• 03月25日 星期二

每日新闻播报(March 14)

每日新闻播报(March 14)

Sanrio's character Hello Kitty receives a letter of appreciation for its contribution as mascot at "EXPO 2025 Osaka" from Foreign Minister Taro Kono at Kono's office in Tokyo on Feb 21, 2019. [Photo/IC]

>Hello Kitty film is coming 好莱坞将拍凯蒂猫电影 Hello Kitty, whose image already appears on pajamas, pencil cases, and the sides of buses, is to grace the big screen after the brand's owner signed the feline icon's first film deal. After five years of discussions, Sanrio, the Japanese firm which manages the character, has signed a deal with a unit of Warner Bros, New Line Cinema. The film's plot is not yet decided. "A search for writers and creative talent will commence immediately," Sanrio said in a statement. Over the last 45 years, the mouthless cartoon cat adorned with trademark hair bow has generated billions of dollars. The simple line-drawn image has appeared on merchandise including clothing, toys and stationery, targeted mostly at young children, but also more recently popular with some adults. Hello Kitty-branded products are sold in 130 countries worldwide, with the range extending from prosecco to plimsolls. 睡衣、铅笔盒、公交车身上随处可见的凯蒂猫即将登上大屏幕,凯蒂猫品牌所有者已经签下了凯蒂猫的首部电影合同。经过五年的商讨,凯蒂猫所属的日本三丽鸥公司和华纳兄弟公司旗下的新线电影公司终于达成了协议。电影的情节还没定下来。三丽鸥在一份声明中表示"将会立即开始寻找编剧和创意人才。"过去45年来,这只头戴标志性蝴蝶结、没有嘴巴的卡通猫已带来了数十亿美元的收入。这个简笔画形象出现在服装、玩具、文具等商品上,其目标消费人群主要是儿童,但近年来在一些成年人当中也很受欢迎。凯蒂猫品牌的产品在全世界130个国家有售,涵盖了从葡萄酒到帆布鞋等各种产品。

每日新闻播报(March 14)

Britain's Prime Minister Theresa May speaks in Parliament ahead of a Brexit vote, in London, Britain, on Wednesday. [Photo/REUTERS]

>Deal suffers second defeat 梅姨脱欧协议再遭否决 UK Prime Minister Theresa May has suffered another huge defeat in Parliament, with Members of Parliament rejecting her European Union withdrawal agreement, with 391 voting against the deal and 242 voting for it. There will now be two further crucial Brexit related votes in Parliament this week. On Wednesday, members will vote on leaving the EU without a deal. They are expected to vote against a so-called no-deal Brexit. A third vote will then be held on Thursday that will decide if Parliament wants May to go to the EU and ask for more time to get a deal done. As things stand, the UK is set to leave the EU on March 29. An extension could see the departure date pushed back by several months. All 27 EU member states must agree to grant an extension. Heads of state including French President Emmanuel Macron have previously stated that the UK must have a strong reason to extend, beyond merely buying more time. May's future as Prime Minister is also in doubt. This is the second time Parliament has rejected a withdrawal agreement negotiated by May. Opposition Leader Jeremy Corbyn suggested it was time that a general election was called to elect a new government. 英国首相特雷莎•梅再次在议会遭遇重挫,议会以242票赞成,391票反对的结果否决了她的脱欧协议。本周议会还将进行两次脱欧相关的关键性投票。13日,议会将就是否接受无协议脱欧进行投票,预计无协议脱欧选项将被否决。14日举行的第三次投票将决定议会是否想让梅前往欧盟,争取更多时间使脱欧协议得以通过。按照原计划,英国将在本月29日正式脱欧。脱欧期限可能被推迟数月,但必须得到所有27个欧盟成员国的同意。包括法国总统马克龙在内的多个欧盟国家首脑曾声明,英国要想推迟脱欧必须有足够的理由来支撑,而不仅仅只是拖延时间。梅作为首相的前景也不容乐观,这是议会第二次否决她与欧盟达成的脱欧协议。反对党领袖杰瑞米•科尔宾暗示应提前举行大选,选举出新的政府。

每日新闻播报(March 14)


>Curtains to reduce pollution 宜家推出空气净化窗帘 Ikea is launching new curtains to help reduce indoor air pollution. Using a unique technology developed by the Ikea team over the past few years, the Gunrid curtains - set to hit stores next year - will break down air pollutants when it gets into contact with light. It works in a similar way to photosynthesis found in nature. "Besides enabling people to breathe better air at home, we hope that Gunrid will increase people's awareness of indoor air pollution, inspiring behavioral changes that contribute to a world of clean air," said Lena Pripp-Kovac, head of sustainability at Inter Ikea Group. 宜家将推出新款窗帘以帮助减少室内空气污染。通过宜家团队在过去几年里开发的一种特殊技术,Gunrid窗帘在接触光线时,可分解空气中的污染物。Gunrid的工作原理类似于自然界中的光合作用。这款窗帘将于明年上市。英特宜家集团可持续部门负责人莉娜•普利布-科瓦奇表示:"除了能让人们在家呼吸到更好的空气外,我们还希望Gunrid能提高人们对室内空气污染的意识,激励人们改变行为习惯,为清洁空气的世界做出贡献。"

每日新闻播报(March 14)

An American Airlines Boeing 737 Max 8, on a flight from Miami to New York City, comes in for landing at LaGuardia Airport in New York, on Tuesday. [Photo/REUTERS]

>More Boeings grounded 多国停飞波音事故机型 A growing number of airlines grounded a new Boeing plane involved in the Ethiopian Airlines disaster as a global team of investigators began picking through the crash site on Tuesday. Some airlines cited worried customers for grounding the Boeing 737 Max 8, as experts chased details on why the plane crashed shortly after takeoff Sunday, killing all 157 on board. Following China's announcement to ground nearly 100 Boeing 737 Max 8 aircraft on Monday, countries including UK, Germany, Malaysia, Indonesia, South Korea, Singapore, and Australia all took similar moves on Tuesday. Boeing, however, has said it has no reason to pull the popular aircraft from the skies, and it does not intend to issue new recommendations about the aircraft to customers. Its technical team joined American, Israeli and other aviation experts in the investigation led by Ethiopian authorities. 越来越多的航空公司停飞埃航空难涉事波音新型飞机,12日全球调查小组开始对坠机地点展开调查。部分航空公司表示因乘客担忧而停飞了波音737 Max 8飞机,目前专家正在寻找导致飞机10日起飞后不久就坠机的具体原因,这起空难导致机上157人全部丧生。继中国11日宣布停飞近百架波音737 Max 8飞机后,英国、德国、马来西亚、印度尼西亚、韩国、新加坡、澳大利亚等国也都在12日相继采取类似行动。不过,波音声称没有理由令这款大受欢迎的飞机停飞,该公司无意向客户发布该机型相关的新建议。波音的技术团队已加入到埃塞俄比亚当局领导的由来自美国、以色列等国的航空专家中对事故展开调查。

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