• 09月29日 星期日







I found that many people underestimated China's military strength. During the Second World War, China was only an agricultural country, and even had no capacity to produce bicycles, while Japan could produce aircraft, tanks, artillery, and even aircraft carriers.


Our Chinese soldiers are thin and weak, while Japanese soldiers are well trained and have adequate food supply.


But even though there is such a huge gap between China and Japan, Japan still has not defeated China. Yes, they have brought countless casualties to the Chinese people, but we have not yielded.


China's dark era has passed. If you can't defeat me in our darkest era, you will have no chance now.



On the left are Chinese soldiers. On the right is a member of the Japanese Self-Defense Force. This photo was taken during the United Nations peacekeeping exercise in Mongolia. The difference is obvious, right?


In that desperate and dark era, countless Chinese people stayed and fought to save China. Overseas Chinese also donated a lot of money and materials to resist Japanese aggression. Now we will do the same.


Since 2013, at any point in time, the entire Japanese navy has been built in China when it is under the shelter of the United States, which means that the scale of the Chinese navy is equivalent to that of the entire Japanese navy every three years.


Every year, the number and gross tonnage of newly built warships in China ranks first in the world.



The army and the air force are also carrying out similar modernization. The absolute value of China's military expenditure is only the second place, but since most things are made domestically, the purchasing power index is more important here. China also spends a high proportion on hardware.


As of this year (2020), the GDP of China's industrial sector may be comparable to the GDP of the United States and the European Union combined.


Really, this is a stupid question.


Finally, I think Japan can't invade China now. They are more worried that they can't deal with China alone. That's why they cling to the American thigh.




China today is completely different from China when Japan invaded China in the 1930s. At that time, China's military strength was weak, most of the population was poor, and lacked education and skills.



Today's China is another matter. She is strong militarily, strong and diverse economically, her young people are well educated, and her government is strong. The Chinese people are also very nationalistic. This is important because those who believe in their country will fight for their country.


I think Japan knows this. Because China is strong, she concluded that Japan needs to defend China strongly, just like China and the United States. After all, she is allied with the United States. The United States will rearm her!


China has seen the US attempt to surround China with military power. China sees this and plans its future defense. She is friendly with Russia. She has signed long-term contracts with Russia for oil, natural gas and grain, and jointly developed new technologies. China's "the Belt and Road" initiative provides alternative logistics routes for raw materials and energy. Her "South China Sea" construction is to protect the sea route, because the United States has received support from Singapore for naval maintenance and refueling capabilities. This is like a game of "Go", and China knows the strategy and tactics of this game very well.


If Japan does so at this time, the United States will not only stand by and try to contain it, but Japan may be conquered by China in a few months.


Japan may be hundreds of kilometers away from China's coastline at most, and then its entire navy will be hit and sink to the sea bottom. When they reach the point where they will die, all air bases and important infrastructure in Japan will be attacked by missiles, and most of the Japanese air force will fall.


A large-scale air and missile attack will strike Japan for several weeks. During this period, the Chinese army will be ready and permanently end the threat of Japan. They will receive the moral support of most people in the world. No one will help Japan. The United Nations will also condemn Japan's aggression and cheer for China.


Japan will be unable to resist, their ground forces will be bombed and surrendered before landing, and the Chinese army will mop up the rest, and Japan will no longer exist.


I can answer the technical questions, missiles, ships and aircraft, but it is really unnecessary. The fact is that Japan is not even able to invade the Philippines. I believe they can start to cause a little offensive damage to it at most.




I am looking forward to it. Don't get me wrong. Chinese people love peace and don't want to waste their lives in war.


However, as a Chinese, anger against the Japanese is built up bit by bit in our daily life.


From the 731 troops, a biological weapon used to carry out human experiments on Chinese civilians, to the Nanjing Massacre, millions of innocent Chinese were killed by the martyrs legally elected by Japan, which was supported by the main population of Japan. They all happened less than 80 years ago.



After the Second World War, peace was restored in East Asia. Interestingly, the Japanese also accused the Chinese of not forgiving them.


Well, that's probably because they never really apologize, right?


If the Japanese dare to invade China again without the help of other countries, the Chinese People's Liberation Army is confident to defeat their plot as it did 70 years ago.


Since ancient times, Japan has been coveting China, but it was not until China was weakened in the last period of the Qing Dynasty that Japan was able to make significant progress in confronting China.


In the first Sino-Japanese War, Japan invaded and occupied Taiwan Province. Then, Japan invaded and occupied Manchuria, basically without resistance; When they later arrived in other parts of China, World War II broke out.


The Japanese are better armed in all aspects and boast that they can conquer the whole territory of China in three months. The Chinese have no heavy weapons and can only use rifles, pistols and knives against tanks, artillery and aircraft. If the Chinese people had resisted for eight years, and the situation was so bad for them, they could insist on it. What is the reason why people today do not stay to fight for the country?


The Japanese committed unspeakable atrocities against the Chinese, both captured soldiers and civilians, including the Nanjing Massacre (the 80th anniversary of December 13), which killed a total of 35 million Chinese. Japan was in trouble in China, and the Chinese theater was integrated into the Pacific War of the Second World War, and finally Japan was defeated.


This time is very different from before. China now has a strong army. This will be an interesting thing. If Japan invades China again, Japan will be wiped out, which is also the charm. Because there is no excuse for the third invasion, Japan's destruction will be caused by itself.



中国网友Jacky Liu的回答

First of all, China's military power has now made the enemy shudder. Therefore, if Japan wants to invade us, we can fight back directly and violently.


Second, as we all know, China is the largest developing country with a broad international market and production orders. It is believed that even the Japanese flag is made in China. China is Japan's second largest exporter. If there is a war, Japan will be blocked by the Chinese market, and all products will be unsalable. Japan's economy will decline sharply.


Third, this is not 1945. China is one of the permanent members of the United Nations. Any country's external military action needs to be approved by China, which means that China has the veto power.


Fourth, in 2017, China's GDP ranked second in the world and will surpass the United States. In those days of the Anti-Japanese War, China was not as good as India, but China still won.


Finally, I hope that the Chinese and the Japanese can maintain friendship. After all, we are all Asians. The war will destroy everything, but nothing will be achieved.



海外网友Decided Anni的回答

The problem with the narrative about Japan's "invasion" of China is that it conveniently ignores the humiliation of China by western countries in the past hundred years.


This is the era of colonialism and "capital game". For a hundred years, the UK has been systematically destabilizing China, using some rather offensive strategies, such as trying to make a considerable number of Chinese people take opium.


What many historians have covered up is that although the spears of Britain took the lead in the Opium War, the United States also participated in it, actively destroying China's internal affairs and causing a large number of deaths in China.


The death toll caused by these wars is usually reported as a relatively small number, hundreds of people died, but the actual death toll is thousands of times higher - but no one cared that the Chinese people used the drugs pushed by the United Kingdom and the United States to anesthetize themselves to death, so we took these regrettably inaccurate figures as the death toll. We know that the scope of opium addiction is so extensive that it has destroyed the stability of the entire Chinese society, so the death toll must reach millions, even tens of millions.


It is also often overlooked that the Japanese did not directly seize Manchuria from China - they seized Manchuria from Russia during the Japan-Russian War (1904 – 05), when Russia announced its intention to seize the northern part of North Korea.


What can we learn from it? Without the intervention, abuse and colonialism of Britain, the United States and Russia for a hundred years, it would be impossible for Japan to conquer China.


Although Japan's atrocities in China are unforgivable, I am not satisfied with the interpretation of this conflict, because the negligence of this interpretation provides an excuse for the unforgivable acts of the United States, Britain and Russia. The simple answer is that if it were not for these countries, Japan's abuse would never happen.


Since the end of World War II, Japan has not been occupied by the United States, and its Constitution has also been revised by General MacArthur. The revised Japanese Constitution is also known as the "Peace Constitution", according to which Japan renounces the right to declare war and disbands its army and navy.


Japan has only one force called the "Self-Defense Force", not the army. It works closely with the United States Navy that occupied Japan. If Japan wants to launch a war of aggression against China, it needs another Hitler or Tojo to abrogate its "peace agreement". I believe that if there is such a person, the CIA will immediately launch a coup to defend the interests of the United States in Japan. Guess what? Such an invasion would surely fail before Japan boarded the Chinese coastline.


And the Chinese will definitely fight back. Many of them hate Japan, and some even go to extremes. There is no doubt that there are also a few people who like to be Japanese and are called "Seiko", but this number is really small. The reason why they think so is that they may be treated unfairly or have unrealistic illusions about Japan. In addition, they are the opportunity seekers waiting for the side station. They will choose which side wins. They are not so reliable. Those who betray their motherland will betray anyone.


It is obvious that China is not what it used to be. They can manufacture various advanced weapons according to military needs. Millions of engineers and technicians graduate every year, forming the largest talent pool. Considering the explosion of China's first atomic bomb, it would be a wise choice for the rest of the world not to be involved in the war of aggression against China.







