• 09月25日 星期三


The religious beliefs of multicultural Singapore


Singapore is a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural immigrant society, with religious beliefs of Singaporeans accounted for 83% of the country's population. Singapore advocates the mutual tolerance and tolerance between religions and ethnic groups, and implements the policy of religious freedom, and confirms that Singapore is a multi religious country. There are many kinds of religious buildings in Singapore, and many of the old temples are preserved completely.


Singapore is a multicultural immigrant society, it also brings together the world religions, Buddhism is the largest religion in Singapore, according to the census of other religions are Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Taoism and confucianism. From 2000 to 2010, the proportion of Christianity, religion and Taoism increased by 3%, the proportion of Buddhism declined slightly, while others remained stable.


1)Buddhism and Taoism

Buddhism is the largest religion in Singapore, accounting for about 33% of the population. Over the years, various Buddhist groups jointly organized religious, cultural, educational and social welfare programs and other activities, Buddhism and the public closer. Monastery has 90 years of history, is one of the largest Buddhist temple in singapore. The 11% of the population, the early Chinese immigrants brought with them their religious beliefs and customs, different origin of the Chinese, their construction of the temple, there are some temples, such as Tianfu palace and Guangdong Qing temple, has become a national monument. Four road Guanyintang is one of the incense temples in Singapore, the main statue of Guanyin hall is the main hall of the eighteen hand Guanyin, the pilgrims pray around in a continuous line.



2)Catholicism and Christianity

Christians make up 18% of the population. Singapore has a total of 30 Catholic churches, and the management of the more than and 30 schools. The Catholic Church also runs hospitals, homes for the elderly and children's homes. The 4 months in 1819 after landing in Singapore, he put a piece of land donated to the London Missionary society. 5 months later, the first Christian missionaries arrived in singapore. In the first few decades, a number of different groups, make unique contributions to the development of the Singapore of the Christian Church; they include Western businessmen, missionary groups, as well as India and China Christian immigrants.




There are nearly 650 thousand Muslims, accounted for 15% of the population. Malay or Pakistan descent people basically belong to the Sunni Islam, there is also a part of India and the Chinese Muslim descent. Singapore has a total of 80 back to the church, one of the more famous are Fatimah and Sultan Mosque




With more than 100 thousand India people, accounting for 5% of the population. Singapore has 24 main Hindu temple, the South Bridge Road and Longgang Mali Amman Hindu temple road Niwasha Bai Lu Ma Xing temple was listed as a national historic site.



5)Sikhism and other religions

Believers total only 2 people. Sikhism is nineteenth Century introduced from India, 7 Sikh Temple in Singapore, who is mainly Sikh police, security guards. There are two Jewish synagogue in Singapore, Zoroastrianism is no temple in singapore.








