵感便是来源于向经典致敬。选取TE MANA羊身上最鲜嫩的里脊部位,先煎制定型后再用木碳烤而成,搭配芹菜根泥和独特风味的黑蒜酱,鲜嫩的口感让人大呼过瘾。

Opera×TE MANA LAMB,品味优质羊肉的更多种可能

Charcoal Grilled Te Mana Lamb Loin,

Celery Roots Purée, Black Garlic Emulsion

Inspired by Opera BOMBANA’s popular steak dishes, this presentation pays tribute to the classics, selecting the tenderest cut of lamb tenderloin and roasting it simply over charcoal. A black garlic emulsion added a hit of umami.

Opera×TE MANA LAMB,品味优质羊肉的更多种可能

本次TE MANA LAMB的活动中,不仅Opera BOMBANA主厨Chef Andrea和各位来宾分享了每道菜的设计心得,Te Mana品牌负责人也与宾客们分享了关于羊肉的许多细小知识,让人们对于从新西兰这片纯净之地走来的优质羊肉有了更多的了解,也品尝到了羊肉作为料理的更多可能。

Opera×TE MANA LAMB,品味优质羊肉的更多种可能

During the TE MANA LAMB event, Chef Andrea explained his inspiration for each dish with the guests, and the team from Te Mana also shared tidbits of knowledge about lamb, helping them to understand more about this high-quality meat from New Zealand.


来自新西兰的优质羊肉品牌TE MANA LAMB一直以松软肉质、丰腴肉汁及浓香滋味而闻名。TE MANA LAMB 是耗时10年研发投入的心血结晶。它的诞生源自一群新西兰农夫,他们在新西兰南岛高地的严峻气候畜牧时发现到这令人意想不到的成果。这种「好」脂肪饱含更丰富的Omega-3不饱和脂肪酸,这史无前例的大理石纹脂肪如和牛般,令人垂涎三尺。

Opera×TE MANA LAMB,品味优质羊肉的更多种可能

TE MANA LAMB, bred and raised in New Zealand high country, is renowned for its incomparable tenderness, juiciness and flavour. TE MANA LAMB is the result of an unprecedented ground-breaking 10-year breeding programme, initiated after an unexpected discovery by a group of farmers who were raising sheep to be healthier and better adapted to the high country of New Zealand. These farmers raised sheep that yielded a different type of intramuscular fat – naturally elevated levels of Omega-3 fats, with fine intramuscular marbling - something never seen before in lamb. It’s a game-changer health wise, but also when it comes to taste, texture, tenderness and versatility on the plate.

Opera×TE MANA LAMB,品味优质羊肉的更多种可能

TE MANA Lamb 充分「Omega-3多元不饱和脂肪酸」和大理石纹油花意味着肉中的含水量较低,格外耐煮,烹调过程中较不易收缩,可保持原有形状与纹理。让肌肉中的油花充分融化,更能带出TE MANA羔羊无与伦比的细致美味。而且肉味及色泽非常出众,无需额外加上酱料、肉汁或调味,原汁原味已经够完美。虽然味道及膻香较其他品种较低调,但亦无损喜爱羊肉的食客对它的评价,同时能吸引本来不嗜羊肉的食客尝试。

TE MANA LAMB takes the palate on a wholly extraordinary journey. Thanks to the unique micro-marbling, TE MANA LAMB is more versatile with its fats rendering beautifully, retaining its shape and texture better during cooking and is less prone to shrinkage. With a delicate taste and aroma that is more subtle, succulent and less gamey than traditional lamb, TE MANA LAMB appeals to a wider group of non-lamb eaters, on top of regular lamb-eaters. TE MANA LAMB does not require or rely on sauces, gravies or dressings to perfect the dish - it shines on its own.

Opera×TE MANA LAMB,品味优质羊肉的更多种可能

享誉全球的TE MANA LAMB在伦敦、新加坡、洛杉矶、等城市被喻为全世界最优质的羊肉,广受各大著名厨师认可及选用。在北京的Opera BOMBANA、Bistro B、GIADA Garden、Jing、Maison FLO、Rive Gauche、The Georg,上海的Comptoir Pierre Gagnaire、Da Vittorio、Jean Georges、L’ATELIER de Joel Robuchon、Mercado 505、Oxalis、8½ Otto e Mezzo BOMBANA,广州的Restaurant Emmelyn、Tai’An Table等等餐厅均能品尝到使用TE MANA LAMB优质羊肉烹制的菜肴。

TE MANA LAMB is lauded by top chefs as the world’s finest lamb, and commands a premium in key markets like London, Singapore, Los Angeles and other cities. Dishes made with Te Mana lamb can be found on the menu at Opera BOMBANA, Bistro B, GIADA Garden, Jing, Maison FLO, Rive Gauche, The Georg in Beijing; at Comptoir Pierre Gagnaire, Da Vittorio, Jean Georges, L’ATELIER de Joel Robuchon, Mercado 505, Oxalis, and 8½ Otto e Mezzo BOMBANA in Shanghai; and at Restaurant Emmelyn and Tai’An Table in Guangzhou, among many others.






