• 01月10日 星期五


近日,詹姆斯库克大学“循环经济+可持续发展项目”成员与世界经济论坛“加速可持续生产计划”的Mr Ian Cronin进行会面,分享了有助于推动创新并带来有效业务成果的项目。

从左至右:Siiri Hatakka-Everledger研究分析师;Ian Cronin-日内瓦世界经济论坛“生产体系倡议的未来”项目负责人;Adrian Kuah-詹姆斯库克大学新加坡校区商学院副教授;Mohan Jacob-詹姆斯库克大学科学与工程学院研究教育副院长兼电气与电子工程系主任





詹姆斯库克大学新加坡校区商学院Associate Professor Adrian Kuah作为詹姆斯库克大学代表团负责人,受邀出席世界经济论坛本次会议。与他同行的还有大学常务副校长兼新加坡校区校长Professor Chris Rudd OBE;大学科学与工程学院研究教育副院长兼电气与电子工程系主任Professor Mohan Jacob;凯恩斯研究所所长Distinguished Professor Stewart Lockie。

Professor Rudd分享道:“这次活动无论对我们自身还是制造业来说,都是一个可以促进尖端工作的好机会。这些想法就可以获得技术和资源,从而为世界带来积极的变化。”

10月30日,Associate Professor Kuah与Professor Jacob在布里斯班向世界经济论坛的代表们展示了一系列循环经济项目。在这些项目中,有一项值得关注的涉及微波辅助热解的废物转化能源研究。

Associate Professor Kuah目前是ISO/TC 323循环经济委员会成员。近期因在实现联合国可持续发展目标方面的杰出贡献,而成为2019年“热带生态奖”的联合得主。同时,Professor Jacob在2015年获得“热带生态研究卓越奖”。

Associate Professor Kuah获得2019年“热带生态奖”

在阐述世界经济论坛与詹姆斯库克大学的关系时,Associate Professor Kuah说:“世界经济论坛非常有意向将詹姆斯库克大学在昆士兰和新加坡所做的工作作为论坛的范例。他们也有意向在年底前,在新加坡成立一个加速可持续生产的工作组,大学很高兴能参与其中。”

此外,Mr Cronin和昆士兰州首席企业家Ms Leanne Kemp于10月31日和11月1日访问了汤斯维尔和凯恩斯。在那里,大学“循环经济+可持续发展项目”团队的高级成员——Professor Mohan Jacob和Distinguished Professor Stewart Lockie与他们会面,进一步促进了大学通过技术、社会科学、科学和商业,来为昆士兰和世界创造一个可持续的未来的兴趣。


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Members of James Cook University’s Circular Economy + Sustainability (CES) Program recently met with Mr Ian Cronin of the World Economic Forum (WEF), Accelerating Sustainable Production Program, to share projects that can help drive innovation and deliver more effective business outcomes.

From left to right: Siiri Hatakka, Research Analyst, Business Development at Everledger; Ian Cronin, Project Lead, Future of Production System Initiative, World Economic Forum Geneva; Adrian Kuah, Associate Professor, Business at James Cook University in Singapore; and Mohan Jacob, Associate Dean, Research Education of the College of Science & Engineering, and Head of Electrical and Electronics Engineering at James Cook University

After all, Queensland is looking to capitalise on the potential of rapid technological advances to open windows of opportunity into a global leadership in manufacturing. To help develop this potential, the Office of the Queensland Chief Entrepreneur (OQCE) arranged a series of meetings, taking place from 28 October 2019 to 1 November 2019, between representatives from the World Economic Forum and innovative startups & companies that have projects related to Advanced Manufacturing processes and the Circular Economy.

The CES Program at James Cook University (JCU) aims to develop innovative tools to measure social and environmental values. The program also aims to evaluate practical steps which businesses and governments can take to align their financial, societal and environmental goals to activities that build greater economic, social and ecological values.

The interdisciplinary team — comprising of scientists, engineers, and social scientists at JCU tri-campuses — works towards the following Sustainable Development Goals:

No poverty

Zero hunger

Decent work and economic growth

Industry, innovation and infrastructure

Responsible consumption and production

Dr Adrian Kuah, Associate Professor of Business at JCU in Singapore, was invited to head the JCU contingent at this meeting with the WEF. He was joined by Professor Chris Rudd OBE, Deputy Vice Chancellor and Head of Campus, Singapore for JCU; Professor Mohan Jacob, Associate Dean of Research Education for the College of Science and Engineering, and Head of Electrical and Electronics Engineering at JCU; and Distinguished Professor Stewart Lockie, Director of The Cairns Institute.

Sharing his thoughts about this opportunity, Professor Rudd said, “This event is a great opportunity for ourselves and the manufacturing community to promote cutting-edge work, so that these ideas can receive the skills and resources to create positive change in the world.”

Together with Professor Jacob, Associate Professor Kuah showcased a number of circular economy projects to representatives of the WEF in Brisbane on 30 October. Among these projects was a noteworthy waste-to-energy research involving microwave-assisted pyrolysis.

Associate Professor Kuah, current NMC Member for the ISO/TC 323 on the Circular Economy, was recently awarded the joint winner of the JCU TropEco Award 2019 for his outstanding contributions toward addressing the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Meanwhile, Professor Jacob received his TropEco Research Excellence Award in 2015.

Elaborating on the relationship between WEF and James Cook University, Associate Professor Kuah said, “The WEF is very interested to capture the work that we do in Queensland and Singapore as exemplars at the Forum. They will also be interested to form a working group on Accelerating Sustainable Production in Singapore towards the end of the year which we will be excited to be part of.”

Furthermore, Mr Cronin and Queensland’s Chief Entrepreneur, Ms Leanne Kemp, visited Townsville on 31 October and Cairns on 1 November. There, senior members of the CES team — Professor Mohan Jacob and Distinguished Professor Stewart Lockie — met them to further JCU’s interest in using technology, social science, sciences, and business to create a more sustainable future for Queensland and the world.

Find further information on our areas of research and research strength at James Cook University in Singapore here: https://www.jcu.edu.sg/research.


​ 2019年最新官方数据 新加坡永久居民获批,9年以来最高 公民获批,11年最高




