• 01月09日 星期四

校长室邮件 NTU校长即将卸任!回顾NTU近年发展

南洋理工大学(以下简称“南大”或“NTU”)校长苏布拉·苏雷什(Subra Suresh)教授因家庭原因,即将在今年年底结束自己五年的任期。信中也回顾了这些年南大的辉煌成就,表达了对南大社区的感谢。






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校长室邮件 NTU校长即将卸任!回顾NTU近年发展


作为NTU2025战略计划的一部分,南大于2021年8月为所有本科生推出了跨学科的共同核心课程和实习机会,这在新加坡尚属首次。这样做的目的是提高我们的教学成果,为学生的终身学习做好准备。2020年新推出的硕士学位进修教育(continuing education)的FlexiMasters计划,已经发展出超过35个来自南大各部门的课程;2020年成立的南洋理工大学优先扶助基金(NTU Priorities Fund ),由社会各界的私人慈善捐助,在疫情期间帮助了数百名经济困难的学生;南大第一个跨工程和科学学院的跨学科学院也将在今年成立。

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校长室邮件 NTU校长即将卸任!回顾NTU近年发展

来源:NTU Facebook



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这些学术成就和雄心壮志,得到了重要的治理和行政成就的支持,为南大建立了一个稳健、可持续和安全的未来。我们在2018年推出的一系列深思熟虑的措施,引导大学实现了财务的可持续性,同时保留了我们的储备金以备不时之需。在有史以来的首次信用评级中,南大在2021年10月获得了穆迪(Moody‘s)的Aaa信用评级,评级前景为 "稳定(stable outlook)"。我们对基于云的数字技术的战略投资,使我们能够加速向在线学习的迁移,同时在疫情期间和之后,发展新的教学和学习创新。

在过去的四年里,南大建立了新的企业和联合实验室,其中包括与惠普(HP Inc.)、大陆集团(Continental)、舍弗勒集团(Schaeffler)、格芯(GlobalFoundaries)和盛裕控股集团(Surbana Jurong)的合作。在过去三年里,南大成立了耗资9400万新元的卓越研究中心(Research Centre of Excellence)、数字分子分析科学研究所(the Institute for Digital Molecular Analytics and Science)和耗资4000万新元的废料转化能源(Waste-to-Energy)设施。南洋理工大学的创新范围和规模,以及南洋理工大学在培养初创企业方面的影响也有了显著的扩大。

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Waste-to-Energy Facility,来源:NTU 官网

在这封信中,我对你们每一个人——我有幸接触到每一位的教职员工和学生——表示衷心的感谢。没有你们的参与、承诺和支持,这一切成就都不可能发生。我要特别感谢我的亲密领导团队:核心和延申校长委员会的现任和前任成员,包括副校长、院长、行政主管、学院院长和教务委员会成员,以及董事会的现任和前任成员。他们的贡献,加上新加坡政府机构多年来的大力支持,意味着南大未来的成功将得到保证。我个人要感谢这么多人,我也期待在适当的时候向他们伸出援手。现在,我特别要感林杉教授( Prof Ling San)、蓝钦扬教授(Prof Lam Khin Yong)、Tan Aik Na 女士、Loretta Cruz女士、Loreen Tan女士和Huei Ashley E. Lee女士,感谢他们的奉献和努力,以及对我的不懈支持。








Dear Students,

I have had the privilege of working closely with you, the NTU community, since my appointment as NTU President was announced nearly five years ago in July 2017. Working in close partnership with our OneNTU community to build the University’s portfolio of impressive accomplishments has been one of the most gratifying experiences of my professional life. Together we have witnessed the results of our collective effort as NTU has continued its extraordinary climb in its local and international stature.

However, I am writing today to let you know that, given the University’s strong momentum and standing at this time, I plan to step down as president at the end of this calendar year.

As you are aware, about a year ago, I agreed to the offer from the NTU Board of Trustees to extend my role as President beyond my initial term to accelerate the University’s rapid growth, and further the ambitious goals of our strategic plan, NTU 2025.

But the lingering effects of a global pandemic have precluded my immediate and close-knit family, like so many others separated across continents, from coming together over a protracted time, even for significant family life events. The much-anticipated recent news of the arrival of our first grandchild later this year and a strong desire to be in closer geographical proximity as a family have convinced my wife Mary and me to return to the United States sooner than we had originally envisioned.

I am very proud of how all of us at NTU worked together to keep our campus and our people safe and secure during the past two years of life with the pandemic, while continuing to excel in our mission to propel NTU into the top echelons of academic institutions. I will leave knowing that NTU is a global leader taking its rightful place among the top Universities of the world. Together we have strengthened NTU’s foundation which my successor will be able to build on. At this time of reflection, there have been so many accomplishments by all of you, our faculty, staff, students, and our leadership team, during the past few years in which I take great pride:

- NTU’s research volume has seen significant growth, setting a new annual record in each of the past several years. This reflects the very high quality of the scholarly work of NTU researchers as these funding decisions typically follow independent international peer review of the quality of research proposals. In the past few years, the number of all publications by NTU faculty in top research journals across fields has doubled.

- The University launched an Interdisciplinary Common Core curriculum and internship opportunities, the first-of-its-kind in Singapore, for all undergraduate students in August 2021 as part of the NTU 2025 Strategic Plan to improve our teaching outcomes and to prepare our students for lifelong learning. The FlexiMasters programme for continuing education at the Master’s degree level, launched in 2020, has already grown to more than 35 curricular offerings from all parts of the University. The NTU Priorities Fund created in 2020 with private philanthropy from our community helped hundreds of students in financial need during the pandemic. NTU’s first interdisciplinary School across the Colleges of Engineering and Science will be established this year.

- Our international reputation is increasingly well-recognised. Up to 11 NTU academic subjects are now placed among the top ten in the world, with up to four subjects considered the best globally, highlighting a significant ascent in NTU’s intellectual stature. As a young university, the impressive climb of NTU has now placed it within the top 50 in the world in all three major global assessments, for the first time in its history. NTU has also emerged as a global top young university for seven years in a row by one key international measure. Indeed, the UK government has recognised these achievements and announced, just last week, that NTU graduates will be among those selective cohorts from the top universities in the world to receive a special visa to seek employment in the UK.

- The growing reputation of NTU has been clearly reflected in our ability to attract talent from Singapore and leading universities around the world, with more than 350 faculty members recruited just in the past four years (even during the pandemic), including new Distinguished University Professors and senior leadership team members from prestigious universities. The Presidential Postdoctoral Fellows Programme, launched in 2018, has now become the most competitive young talent attraction scheme at NTU, with more than 1,050 applications for only 12 positions even during the height of the pandemic in 2020.

- NTU took a decisive step in its commitment to be a leader in environmental sustainability, and to demonstrate at scale how we build on our education and research activities to effect long-lasting change on our own Smart Campus and for the planet. In October 2021, NTU released the Sustainability Manifesto with a pledge to achieve carbon neutrality by 2035. It also became the first university in the world to issue sustainability-linked public bonds.

- These academic achievements and ambitions have been underpinned by important governance and administrative successes, to build a robust, sustainable and secure future for NTU. The deliberate measures we introduced in 2018 have guided the University to financial sustainability while preserving our reserves for the rainy day. In its first ever credit rating exercise, NTU received Aaa credit rating from Moody’s, with “stable outlook”, in October 2021. Our strategic investments in cloud-based digital technologies have enabled us to accelerate our migration to online learning while nurturing new teaching and learning innovations during and beyond the pandemic.

- And our infrastructure for future achievements that benefit industry and society has also been developed: major new Corporate and Joint Laboratories have been established at NTU in the past four years including those with HP Inc., Continental, Schaeffler, GLOBALFOUNDRIES, and Surbana Jurong. A new S$94-million Research Centre of Excellence, the Institute for Digital Molecular Analytics and Science, and the S$40-million Waste-to-Energy facility were established in the last three years. The scope and scale of NTU’s innovation and NTUitive’s impact in nurturing startups have also expanded significantly.

This letter comes with a big ‘thank you’ to each one of you – the faculty, staff and students with whom I have had the privilege to interact. None of this could have happened without your engagement, commitment and support. I give special thanks to my close leadership team: the current and former members of the core and extended President’s Council including the VPs, deans, administrative heads, School Chairs, and Faculty Senate members, as well as current and former members of the Board of Trustees. Their contributions, together with the strong support over the years from the Singapore government agencies, mean that the future success of NTU will be assured. I owe personal thanks to so many people and I look forward to reaching out to them in due course. For now, I express my deep gratitude particularly to Prof Ling San, Prof Lam Khin Yong, Ms Tan Aik Na, Ms Loretta Cruz, Ms Loreen Tan, and Ms Huei Ashley E. Lee for all their dedication and hard work and for giving me their unstinting support.

I know that NTU will go from strength to strength with all your effort – enhancing the University’s activities in learning, knowledge creation and dissemination, talent development, innovation, and service to Singapore and humanity. I know this because you, alongside our more than 250,000 alumni in over 150 countries, will fly the NTU flag high.

I plan to continue to work hard during the remainder of my term as President to further the goals of NTU 2025. I have been and continue to be deeply appreciative of the opportunity to have served as NTU’s President. NTU is a very special place because you make it so. It has been a privilege to be a part of your success.

With my warm wishes and appreciation,

Subra Suresh

President and Inaugural Distinguished University Professor

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校长室邮件 NTU校长即将卸任!回顾NTU近年发展






Dear Members of the NTU community,

Professor Subra Suresh today announced that he will step down as President of Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) at the end of Dec 2022 after five years at the helm of NTU.

On behalf of the University, I thank Subra and his wife, Mary, for their contributions over these five years. I am grateful to Subra and Mary for their generosity and commitment to NTU and our community.

During Subra’s tenure, he further established NTU as a top global University, broadening affiliations and expanding collaborations with major academic institutions and industry players internationally. Under his leadership, Subra and his team introduced curriculum innovations and digital technologies, offering a top quality education to our students. NTU has made progress over the last three decades and Subra’s vision for higher learning will continue this momentum.

In the coming weeks, the Board of Trustees will form a search committee to identify the next President. Subra will continue to helm NTU until the end of this year, allowing for a smooth transition as the University seeks its next President.

In three decades, NTU has established itself as a great research university in the 21st century, in pursuit of knowledge to address four of humanity’s grand challenges: mitigating our impact on the environment; harnessing the science, art and technology of learning; addressing technology’s impact on humanity; and addressing the needs of ageing communities.

These are exciting times for NTU and institutions of higher learning to contribute towards the advancement of society and to thrive as a hub for the creation of new knowledge. The Board of Trustees and I thank you all for your steadfast conviction in NTU’s mission.


Goh Swee Chen

Chair of Board of Trustees

Nanyang Technological University


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