• 09月20日 星期五



多佛空军基地荣誉会员,公民领袖AFMAO, AFMES, JPED


Dover AFB Honorary CCs, civic leaders tour AFMAO, AFMES, JPED

Scott Connell, 436th Operations Support Squadron honorary commander, views the welcome material for families that stay at the Dover Fisher House at Dover Air Force Base, Delaware, July 22, 2022. The Dover AFB Honorary Commanders program helps members of the community understand the importance of the base’s and the Air Force's mission. (U.S. Air Force photo by Jason Minto)


多佛空军基地荣誉会员,公民领袖AFMAO, AFMES, JPED


Dover AFB Honorary CCs, civic leaders tour AFMAO, AFMES, JPED

Dover Air Force Base honorary commanders learn about the urn engraving process during their visit to Air Force Mortuary Affairs Operations uniform's section at Dover Air Force Base, Delaware, July 22, 2022. The Dover AFB Honorary Commanders program helps members of the community understand the importance of the base’s and the Air Force's mission. (U.S. Air Force photo by Jason Minto)


多佛空军基地荣誉会员,公民领袖AFMAO, AFMES, JPED


Dover AFB Honorary CCs, civic leaders tour AFMAO, AFMES, JPED

Dover Air Force Base honorary commanders receive a brief on Air Force Mortuary Affairs Operations Command, Control and Communication 24/7 Operation Center at Dover Air Force Base, Delaware, July 22, 2022. The Dover AFB Honorary Commanders program helps members of the community understand the importance of the base’s and the Air Force's mission. (U.S. Air Force photo by Jason Minto)


多佛空军基地荣誉会员,公民领袖AFMAO, AFMES, JPED


Dover AFB Honorary CCs, civic leaders tour AFMAO, AFMES, JPED

Dover Air Force Base honorary commanders view the memorial wall during their orientation at Air Force Mortuary Affairs Operations at Dover Air Force Base, Delaware, July 22, 2022. The Dover AFB Honorary Commanders program helps members of the community understand the importance of the base’s and the Air Force's mission. (U.S. Air Force photo by Jason Minto)




I Would Do It All Over Again: A Chief’s Retirement

U.S. Air National Guard 183d Wing Force Support Squadron Senior Enlisted Leader Chief Master Sgt. Teresa Ray poses for a photo outside of the 183d Wing, Springfield, Illinois on May 14, 2022. Ray came to the 183d Wing from the Air Force Reserves at Scott Air Force Base in 2019.



2022年7月17日,来自洛杉机的三等炮手乔纳森·马尔莫莱霍(左)和来自佐治亚州威克罗斯的一等鱼雷兵米卡勒·麦咭(右),两人都被分配到埃默里美国陆地级潜艇供应船弗兰克·凯布尔号(AS 40),在船离开马来西亚哥打基纳巴卢的雪邦加尔海军基地时站岗。弗兰克·凯布尔目前正在美国第七舰队行动区巡逻,进行远征维护和后勤支援,以支持自由的印度太平洋。

USS Frank Cable Visits Malaysia 28 July 2022

Gunner’s Mate 3rd Class Jonathan Marmolejo (left), from Los Angeles, and Torpedoman’s Mate 1st Class Mikal Magee (right), from Waycross, Georgia, both assigned to the Emory S. Land-class submarine tender USS Frank Cable (AS 40), stand watch as the ship departs from Sepanggar Naval Base in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, July 17, 2022. Frank Cable is currently on patrol conducting expeditionary maintenance and logistics in support of a free Indo-Pacific in the U.S. 7th Fleet area of operations.



美国太空司令部司令詹姆斯·迪金森(James Dickinson)将军与美国网络司令部司令保罗·纳科索恩(Paul Nakosone)将军在2019年7月29日在国际空间站飞行的美国太空司令部旗帜前合影。中曾根收到了美国太空总署的任务简报,概述了任务能力、对太空领域的威胁、战略伙伴关系和全球太空行动。网络安全是阻止敌人进入美国太空司令部日常使用的系统的关键组成部分。(美国太空司令部照片由特雷弗·伊尔克拍摄)

CYBERCOM Commander visits SPACECOM

Army Gen. James Dickinson, U.S. Space Command commander, poses with Army Gen. Paul Nakosone, U.S. Cyber Command commander, in front of a USSPACECOM flag that was flown on the International Space Station Jul. 29, 2019. Nakasone received mission briefs from USSPACECOM directorates outlining mission capabilities, threats to the space domain, strategic partnerships and global space operations. Cyber Security is a key component of denying the enemy access to everyday systems used by USSPACECOM. (U.S. Space Command photo by Trevor Ihrke)




HMAS Canberra Stows an Osprey for The First Time at Sea

The aviation support team from Royal Australian Navy landing helicopter dock HMAS Canberra (L02) transfer an embarked U.S. Marine Corps MV-22B Osprey into the ship’s hangar during Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) 2022. Twenty-six nations, 38 ships, three submarines, more than 170 aircraft and 25,000 personnel are participating in RIMPAC from June 29 to Aug. 4 in and around the Hawaiian Islands and Southern California. The world's largest international maritime exercise, RIMPAC provides a unique training opportunity while fostering and sustaining cooperative relationships among participants critical to ensuring the safety of sea lanes and security on the world's oceans. RIMPAC 2022 is the 28th exercise in the series that began in 1971.



美国空军F-16战斗隼编队通过美国空军KC-135同温层加油机进行加油。美国、新加坡和泰国空军参加在泰国Korat泰国皇家空军基地举行的“Cope Tiger 2022”演习,这是一项年度多边空中演习,旨在提高新加坡共和国、泰国皇家和美国空军之间的战备和互操作性,同时加强三国的军事关系。

Building Asymmetric Advantage in Indo-Pacific Part of DOD Approach

A formation of U.S. Air Force F-16 Fighting Falcons conduct refueling via a U.S. Air Force KC-135 Stratotanker. U.S., Singapore, and Thailand air forces participate in Cope Tiger 2022 at Korat Royal Thai Air Base, Thailand is an annual multilateral aerial exercise aimed at improving combat readiness and interoperability between the Republic of Singapore, Royal Thai and United States Air Forces, while concurrently enhancing the three nations' military relations.



分配到第29航空维修分队和第432维修中队的美国空军维修专家与分配到夏威夷海军陆战队基地的美国海军陆战队队员会面。这两支空军部队分别来自霍洛曼空军基地和克里奇空军基地,首次在环太平洋(RIMPAC) 2022期间为遥控飞机提供支持。26个国家、38艘船只、4艘潜艇、170多架飞机和25000名人员将于6月29日至8月4日在夏威夷群岛和南加州及其周边地区参加环太平洋军演。作为世界上最大的国际海上演习,RIMPAC提供了一个独特的培训机会,同时促进和维持参与者之间的合作关系,这对于确保海上航线的安全和世界海洋的安保至关重要。环太2022是始于1971年的系列演习中的第28次。(照片由美国空军一级飞行员阿里尔·奥谢提供)

Total Force Teamwork Leads to RIMPAC Success

U.S. Air Force maintenance specialists, assigned to the 29th Air Maintenance Unit and the 432nd Maintenance Squadron, meet with U.S. Marines assigned to Marine Corps Base Hawaii. The two Air Force units, from Holloman Air Force Base and Creech Air Force Base respectively, are providing support for remotely piloted aircraft during Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) 2022 for the first time. Twenty-six nations, 38 ships, four submarines, more than 170 aircraft and 25,000 personnel are participating in RIMPAC from June 29 to Aug. 4 in and around the Hawaiian Islands and Southern California.

The world's largest international maritime exercise, RIMPAC provides a unique training opportunity while fostering and sustaining cooperative relationships among participants critical to ensuring the safety of sea lanes and security on the world's oceans. RIMPAC 2022 is the 28th exercise in the series that began in 1971. (Courtesy photo by U.S. Air Force Airman 1st Class Ariel O'Shea)



2022年7月25日,来自纽约克利夫顿公园的水手长大副三级Destiny Sousa和来自佐治亚州门罗县的船体维修技师二级Jonathan Daniel,两人都被分配到埃默里S. Land-class潜艇补给船USS Frank Cable (AS 40),在该船通过爪哇海时,在敬献花圈仪式上低头。该仪式是为了纪念2021年4月21日在巴厘岛海岸沉没的印度尼西亚Cakra级柴电攻击潜艇KRI·南加拉(402)上失去的53名印度尼西亚国家陆海军水兵。弗兰克·凯布尔目前正在美国第七舰队行动区巡逻,进行远征维护和后勤工作,以支持自由开放的印度-太平洋。

USS Frank Cable Honors Lost Indonesian Submarine KRI Nanggala

Boatswain’s Mate 3rd Class Destiny Sousa, from Clifton Park, New York, and Hull Maintenance Technician 2nd Class Jonathan Daniel, from Monroe County, Georgia, both assigned to the Emory S. Land-class submarine tender USS Frank Cable (AS 40), bow their heads during a wreath laying ceremony while the ship transits the Java Sea, July 25, 2022. The ceremony was in honor of the 53 Indonesian National Military-Naval Force Sailors lost aboard the Indonesian Cakra-class diesel-electric attack submarine KRI Nanggala (402) that sunk, April 21, 2021, off the coast of Bali. Frank Cable is currently on patrol conducting expeditionary maintenance and logistics in the U.S. 7th Fleet area of operations in support of a free and open Indo-Pacific.




Rededicated Korean War Memorial Lists Names of Fallen

The Korean War Veterans Memorial in Washington features 19, 8-feet-tall, stainless steel statues that represent service members who fought in Korea.


2022年5月20日,美国空军参谋长小CQ布朗上将在德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥-伦道夫联合基地举行的空中教育和训练司令部换届仪式上讲话。布朗主持了仪式,当时美国空军中将布拉德·韦伯(Brad Webb)将指挥权交给了美国空军中将布莱恩·罗宾逊(Brian Robinson)。罗宾逊是AETC的第35任指挥官,现在负责一个包括空军招募服务、两个编号空军和航空大学的指挥,每年培训超过29.3万名学生,约6万名现役、预备役、警卫队、文职和承包商人员。(美国空军肖恩·沃莱尔摄)

U.S. Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. CQ Brown, Jr. speaks during the Air Education and Training Command change of command ceremony at Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph, Texas, May 20, 2022. Brown presided over the ceremony, at which time U.S. Air Force Lt. Gen. Brad Webb relinquished command to U.S. Air Force Lt. Gen. Brian Robinson. Robinson is the 35th AETC commander and is now responsible for a command that includes Air Force Recruiting Service, two Numbered Air Forces and Air University, training more than 293,000 students per year with about 60,000 active-duty, Reserve, Guard, civilian and contractor personnel. (U.S. Air Force photo by Sean Worrell)



U.S. Air Force Lt. Gen. Brian Robinson, commander of Air Education and Training Command, renders his first salute to the men and women of the First Command during AETC’s change of command ceremony at Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph, Texas, May 20, 2022. Robinson is the 35th AETC commander and is now responsible for a command that includes Air Force Recruiting Service, two Numbered Air Forces and Air University, training more than 293,000 students per year with about 60,000 active-duty, Reserve, Guard, civilian and contractor personnel. (U.S. Air Force photo by Sean Worrell)


2022年5月20日,美国空军教育和训练司令部副司令安德里亚·d·图洛斯少将在圣安东尼奥-伦道夫联合基地举行的AETC司令部换届仪式上,在美国国歌奏鸣曲中敬礼。41号机库挤满了AETC成员、地方、州官员和民间领导人,美国空军参谋长CQ Brown Jr.主持了仪式,美国空军中将布拉德·韦伯(Brad Webb)将指挥权移交给美国空军中将布莱恩·罗宾逊(Brian Robinson)。(美国空军肖恩·沃莱尔摄)

Maj. Gen. Andrea D. Tullos, deputy commander of Air Education and Training Command, renders a salute during the playing of the U.S. National Anthem at Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph during the AETC change of command May 20, 2022. Hangar 41 was filled with AETC members, local, state officials and civic leaders where U.S. Air Force Chief of Staff CQ Brown Jr., presided over the ceremony as U.S. Air Force Lt. Gen. Brad Webb relinquished command to U.S. Air Force Lt. Gen. Brian Robinson. (U.S. Air Force photo by Sean Worrell)



U.S. Air Force Lt. Gen. Brian Robinson, commander of Air Education and Training Command, speaks after taking command of AETC during a change of command ceremony at Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph, Texas, May 20, 2022. Robinson, is a weapons officer and command pilot with more than 4,400 hours in airlift and trainer aircraft. Prior to assuming his current role, Lt. Gen. Robinson served as the deputy commander at Air Mobility Command. (U.S. Air Force photo by Sean Worrell)



U.S. Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. CQ Brown, Jr. presents the Air Education and Training Command guidon to Lt. Gen. Brian Robinson, AETC commander, during a change of command ceremony May 20, 2022, at Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph, Texas. Robinson is a weapons officer and command pilot with more than 4,400 hours in airlift and trainer aircraft. Prior to assuming his current role, he served as the deputy commander at Air Mobility Command. (U.S. Air Force photo by Sean Worrell)






